Russians govt. admits contacts with Trump campaign. And so it begins.
(too old to reply)
2016-11-10 23:08:38 UTC
The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect
Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and
knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told
the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a
puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader,
Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian
government during the campaign.
But in comments that could prove politically awkward for the
president-elect, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said
there had indeed been some communications.
"There were contacts," Interfax cited Ryabkov as saying. "We are doing
this and have been doing this during the election campaign."
Such contacts would continue, he added, saying the Russian government
knew and had been in touch with many of Trump's closest allies. He did
not name names.
"Obviously, we know most of the people from his (Trump's) entourage.
Those people have always been in the limelight in the United States and
have occupied high-ranking positions," he said.
"I cannot say that all of them, but quite a few have been staying in
touch with Russian representatives."
Moscow was just beginning to consider how to go about setting up more
formal channels to communicate with the future Trump administration,
said Ryabkov.
to know our greatest geopolitical enemy has been in contact with a
prospective president... it's real comforting. For the Kremlin.

Maybe he'll even give a few minutes of thought about Americans, once
he's all done doing Vladimir Putin's bidding.

Donald J. "Cheeto Benito" Trump on Vladimir Putin
11-10-16: “I got to know him very well because we were both on ‘60
Minutes,’ we were stablemates, and we did very well that night.”
-Donald J. Trump

7-27-16: “I never met Putin. I don’t know who Putin is." -Donald J. Trump
2016-11-11 04:45:32 UTC
Post by FPP
The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect
Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and
knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told
the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a
puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader,
Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian
government during the campaign.
But in comments that could prove politically awkward for the
president-elect, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said
there had indeed been some communications.
"There were contacts," Interfax cited Ryabkov as saying. "We are doing
this and have been doing this during the election campaign."
Such contacts would continue, he added, saying the Russian government
knew and had been in touch with many of Trump's closest allies. He did
not name names.
"Obviously, we know most of the people from his (Trump's) entourage.
Those people have always been in the limelight in the United States and
have occupied high-ranking positions," he said.
"I cannot say that all of them, but quite a few have been staying in
touch with Russian representatives."
Moscow was just beginning to consider how to go about setting up more
formal channels to communicate with the future Trump administration,
said Ryabkov.
to know our greatest geopolitical enemy has been in contact with a
prospective president... it's real comforting. For the Kremlin.
Maybe he'll even give a few minutes of thought about Americans, once
he's all done doing Vladimir Putin's bidding.
It appears FPP is still hungover from the Clinton Koolaide.

Did you know Democrat Kennedy had secret correspondence with Russia before JFK was assassinated? Do you know why?

Do you even care?

“It's that everything [in the Cold War in 1962-1963] was totally out of control and then, through a kind of incredible process where these two men were communicating secretly with each other over the year previous [Sep 1962-63], and smuggling letters back and forth to each other, in the midst of this conflict, they were beginning to trust each other.... It's a remarkable process. And it's all beneath the surface. But so are all the things that count as Merton understood.... And that's why I have some hopes that if we are willing to go deeply enough into the darkness – and Kennedy was, and Khrushchev was – anything can happen for the good. But if we don't go into the darkness it doesn't happen.”

Jim Douglass, author of JFK and The Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters
2016-11-11 13:45:12 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by FPP
The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect
Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and
knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told
the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a
puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader,
Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian
government during the campaign.
But in comments that could prove politically awkward for the
president-elect, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said
there had indeed been some communications.
"There were contacts," Interfax cited Ryabkov as saying. "We are doing
this and have been doing this during the election campaign."
Such contacts would continue, he added, saying the Russian government
knew and had been in touch with many of Trump's closest allies. He did
not name names.
"Obviously, we know most of the people from his (Trump's) entourage.
Those people have always been in the limelight in the United States and
have occupied high-ranking positions," he said.
"I cannot say that all of them, but quite a few have been staying in
touch with Russian representatives."
Moscow was just beginning to consider how to go about setting up more
formal channels to communicate with the future Trump administration,
said Ryabkov.
to know our greatest geopolitical enemy has been in contact with a
prospective president... it's real comforting. For the Kremlin.
Maybe he'll even give a few minutes of thought about Americans, once
he's all done doing Vladimir Putin's bidding.
It appears FPP is still hungover from the Clinton Koolaide.
Did you know Democrat Kennedy had secret correspondence with Russia before JFK was assassinated? Do you know why?
Do you even care?
“It's that everything [in the Cold War in 1962-1963] was totally out of control and then, through a kind of incredible process where these two men were communicating secretly with each other over the year previous [Sep 1962-63], and smuggling letters back and forth to each other, in the midst of this conflict, they were beginning to trust each other.... It's a remarkable process. And it's all beneath the surface. But so are all the things that count as Merton understood.... And that's why I have some hopes that if we are willing to go deeply enough into the darkness – and Kennedy was, and Khrushchev was – anything can happen for the good. But if we don't go into the darkness it doesn't happen.”
Jim Douglass, author of JFK and The Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters
Donald Trump is no Jack Kennedy.
-Lloyd Bentsen, from the grave
- - - - - - - -
YOUR taste at work...
2016-11-11 13:59:21 UTC
Post by moviePig
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by FPP
The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect
Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and
knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told
the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a
puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader,
Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian
government during the campaign.
But in comments that could prove politically awkward for the
president-elect, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said
there had indeed been some communications.
"There were contacts," Interfax cited Ryabkov as saying. "We are doing
this and have been doing this during the election campaign."
Such contacts would continue, he added, saying the Russian government
knew and had been in touch with many of Trump's closest allies. He did
not name names.
"Obviously, we know most of the people from his (Trump's) entourage.
Those people have always been in the limelight in the United States and
have occupied high-ranking positions," he said.
"I cannot say that all of them, but quite a few have been staying in
touch with Russian representatives."
Moscow was just beginning to consider how to go about setting up more
formal channels to communicate with the future Trump administration,
said Ryabkov.

Post by moviePig
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by FPP
know our greatest geopolitical enemy has been in contact with a
prospective president... it's real comforting. For the Kremlin.
Maybe he'll even give a few minutes of thought about Americans, once
he's all done doing Vladimir Putin's bidding.
Post by moviePig
Post by t***@gmail.com
appears FPP is still hungover from the Clinton Koolaide.
Did you know Democrat Kennedy had secret correspondence with Russia
before JFK was assassinated? Do you know why?
Do you even care?
“It's that everything [in the Cold War in 1962-1963] was totally out of
control and then, through a kind of incredible process where these two
men were communicating secretly with each other over the year previous
[Sep 1962-63], and smuggling letters back and forth to each other, in
the midst of this conflict, they were beginning to trust each other....
It's a remarkable process. And it's all beneath the surface. But so are
all the things that count as Merton understood.... And that's why I
have some hopes that if we are willing to go deeply enough into the
darkness – and Kennedy was, and Khrushchev was – anything can happen
for the good. But if we don't go into the darkness it doesn't happen.”
Jim Douglass, author of JFK and The Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters
Donald Trump is no Jack Kennedy.
-Lloyd Bentsen, from the grave
Sorry, pig... but I have mime killfiled, so I'll have to reply through
your post. My apologies.

I don't give two fucks about Kennedy. This is the current pro-Russia
puppet-elect that won the contest with the help of Russian hackers,
their cut-out Wikileaks, and the FBI.

What Kennedy did is irrelevant. Trump's campaign had been in contact
with a foreign adversary that was actively hacking into Americans and
releasing as much damaging info as they could on his opponent. He
wasn't "corresponding" with Russia, he was colluding with them to
overthrow the democratic process.

Trump's campaign denied any contact. They lied about working with our
enemies, who went on to manipulate our elections.

What the fuck is so hard to understand. And, yeah, I know Kennedy's
history and the period in question. I remember it in fact. Kennedy
wasn't using a foreign power behind the back of the American people to
damage a US election, was he?

No... didn't think so.
"How will History judge America if it elects a madman because his
opponent used work email at home?" -Washington Post (Apparently, we
are going to find out..)
2016-11-11 20:22:29 UTC
Post by moviePig
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by FPP
The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect
Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and
knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told
the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a
puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader,
Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian
government during the campaign.
But in comments that could prove politically awkward for the
president-elect, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said
there had indeed been some communications.
"There were contacts," Interfax cited Ryabkov as saying. "We are doing
this and have been doing this during the election campaign."
Such contacts would continue, he added, saying the Russian government
knew and had been in touch with many of Trump's closest allies. He did
not name names.
"Obviously, we know most of the people from his (Trump's) entourage.
Those people have always been in the limelight in the United States and
have occupied high-ranking positions," he said.
"I cannot say that all of them, but quite a few have been staying in
touch with Russian representatives."
Moscow was just beginning to consider how to go about setting up more
formal channels to communicate with the future Trump administration,
said Ryabkov.
to know our greatest geopolitical enemy has been in contact with a
prospective president... it's real comforting. For the Kremlin.
Maybe he'll even give a few minutes of thought about Americans, once
he's all done doing Vladimir Putin's bidding.
It appears FPP is still hungover from the Clinton Koolaide.
Did you know Democrat Kennedy had secret correspondence with Russia before JFK was assassinated? Do you know why?
Do you even care?
“It's that everything [in the Cold War in 1962-1963] was totally out of control and then, through a kind of incredible process where these two men were communicating secretly with each other over the year previous [Sep 1962-63], and smuggling letters back and forth to each other, in the midst of this conflict, they were beginning to trust each other.... It's a remarkable process. And it's all beneath the surface. But so are all the things that count as Merton understood.... And that's why I have some hopes that if we are willing to go deeply enough into the darkness – and Kennedy was, and Khrushchev was – anything can happen for the good. But if we don't go into the darkness it doesn't happen.”
Jim Douglass, author of JFK and The Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters
Donald Trump is no Jack Kennedy.
-Lloyd Bentsen, from the grave
LOL, I knew that was coming :)

And while we all know Trump is no Kennedy, we should all be aware that the two countries, USA and Russian, nuclear arsenals are far more lethal today than they were 50 years ago.

All we are saying is, give peace a chance!
2016-11-11 21:07:15 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by moviePig
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by FPP
The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect
Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and
knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told
the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a
puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader,
Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian
government during the campaign.
But in comments that could prove politically awkward for the
president-elect, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said
there had indeed been some communications.
"There were contacts," Interfax cited Ryabkov as saying. "We are doing
this and have been doing this during the election campaign."
Such contacts would continue, he added, saying the Russian government
knew and had been in touch with many of Trump's closest allies. He did
not name names.
"Obviously, we know most of the people from his (Trump's) entourage.
Those people have always been in the limelight in the United States and
have occupied high-ranking positions," he said.
"I cannot say that all of them, but quite a few have been staying in
touch with Russian representatives."
Moscow was just beginning to consider how to go about setting up more
formal channels to communicate with the future Trump administration,
said Ryabkov.
to know our greatest geopolitical enemy has been in contact with a
prospective president... it's real comforting. For the Kremlin.
Maybe he'll even give a few minutes of thought about Americans, once
he's all done doing Vladimir Putin's bidding.
It appears FPP is still hungover from the Clinton Koolaide.
Did you know Democrat Kennedy had secret correspondence with Russia before JFK was assassinated? Do you know why?
Do you even care?
“It's that everything [in the Cold War in 1962-1963] was totally out of control and then, through a kind of incredible process where these two men were communicating secretly with each other over the year previous [Sep 1962-63], and smuggling letters back and forth to each other, in the midst of this conflict, they were beginning to trust each other.... It's a remarkable process. And it's all beneath the surface. But so are all the things that count as Merton understood.... And that's why I have some hopes that if we are willing to go deeply enough into the darkness – and Kennedy was, and Khrushchev was – anything can happen for the good. But if we don't go into the darkness it doesn't happen.”
Jim Douglass, author of JFK and The Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters
Donald Trump is no Jack Kennedy.
-Lloyd Bentsen, from the grave
LOL, I knew that was coming :)
And while we all know Trump is no Kennedy, we should all be aware that the two countries, USA and Russian, nuclear arsenals are far more lethal today than they were 50 years ago.
All we are saying is, give peace a chance!
Somehow, I can't feel that putting a proudly limited thinker in charge
of the world's most powerful military raises peace's prospects.
- - - - - - - -
YOUR taste at work...
2016-11-11 21:24:33 UTC
Post by moviePig
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by moviePig
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by FPP
The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect
Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and
knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told
the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a
puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader,
Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian
government during the campaign.
But in comments that could prove politically awkward for the
president-elect, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said
there had indeed been some communications.
"There were contacts," Interfax cited Ryabkov as saying. "We are doing
this and have been doing this during the election campaign."
Such contacts would continue, he added, saying the Russian government
knew and had been in touch with many of Trump's closest allies. He did
not name names.
"Obviously, we know most of the people from his (Trump's) entourage.
Those people have always been in the limelight in the United States and
have occupied high-ranking positions," he said.
"I cannot say that all of them, but quite a few have been staying in
touch with Russian representatives."
Moscow was just beginning to consider how to go about setting up more
formal channels to communicate with the future Trump administration,
said Ryabkov.
to know our greatest geopolitical enemy has been in contact with a
prospective president... it's real comforting. For the Kremlin.
Maybe he'll even give a few minutes of thought about Americans, once
he's all done doing Vladimir Putin's bidding.
It appears FPP is still hungover from the Clinton Koolaide.
Did you know Democrat Kennedy had secret correspondence with Russia before JFK was assassinated? Do you know why?
Do you even care?
“It's that everything [in the Cold War in 1962-1963] was totally out of control and then, through a kind of incredible process where these two men were communicating secretly with each other over the year previous [Sep 1962-63], and smuggling letters back and forth to each other, in the midst of this conflict, they were beginning to trust each other.... It's a remarkable process. And it's all beneath the surface. But so are all the things that count as Merton understood.... And that's why I have some hopes that if we are willing to go deeply enough into the darkness – and Kennedy was, and Khrushchev was – anything can happen for the good. But if we don't go into the darkness it doesn't happen.”
Jim Douglass, author of JFK and The Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters
Donald Trump is no Jack Kennedy.
-Lloyd Bentsen, from the grave
LOL, I knew that was coming :)
And while we all know Trump is no Kennedy, we should all be aware that the two countries, USA and Russian, nuclear arsenals are far more lethal today than they were 50 years ago.
All we are saying is, give peace a chance!
Somehow, I can't feel that putting a proudly limited thinker in charge
of the world's most powerful military raises peace's prospects.
The ignoramus would have a difficult time just finding the nuclear launch button. On the other hand, the "wicked smart" one was far to eager to launch, even to the point where she inadvertently said, and I quote,

"What I said and what I mean is that there will have to be consequences for any violation by Iran and that the *nuclear* option should not at all be taken off the table. That has been my position consistently."

*nuclear* option

*nuclear* option

*nuclear* option

*nuclear* option

Understand the relationship between Russia, Syria, and Iran, and you will begin to understand the horrific implications of the Clinton Freudian slip.
2016-11-11 21:52:22 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by moviePig
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by moviePig
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by FPP
The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect
Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and
knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told
the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a
puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader,
Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian
government during the campaign.
But in comments that could prove politically awkward for the
president-elect, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said
there had indeed been some communications.
"There were contacts," Interfax cited Ryabkov as saying. "We are doing
this and have been doing this during the election campaign."
Such contacts would continue, he added, saying the Russian government
knew and had been in touch with many of Trump's closest allies. He did
not name names.
"Obviously, we know most of the people from his (Trump's) entourage.
Those people have always been in the limelight in the United States and
have occupied high-ranking positions," he said.
"I cannot say that all of them, but quite a few have been staying in
touch with Russian representatives."
Moscow was just beginning to consider how to go about setting up more
formal channels to communicate with the future Trump administration,
said Ryabkov.
to know our greatest geopolitical enemy has been in contact with a
prospective president... it's real comforting. For the Kremlin.
Maybe he'll even give a few minutes of thought about Americans, once
he's all done doing Vladimir Putin's bidding.
It appears FPP is still hungover from the Clinton Koolaide.
Did you know Democrat Kennedy had secret correspondence with Russia before JFK was assassinated? Do you know why?
Do you even care?
“It's that everything [in the Cold War in 1962-1963] was totally out of control and then, through a kind of incredible process where these two men were communicating secretly with each other over the year previous [Sep 1962-63], and smuggling letters back and forth to each other, in the midst of this conflict, they were beginning to trust each other.... It's a remarkable process. And it's all beneath the surface. But so are all the things that count as Merton understood.... And that's why I have some hopes that if we are willing to go deeply enough into the darkness – and Kennedy was, and Khrushchev was – anything can happen for the good. But if we don't go into the darkness it doesn't happen.”
Jim Douglass, author of JFK and The Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters
Donald Trump is no Jack Kennedy.
-Lloyd Bentsen, from the grave
LOL, I knew that was coming :)
And while we all know Trump is no Kennedy, we should all be aware that the two countries, USA and Russian, nuclear arsenals are far more lethal today than they were 50 years ago.
All we are saying is, give peace a chance!
Somehow, I can't feel that putting a proudly limited thinker in charge
of the world's most powerful military raises peace's prospects.
The ignoramus would have a difficult time just finding the nuclear launch button. On the other hand, the "wicked smart" one was far to eager to launch, even to the point where she inadvertently said, and I quote,
"What I said and what I mean is that there will have to be consequences for any violation by Iran and that the *nuclear* option should not at all be taken off the table. That has been my position consistently."
*nuclear* option
*nuclear* option
*nuclear* option
*nuclear* option
Understand the relationship between Russia, Syria, and Iran, and you will begin to understand the horrific implications of the Clinton Freudian slip.
One of my rules-of-thumb is that no sane person will ever push the
button. Another is that Hillary is saner than Donald. Although reality
says that neither rule could ever be a lock, I work with what certainty
I have (...and which I think everybody should have).
- - - - - - - -
YOUR taste at work...
2016-11-11 22:38:05 UTC
Post by moviePig
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by moviePig
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by moviePig
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by FPP
The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect
Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and
knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told
the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a
puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader,
Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian
government during the campaign.
But in comments that could prove politically awkward for the
president-elect, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said
there had indeed been some communications.
"There were contacts," Interfax cited Ryabkov as saying. "We are doing
this and have been doing this during the election campaign."
Such contacts would continue, he added, saying the Russian government
knew and had been in touch with many of Trump's closest allies. He did
not name names.
"Obviously, we know most of the people from his (Trump's) entourage.
Those people have always been in the limelight in the United States and
have occupied high-ranking positions," he said.
"I cannot say that all of them, but quite a few have been staying in
touch with Russian representatives."
Moscow was just beginning to consider how to go about setting up more
formal channels to communicate with the future Trump administration,
said Ryabkov.
to know our greatest geopolitical enemy has been in contact with a
prospective president... it's real comforting. For the Kremlin.
Maybe he'll even give a few minutes of thought about Americans, once
he's all done doing Vladimir Putin's bidding.
It appears FPP is still hungover from the Clinton Koolaide.
Did you know Democrat Kennedy had secret correspondence with Russia before JFK was assassinated? Do you know why?
Do you even care?
“It's that everything [in the Cold War in 1962-1963] was totally out of control and then, through a kind of incredible process where these two men were communicating secretly with each other over the year previous [Sep 1962-63], and smuggling letters back and forth to each other, in the midst of this conflict, they were beginning to trust each other.... It's a remarkable process. And it's all beneath the surface. But so are all the things that count as Merton understood.... And that's why I have some hopes that if we are willing to go deeply enough into the darkness – and Kennedy was, and Khrushchev was – anything can happen for the good. But if we don't go into the darkness it doesn't happen.”
Jim Douglass, author of JFK and The Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters
Donald Trump is no Jack Kennedy.
-Lloyd Bentsen, from the grave
LOL, I knew that was coming :)
And while we all know Trump is no Kennedy, we should all be aware that the two countries, USA and Russian, nuclear arsenals are far more lethal today than they were 50 years ago.
All we are saying is, give peace a chance!
Somehow, I can't feel that putting a proudly limited thinker in charge
of the world's most powerful military raises peace's prospects.
The ignoramus would have a difficult time just finding the nuclear launch button. On the other hand, the "wicked smart" one was far to eager to launch, even to the point where she inadvertently said, and I quote,
"What I said and what I mean is that there will have to be consequences for any violation by Iran and that the *nuclear* option should not at all be taken off the table. That has been my position consistently."
*nuclear* option
*nuclear* option
*nuclear* option
*nuclear* option
Understand the relationship between Russia, Syria, and Iran, and you will begin to understand the horrific implications of the Clinton Freudian slip.
One of my rules-of-thumb is that no sane person will ever push the
button. Another is that Hillary is saner than Donald. Although reality
says that neither rule could ever be a lock, I work with what certainty
I have (...and which I think everybody should have).
In life I have found stupid/ignorant people can mess me up without meaning to, so in that sense Trump is dangerous.

But it's the wicked smart that can convince you a course of action is just when they have an ulterior motive, that is not in your best interest, that is the most dangerous.

So look at Hillary's track record.

-Iraq invasion
Not in the American interest, though Clinton voted for it. Mearsheimer and Walt contend the Iraq invasion was primarily for the security of Israel. Whether you agree with M&W doesn't matter. Iraq was a clusterfuc fest of deception we Americans are still paying for.

Not in the American interest, or Lybians, as in the aftermath of terror and destruction Obama himself has admitted. HRC was the driving force behind Obama. As leaked documents have shown, the humanitarian intervention was a smoke screen for gallons of oil and TONS of liberated Libyan gold. HRC internal documents knew about the gold, oil and planned the overthrow as cred for her presidential run.

HRC hot for a no fly zone. Internal docs reveal the best way to guarantee Israel's security against an Iran nuclear bomb was to overthrow Syria's Assad. Do you see a pattern? No? Scroll back up to Iraq and reread that entry. Think Blue and White.

Clinton's State department orchestrated the Ukraine coup that horrified Russia's Putin. Now NATO sits on the western border of Russia with the most troops since WW2. Thank Secretary Clinton for thoughtfully negotiating peace with the largest troop buildup since WW2.

Clinton is wicked smart, I doubt we have seen the last of her. Any day I expect news from her camp of a planned trip with the grand-children to Jerusalem. No, I'm not kidding. You worry about a red Trump as a Russian asset, I know Clinton is through and through blue and white.
2016-11-13 16:38:39 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by moviePig
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by moviePig
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by moviePig
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by FPP
The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect
Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and
knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told
the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a
puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader,
Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian
government during the campaign.
But in comments that could prove politically awkward for the
president-elect, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said
there had indeed been some communications.
"There were contacts," Interfax cited Ryabkov as saying. "We are doing
this and have been doing this during the election campaign."
Such contacts would continue, he added, saying the Russian government
knew and had been in touch with many of Trump's closest allies. He did
not name names.
"Obviously, we know most of the people from his (Trump's) entourage.
Those people have always been in the limelight in the United States and
have occupied high-ranking positions," he said.
"I cannot say that all of them, but quite a few have been staying in
touch with Russian representatives."
Moscow was just beginning to consider how to go about setting up more
formal channels to communicate with the future Trump administration,
said Ryabkov.
to know our greatest geopolitical enemy has been in contact with a
prospective president... it's real comforting. For the Kremlin.
Maybe he'll even give a few minutes of thought about Americans, once
he's all done doing Vladimir Putin's bidding.
It appears FPP is still hungover from the Clinton Koolaide.
Did you know Democrat Kennedy had secret correspondence with Russia before JFK was assassinated? Do you know why?
Do you even care?
“It's that everything [in the Cold War in 1962-1963] was totally out of control and then, through a kind of incredible process where these two men were communicating secretly with each other over the year previous [Sep 1962-63], and smuggling letters back and forth to each other, in the midst of this conflict, they were beginning to trust each other.... It's a remarkable process. And it's all beneath the surface. But so are all the things that count as Merton understood.... And that's why I have some hopes that if we are willing to go deeply enough into the darkness – and Kennedy was, and Khrushchev was – anything can happen for the good. But if we don't go into the darkness it doesn't happen.”
Jim Douglass, author of JFK and The Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters
Donald Trump is no Jack Kennedy.
-Lloyd Bentsen, from the grave
LOL, I knew that was coming :)
And while we all know Trump is no Kennedy, we should all be aware that the two countries, USA and Russian, nuclear arsenals are far more lethal today than they were 50 years ago.
All we are saying is, give peace a chance!
Somehow, I can't feel that putting a proudly limited thinker in charge
of the world's most powerful military raises peace's prospects.
The ignoramus would have a difficult time just finding the nuclear launch button. On the other hand, the "wicked smart" one was far to eager to launch, even to the point where she inadvertently said, and I quote,
"What I said and what I mean is that there will have to be consequences for any violation by Iran and that the *nuclear* option should not at all be taken off the table. That has been my position consistently."
*nuclear* option
*nuclear* option
*nuclear* option
*nuclear* option
Understand the relationship between Russia, Syria, and Iran, and you will begin to understand the horrific implications of the Clinton Freudian slip.
One of my rules-of-thumb is that no sane person will ever push the
button. Another is that Hillary is saner than Donald. Although reality
says that neither rule could ever be a lock, I work with what certainty
I have (...and which I think everybody should have).
In life I have found stupid/ignorant people can mess me up without meaning to, so in that sense Trump is dangerous.
But it's the wicked smart that can convince you a course of action is just when they have an ulterior motive, that is not in your best interest, that is the most dangerous.
So look at Hillary's track record.
-Iraq invasion
Not in the American interest, though Clinton voted for it. Mearsheimer and Walt contend the Iraq invasion was primarily for the security of Israel. Whether you agree with M&W doesn't matter. Iraq was a clusterfuc fest of deception we Americans are still paying for.
Not in the American interest, or Lybians, as in the aftermath of terror and destruction Obama himself has admitted. HRC was the driving force behind Obama. As leaked documents have shown, the humanitarian intervention was a smoke screen for gallons of oil and TONS of liberated Libyan gold. HRC internal documents knew about the gold, oil and planned the overthrow as cred for her presidential run.
HRC hot for a no fly zone. Internal docs reveal the best way to guarantee Israel's security against an Iran nuclear bomb was to overthrow Syria's Assad. Do you see a pattern? No? Scroll back up to Iraq and reread that entry. Think Blue and White.
Clinton's State department orchestrated the Ukraine coup that horrified Russia's Putin. Now NATO sits on the western border of Russia with the most troops since WW2. Thank Secretary Clinton for thoughtfully negotiating peace with the largest troop buildup since WW2.
Putin Aide: Trump Could Build Confidence With NATO Pullback
Post by t***@gmail.com
Clinton is wicked smart, I doubt we have seen the last of her. Any day I expect news from her camp of a planned trip with the grand-children to Jerusalem. No, I'm not kidding. You worry about a red Trump as a Russian asset, I know Clinton is through and through blue and white.
2016-11-15 12:05:34 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by moviePig
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by FPP
The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect
Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and
knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told
the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a
puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader,
Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian
government during the campaign.
But in comments that could prove politically awkward for the
president-elect, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said
there had indeed been some communications.
"There were contacts," Interfax cited Ryabkov as saying. "We are doing
this and have been doing this during the election campaign."
Such contacts would continue, he added, saying the Russian government
knew and had been in touch with many of Trump's closest allies. He did
not name names.
"Obviously, we know most of the people from his (Trump's) entourage.
Those people have always been in the limelight in the United States and
have occupied high-ranking positions," he said.
"I cannot say that all of them, but quite a few have been staying in
touch with Russian representatives."
Moscow was just beginning to consider how to go about setting up more
formal channels to communicate with the future Trump administration,
said Ryabkov.
to know our greatest geopolitical enemy has been in contact with a
prospective president... it's real comforting. For the Kremlin.
Maybe he'll even give a few minutes of thought about Americans, once
he's all done doing Vladimir Putin's bidding.
It appears FPP is still hungover from the Clinton Koolaide.
Did you know Democrat Kennedy had secret correspondence with Russia before JFK was assassinated? Do you know why?
Do you even care?
“It's that everything [in the Cold War in 1962-1963] was totally out of control and then, through a kind of incredible process where these two men were communicating secretly with each other over the year previous [Sep 1962-63], and smuggling letters back and forth to each other, in the midst of this conflict, they were beginning to trust each other.... It's a remarkable process. And it's all beneath the surface. But so are all the things that count as Merton understood.... And that's why I have some hopes that if we are willing to go deeply enough into the darkness – and Kennedy was, and Khrushchev was – anything can happen for the good. But if we don't go into the darkness it doesn't happen.”
Jim Douglass, author of JFK and The Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters
Donald Trump is no Jack Kennedy.
-Lloyd Bentsen, from the grave
LOL, I knew that was coming :)
And while we all know Trump is no Kennedy, we should all be aware that the two countries', USA and Russia, nuclear arsenals are far more lethal today than they were 50 years ago.
All we are saying is, give peace a chance!
Footnote: Obama watches a documentary, Press Conference November 14, 2016

"I was watching a documentary that during the Bay of Pigs crisis JFK had about two weeks before anybody reported on it. Imagine that. I think it’s fair to say that if something like that happens under a current president, they’ve got to figure out in about an hour what their response is."

President Obama’s Remarks From His First Post-Election Press Conference
Mahita Gajanan Nov. 14, 2016
2016-11-11 20:27:46 UTC
The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect
Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and
knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told
the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a
puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader,
Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian
government during the campaign.
All three news networks reported that Trump had repeatedly praised
Putin as a great leader and Trump supported Russia's efforts to take
over the Ukraine.

Further, they reported that there was great cheering and partying
in Moscow upon Trump's election.
2016-11-11 20:36:43 UTC
Post by h***@bbs.cpcn.com
The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect
Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and
knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told
the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a
puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader,
Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian
government during the campaign.
All three news networks reported that Trump had repeatedly praised
Putin as a great leader and Trump supported Russia's efforts to take
over the Ukraine.
All three networks forecast a Clinton win. All American networks reported the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, with little coverage of the Clinton State Department undersecretary neocon Victoria Nuland staging a Ukraine CIA back pro-Western coup. Have a cookie-Fu*k the EU, Victoria Nuland, wife of Robert Kagan, neocon fundraiser for Clinton.

You never heard about that on the major American networks, didja?
Post by h***@bbs.cpcn.com
Further, they reported that there was great cheering and partying
in Moscow upon Trump's election.
If you still trust the 3 networks for factual reporting, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you cheap!
2016-11-11 21:23:11 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by h***@bbs.cpcn.com
The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect
Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and
knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told
the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a
puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader,
Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian
government during the campaign.
All three news networks reported that Trump had repeatedly praised
Putin as a great leader and Trump supported Russia's efforts to take
over the Ukraine.
All three networks forecast a Clinton win.
"Democrats - No point wasting your time voting. Clinton's
already won by a large margin !!!!"
Google kept the headlines almost an hour after the elections
ended. Then the "news" disappeared.
Some people will NEVER admit they've been "had".
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2016-11-11 21:39:11 UTC
Post by Shadow
"Democrats - No point wasting your time voting. Clinton's
already won by a large margin !!!!"

The three networks clearly reported Clinton's declining poll
numbers. It obvious it would not be an easy victory for
either candidate, and that was the ultimate result.
2016-11-11 20:45:27 UTC
Post by h***@bbs.cpcn.com
The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect
Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and
knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told
the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a
puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader,
Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian
government during the campaign.
All three news networks reported that Trump had repeatedly praised
Putin as a great leader and Trump supported Russia's efforts to take
over the Ukraine.
Further, they reported that there was great cheering and partying
in Moscow upon Trump's election.
We may actually have a Russian asset headed to the White House.

If I'd seen this in a movie, I'd have laughed at the absurdity.

I. Am. Not. Laughing.
"How will History judge America if it elects a madman because his
opponent used work email at home?" -Washington Post (Apparently, we
are going to find out..)
2016-11-11 20:55:42 UTC
Post by FPP
Post by h***@bbs.cpcn.com
The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect
Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and
knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told
the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a
puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader,
Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian
government during the campaign.
All three news networks reported that Trump had repeatedly praised
Putin as a great leader and Trump supported Russia's efforts to take
over the Ukraine.
Further, they reported that there was great cheering and partying
in Moscow upon Trump's election.
We may actually have a Russian asset headed to the White House.
If I'd seen this in a movie, I'd have laughed at the absurdity.
I. Am. Not. Laughing.
Oh Gawd, I guess now is as good as any to award the 5th annual A&W Rootbeer prize for excellence in comprehension of American journalism and propaganda. The award goes to.....

--------------- FPP ---------------

2016-11-11 21:26:33 UTC
Post by FPP
Post by h***@bbs.cpcn.com
The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect
Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and
knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told
the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a
puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader,
Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian
government during the campaign.
All three news networks reported that Trump had repeatedly praised
Putin as a great leader and Trump supported Russia's efforts to take
over the Ukraine.
Further, they reported that there was great cheering and partying
in Moscow upon Trump's election.
We may actually have a Russian asset headed to the White House.
If I'd seen this in a movie, I'd have laughed at the absurdity.
I. Am. Not. Laughing.
We know :)
Post by FPP
"How will History judge America if it elects a madman because his
opponent used work email at home?" -Washington Post (Apparently, we
are going to find out..)
2016-11-11 21:28:18 UTC
Post by FPP
Post by h***@bbs.cpcn.com
The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect
Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and
knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told
the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a
puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader,
Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian
government during the campaign.
All three news networks reported that Trump had repeatedly praised
Putin as a great leader and Trump supported Russia's efforts to take
over the Ukraine.
Further, they reported that there was great cheering and partying
in Moscow upon Trump's election.
We may actually have a Russian asset headed to the White House.
If I'd seen this in a movie, I'd have laughed at the absurdity.
I. Am. Not. Laughing.
Well, they have a common enemy, China. No way Russia is going
to send Russians into a war with a country 1000 times more powerful
than Vietnam. The amount of Russians killed would be unacceptable.
So they backed someone who would do it for them.
It's called politics. Putin is a master of the art.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2016-11-11 21:32:04 UTC
No way Russia is going to send Russians into a war with a country 1000
times more powerful
than Vietnam.
"We've always been at war with Eastasia."

"How will History judge America if it elects a madman because his
opponent used work email at home?" -Washington Post (Apparently, we
are going to find out..)
2016-11-11 23:54:39 UTC
Post by FPP
No way Russia is going to send Russians into a war with a country 1000
times more powerful than Vietnam.
"We've always been at war with Eastasia."
I thought it was Eurasia. <trembles>
Thanks for the tip. I'll mutter in front of my laptop.

"I hate Eastasia !!!!"

Windows 10 won't turn me in.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2016-11-12 00:19:44 UTC
Post by Shadow
Post by FPP
No way Russia is going to send Russians into a war with a country 1000
times more powerful than Vietnam.
"We've always been at war with Eastasia."
I thought it was Eurasia. <trembles>
Oh, it was. Always...
"The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy." -Donald J. Trump
6 Nov 2012.
(Yeah... no shit.)
2016-11-11 21:36:36 UTC
Post by FPP
We may actually have a Russian asset headed to the White House.
If I'd seen this in a movie, I'd have laughed at the absurdity.
I. Am. Not. Laughing.
Ironically, Republicans never got over the Cold War, and see modern
Russia as still the Soviet Union. Of course, given recent events,
that might viewpoint be justified.

One yardstick is the TV show, The Americans. When it premiered several
years ago, Russia acted differently and the viewers were inclined to
like the two spies and sympathize with them. Today, not so much.
2016-11-11 21:46:48 UTC
Post by h***@bbs.cpcn.com
Post by FPP
We may actually have a Russian asset headed to the White House.
If I'd seen this in a movie, I'd have laughed at the absurdity.
I. Am. Not. Laughing.
Ironically, Republicans never got over the Cold War, and see modern
Russia as still the Soviet Union. Of course, given recent events,
that might viewpoint be justified.
Holy Jebus! The world flipped on it's axis as Republican leadership attempts to work with the Soviets while Democrats want to launch WW3 against the conjured red scare.

You remember Hillary's "Vast right wing" ? Well, she surrendered her liberal foreign policy values a long time ago and went to the dark side for political gain.

Hillary is now a part of that once despised vast right warmonger wing.
Post by h***@bbs.cpcn.com
One yardstick is the TV show, The Americans. When it premiered several
years ago, Russia acted differently and the viewers were inclined to
like the two spies and sympathize with them. Today, not so much.
Oh gawd, more under the radar American programming propaganda to ready the minds of Americans for a Russian invasion.

They don't call it "programming" for nuttin.