Mark Moses is hung like a horse!
(too old to reply)
2005-11-07 17:14:14 UTC
He sure loves to wear those tight jeans that show it all. I remember when
he guested on Golden Girls as Blanche's dead husband's illegitimate son
those jeans were on so tight you could clearly see his huge bulging ballsack
hanging halfway down his leg. Last night on DH they shot the back and he's
also got a nice little *tight* ass. He's got it all! No wonder he never
takes those jeans off. Today he was wearing them on The View. He likes to
share that bounty with the world.
2005-11-07 19:52:20 UTC
Post by yum.yum
He sure loves to wear those tight jeans that show it all. I
remember when
Post by yum.yum
he guested on Golden Girls as Blanche's dead husband's illegitimate son
those jeans were on so tight you could clearly see his huge bulging ballsack
hanging halfway down his leg. Last night on DH they shot the back and he's
also got a nice little *tight* ass. He's got it all! No wonder he never
takes those jeans off. Today he was wearing them on The View. He likes to
share that bounty with the world.
I've never been able to get excited over a guy with low hanging balls.
I mean, there isn't much a guy can do to you as a woman with those
things. All he can do is play with himself. I once had a boyfriend
with low hangers and his schtick was that he could fuck himself in the
ass with his balls. He showed me once too. Shoved them both up his
asshole. He thought it was hilarious. I was grossed out. And his
dick was tiny. Talk about asymmetry. Then I had another boyfriend
who had a huge dick but tiny balls. He too could fuck himself, but
with his dick. What is it about guys fucking things, including

But what I really want to know is ... isn't Desperate Housewives
supposed to be set in Chicago? Yet it's always sunny and warm, the
trees and flowers always blooming, the women are always in their
skimpy outfits, T's and A's hanging out all over the place. What I
wanna know is ... where's the snow???
Elmo P. Shagnasty
2005-11-07 21:35:28 UTC
Post by rose.p
But what I really want to know is ... isn't Desperate Housewives
supposed to be set in Chicago?

Never was.

A couple of weeks ago, they showed an envelope with a full address.
Completely phony, even the state.

I can go back and look at it to see if you'd like.
2005-11-08 02:58:20 UTC
Post by Elmo P. Shagnasty
Post by rose.p
But what I really want to know is ... isn't Desperate Housewives
supposed to be set in Chicago?
Never was.
A couple of weeks ago, they showed an envelope with a full address.
Completely phony, even the state.
I can go back and look at it to see if you'd like.
That'd be AWESOME to create a fake state. Maybe they'd like to claim PEI
(Prince Edward Island).
2005-11-10 14:16:36 UTC
Post by Taylor
Post by Elmo P. Shagnasty
Post by rose.p
But what I really want to know is ... isn't Desperate Housewives
supposed to be set in Chicago?
Never was.
A couple of weeks ago, they showed an envelope with a full address.
Completely phony, even the state.
I can go back and look at it to see if you'd like.
That'd be AWESOME to create a fake state. Maybe they'd like to claim
PEI (Prince Edward Island).
How about the Manic State?

2005-11-07 22:37:43 UTC
Post by rose.p
But what I really want to know is ... isn't Desperate Housewives
supposed to be set in Chicago? Yet it's always sunny and warm, the
trees and flowers always blooming, the women are always in their
skimpy outfits, T's and A's hanging out all over the place. What I
wanna know is ... where's the snow???
It's been debated endlessly in other forums. Their lisence plates read:
The Eagle State, which no plate in the 50s does. It's fictional.
Definately SEEMS like California, especially since Christmas came and
went last year without a single flake of snow.

I think they like keeping it fictional so they can bend the rules as
they see fit. It's too rural/small town for former Supermodel Gabby to
work as a model, and yet, so urban that vodka producers run their
multi-million dollar ad campaigns from it. It's also urban enough to
have a ghetto that Susan wandered around in last season.
2005-11-07 23:16:17 UTC
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Post by rose.p
But what I really want to know is ... isn't Desperate Housewives
supposed to be set in Chicago? Yet it's always sunny and warm, the
trees and flowers always blooming, the women are always in their
skimpy outfits, T's and A's hanging out all over the place. What I
wanna know is ... where's the snow???
The Eagle State, which no plate in the 50s does. It's fictional.
Definately SEEMS like California, especially since Christmas came and
went last year without a single flake of snow.
Yeah at first I thought it was California too, it definitely looks
California-ish. But then I saw the episode where the Alfre Woodard
character was watching what looked like the local news and saw the
breaking news about the criminal she's hiding in her basement and
immediately wrote a note to the Chicago Police to let them know they
have the wrong guy. So I thought, hmmm, maybe Hysteria Lane is in a
Chicago suburb that has California-like weather all year long. :)
Post by b***@yahoo.com
I think they like keeping it fictional so they can bend the rules as
they see fit. It's too rural/small town for former Supermodel Gabby to
work as a model, and yet, so urban that vodka producers run their
multi-million dollar ad campaigns from it. It's also urban enough to
have a ghetto that Susan wandered around in last season.
This subject reminds me, wasn't there some famous Hollywood star that
got his balls pinned back or had ball reduction surgery or something
because he was tired of dragging his balls on the ground when he
walked or something like that?
Robert Haines
2005-11-08 02:50:49 UTC
Post by rose.p
This subject reminds me, wasn't there some famous Hollywood star that
got his balls pinned back or had ball reduction surgery or something
because he was tired of dragging his balls on the ground when he
walked or something like that?
You are correct sir..I believe it was Mr.Ed.
2005-11-08 03:28:37 UTC
Post by Robert Haines
Post by rose.p
This subject reminds me, wasn't there some famous Hollywood star that
got his balls pinned back or had ball reduction surgery or something
because he was tired of dragging his balls on the ground when he
walked or something like that?
You are correct sir..I believe it was Mr.Ed.
I thought that was Milton Berle.
John Gilmer
2005-11-08 03:26:18 UTC
Post by rose.p
This subject reminds me, wasn't there some famous Hollywood star that
got his balls pinned back or had ball reduction surgery or something
because he was tired of dragging his balls on the ground when he
walked or something like that?
Some years ago G. Gordon Liddy (of Watergate) said on his talk show that he
had such an operation.

He has been in a few "made for TV" movies and was a near "regular" of Miami
Vice. But he was hardly a star.
2005-11-08 03:09:30 UTC
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Post by rose.p
But what I really want to know is ... isn't Desperate Housewives
supposed to be set in Chicago? Yet it's always sunny and warm, the
trees and flowers always blooming, the women are always in their
skimpy outfits, T's and A's hanging out all over the place. What I
wanna know is ... where's the snow???
The Eagle State, which no plate in the 50s does. It's fictional.
Definately SEEMS like California, especially since Christmas came and
went last year without a single flake of snow.
I think they like keeping it fictional so they can bend the rules as
they see fit. It's too rural/small town for former Supermodel Gabby to
work as a model, and yet, so urban that vodka producers run their
multi-million dollar ad campaigns from it. It's also urban enough to
have a ghetto that Susan wandered around in last season.
Mark Moses is in Big Mama's House II???!!! They're _actually filiming_ a
Big Mama's House II???!!! A studio _actually greenlighted_ a Bib Mama's
House II???!!! I think you're missing the big picture here, folks. lol

They should make it like California FINALLY broke off of the U.S. west
coast and drifted 5 miles out to see and became its own country. Hell,
that'd make a good episode of Commander In Chief!
Elmo P. Shagnasty
2005-11-08 00:16:18 UTC
Post by rose.p
But what I really want to know is ... isn't Desperate Housewives
supposed to be set in Chicago?
No. Definitively no.

In Season 2, episode 5, entitled "They Asked Me Why I Believe In You,"
at about 11-12 minutes into the show, Betty gets her mail--and in it is
a manila envelope that's not hers.

It is addressed to:

Mr. Zach Young
4352 Wisteria Lane
Fairview ES U.S.A.

So now you know where the show is set--in the city of Fairview, ES
(wherever you wish that to be).

But it is not Chicago, and it is not California. It is not anywhere.
It's a fictional place.

Betty walks over to the Young house to deliver this envelope, and she
shoves it into a US Mail tub that's sitting on the porch--along with a
few other tubs stacked up. The mail is just sitting there, in the open,
all piled up, waiting for Paul to return...
Donna B
2005-11-08 00:43:39 UTC
In rec.arts.tv on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 19:16:18 -0500 in Msg.#
Post by Elmo P. Shagnasty
Post by rose.p
But what I really want to know is ... isn't Desperate Housewives
supposed to be set in Chicago?
Mr. Zach Young
4352 Wisteria Lane
Fairview ES U.S.A.
So now you know where the show is set--in the city of Fairview, ES
(wherever you wish that to be).
Chicago, hmm, wonder where that came from. Last year we tried to figure it
out, in a real location, after the episode which featured, what, the fresh

There are only so many states in the US which have a natural avocado growing
season at all, for example.
Donna B 8^> shallotpeel <*>

"A bird can fly, but a fly can't bird." - Tao of Pooh
2005-11-08 03:22:25 UTC
Post by Donna B
In rec.arts.tv on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 19:16:18 -0500 in Msg.#
Post by Elmo P. Shagnasty
Post by rose.p
But what I really want to know is ... isn't Desperate Housewives
supposed to be set in Chicago?
Mr. Zach Young
4352 Wisteria Lane
Fairview ES U.S.A.
So now you know where the show is set--in the city of Fairview, ES
(wherever you wish that to be).
Chicago, hmm, wonder where that came from. Last year we tried to figure it
out, in a real location, after the episode which featured, what, the fresh
There are only so many states in the US which have a natural avocado growing
season at all, for example.
:-p DUMMIES, Canada doesn't exist to you people (Americans), so
technically, the great state of "ES" is the largest state in your 51
state country! Viva America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2005-11-08 15:31:02 UTC
Taylor wrote:
:-p DUMMIES, Canada doesn't exist to you people (Americans), so
Post by Taylor
technically, the great state of "ES" is the largest state in your 51
state country! Viva America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, it's probably America, since Carlos seems to be following the
court & penitentionary system of the US. The ease with which
characators move suggests there are no immigration concerns.

Beside, is there an area of Canada where it doesn't get cold in
Elmo P. Shagnasty
2005-11-08 11:28:08 UTC
Post by Donna B
Post by Elmo P. Shagnasty
Mr. Zach Young
4352 Wisteria Lane
Fairview ES U.S.A.
So now you know where the show is set--in the city of Fairview, ES
(wherever you wish that to be).
Chicago, hmm, wonder where that came from.
It came from people not paying attention. Betty wrote the Chicago
police, who were holding the wrong man for the death of that little girl.

You saw that, and assumed the Chicago police were the local police.
2005-11-08 19:22:32 UTC
Post by Donna B
In rec.arts.tv on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 19:16:18 -0500 in Msg.#
Post by Elmo P. Shagnasty
Post by rose.p
But what I really want to know is ... isn't Desperate Housewives
supposed to be set in Chicago?
Mr. Zach Young
4352 Wisteria Lane
Fairview ES U.S.A.
So now you know where the show is set--in the city of Fairview, ES
(wherever you wish that to be).
Chicago, hmm, wonder where that came from. Last year we tried to figure it
out, in a real location, after the episode which featured, what, the fresh
There are only so many states in the US which have a natural avocado growing
season at all, for example.
Donna B 8^> shallotpeel <*>
"A bird can fly, but a fly can't bird." - Tao of Pooh
Chicago came up because someone on the show(Martha Huber or her sister,
as I recall)
had a Chicago Tribune delivered. The Tribune published a still from
the show to prove it.

Rob Jensen
2005-11-08 08:39:51 UTC
On Mon, 07 Nov 2005 19:16:18 -0500, "Elmo P. Shagnasty"
Post by Elmo P. Shagnasty
Mr. Zach Young
4352 Wisteria Lane
Fairview ES U.S.A.
Obviously, Estonia becomes the first Soviet breakaway republic to join
the US.

-- Rob
LORELAI: In the movie, only boy hobbits travel to Mount
Doom, but that's only because the girls went to do something
even more dangerous.
GIRL: What?
LORELAI: Have you ever heard of a Brazilian Bikini Wax?
Elmo P. Shagnasty
2005-11-08 11:27:00 UTC
Post by Rob Jensen
Post by Elmo P. Shagnasty
Mr. Zach Young
4352 Wisteria Lane
Fairview ES U.S.A.
Obviously, Estonia becomes the first Soviet breakaway republic to join
the US.
Well, that was my first thought, too...
Maureen Goldman
2005-11-08 18:50:49 UTC
Post by Elmo P. Shagnasty
In Season 2, episode 5, entitled "They Asked Me Why I Believe In You,"
at about 11-12 minutes into the show, Betty gets her mail--and in it is
a manila envelope that's not hers.
Mr. Zach Young
4352 Wisteria Lane
Fairview ES U.S.A.
So now you know where the show is set--in the city of Fairview, ES
(wherever you wish that to be).
Wasn't Wisteria Lane established as being in the non-existent Eagle
Elmo P. Shagnasty
2005-11-08 20:59:37 UTC
Post by Maureen Goldman
Post by Elmo P. Shagnasty
So now you know where the show is set--in the city of Fairview, ES
(wherever you wish that to be).
Wasn't Wisteria Lane established as being in the non-existent Eagle
Could be. Can you come up with an episode summary where that was
mentioned? Between the DVDs and my ReplayTV, I have them all. I can go
Maureen Goldman
2005-11-08 22:06:05 UTC
Maureen Goldman
Post by Maureen Goldman
Wasn't Wisteria Lane established as being in the non-existent Eagle
Could be. Can you come up with an episode summary where that was
mentioned? Between the DVDs and my ReplayTV, I have them all. I can go
Can't pinpoint episodes, sorry, but you'll see quite a few mentions if
you google desperate housewives eagle state. Apparently Edie has Eagle
State on her license plates.
2005-11-08 02:48:37 UTC
Moses Gunn ('Roots'; 'Good Times')
Post by yum.yum
Post by yum.yum
He sure loves to wear those tight jeans that show it all. I
remember when
Post by yum.yum
he guested on Golden Girls as Blanche's dead husband's illegitimate
Post by yum.yum
those jeans were on so tight you could clearly see his huge bulging
Post by yum.yum
hanging halfway down his leg. Last night on DH they shot the back
and he's
Post by yum.yum
also got a nice little *tight* ass. He's got it all! No wonder he
Post by yum.yum
takes those jeans off. Today he was wearing them on The View. He
likes to
Post by yum.yum
share that bounty with the world.
I've never been able to get excited over a guy with low hanging balls.
I mean, there isn't much a guy can do to you as a woman with those
things. All he can do is play with himself. I once had a boyfriend
with low hangers and his schtick was that he could fuck himself in the
ass with his balls. He showed me once too. Shoved them both up his
asshole. He thought it was hilarious. I was grossed out. And his
dick was tiny. Talk about asymmetry. Then I had another boyfriend
who had a huge dick but tiny balls. He too could fuck himself, but
with his dick. What is it about guys fucking things, including
Yeah, but there's two types of testicles. There's the large
softball-type "boulder" balls. There's also the low-hanging "golfball"
balls in a loose skin sack. If he's the second, you can nicely put each
one in your mouth and roll them around and suck on the 'nut'.

Now if you have low-hanging balls and your dick (including dickhead) can
hang PAST the balls, then you _truly_ got yourself a hung man.
Post by yum.yum
But what I really want to know is ... isn't Desperate Housewives
supposed to be set in Chicago? Yet it's always sunny and warm, the
trees and flowers always blooming, the women are always in their
skimpy outfits, T's and A's hanging out all over the place. What I
wanna know is ... where's the snow???
I thought it was set in like, Socal or something because it never snows.
2005-11-08 02:07:05 UTC
Moses Gunn
Post by yum.yum
He sure loves to wear those tight jeans that show it all. I remember when
he guested on Golden Girls as Blanche's dead husband's illegitimate son
those jeans were on so tight you could clearly see his huge bulging ballsack
hanging halfway down his leg. Last night on DH they shot the back and he's
also got a nice little *tight* ass. He's got it all! No wonder he never
takes those jeans off. Today he was wearing them on The View. He likes to
share that bounty with the world.
That's good to know. (Mark) Moses has a huge cock. So let's see it.