How to Speak Bidenese: A Basic Primer
(too old to reply)
2023-11-18 19:44:28 UTC
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.


If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow' correctl
at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect your reputation!
2023-11-18 21:29:12 UTC
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow' correctly
at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect your reputation!
Did you catch the footage of senile Resident Joke Biden picking his nose, unsuccessfully trying to flick it off his finger, then wiping it off on one of his Chinese masters?

Let's go Brandon!
2023-11-18 22:10:06 UTC
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow' correctly
at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect your reputation!
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump. Someone who
doesn't have a speech impediment but keeps saying things that don't
make sense or can't seem to pronounce common words at times.
2023-11-18 22:21:34 UTC
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow'
correctly at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect your
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump. Someone who
doesn't have a speech impediment but keeps saying things that don't
make sense or can't seem to pronounce common words at times.
Trump won't be around much longer. He is old and fat. Two things that
don't go well together. RIP. >:|
2023-11-18 23:09:18 UTC
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow' correctly
at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect your reputation!
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump. Someone who
doesn't have a speech impediment but keeps saying things that don't
make sense or can't seem to pronounce common words at times.
'Include'? I hope you're not imagining some impartial curator...
2023-11-18 23:48:43 UTC
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow
at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect your reputation!
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump.
Hey, I laughed over covefefe like everyone else.

Which is a great example. The same people who went nuts over covefefe, seem t
have no problem with daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow.

As far as I'm concerned, they're both way too old to be running this country
especially given the powderkeg state of the world, and both of them shoul
just go away and let the next generation take its turn.
Post by shawn
Someone who doesn't have a speech impediment but keeps saying things tha
make sense or can't seem to pronounce common words at times.
Oh, come on. Go back 10 years and see if you can find any evidence of Biden'
'speech impediment' while he was debating Paul Ryan in the VP debates. Th
gobbledygook that flows out of his mouth in almost every public appearanc
these days has nothing to do with some speech impediment he resolved 60 year
ago. It's because his brain is Swiss cheese.

I suppose it's also his speech impediment that causes him to shake hands wit
people that aren't there and give shout-outs to dead people in his speeches?
2023-11-19 01:03:08 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow' correctly
at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect your reputation!
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump.
Hey, I laughed over covefefe like everyone else.
Which is a great example. The same people who went nuts over covefefe, seem to
have no problem with daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow.
As far as I'm concerned, they're both way too old to be running this country,
especially given the powderkeg state of the world, and both of them should
just go away and let the next generation take its turn.
Post by shawn
Someone who doesn't have a speech impediment but keeps saying things that
make sense or can't seem to pronounce common words at times.
Oh, come on. Go back 10 years and see if you can find any evidence of Biden's
'speech impediment' while he was debating Paul Ryan in the VP debates. The
gobbledygook that flows out of his mouth in almost every public appearance
these days has nothing to do with some speech impediment he resolved 60 years
ago. It's because his brain is Swiss cheese.
I suppose it's also his speech impediment that causes him to shake hands with
people that aren't there and give shout-outs to dead people in his speeches?
At least he seems to know who the current President is. Trump seems to
have a problem with that. If it had just been once I wouldn't think
much of it as we all have verbal slips, but Trump didn't say it just
once and not just in one speech and interview. Yeah, Biden is old and
he wouldn't be my first choice for President or even Democratic
nominee (not sure who would be) but I feel like he's a safer choice
than Trump. Trump, who is talking more and more like he really wants
to be a dictator (whether that's what he would really do or not.)
2023-11-19 01:11:44 UTC
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow' correctly
at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect your reputation!
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump.
Hey, I laughed over covefefe like everyone else.
Which is a great example. The same people who went nuts over covefefe, seem to
have no problem with daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow.
As far as I'm concerned, they're both way too old to be running this country,
especially given the powderkeg state of the world, and both of them should
just go away and let the next generation take its turn.
Post by shawn
Someone who doesn't have a speech impediment but keeps saying things that
make sense or can't seem to pronounce common words at times.
Oh, come on. Go back 10 years and see if you can find any evidence of Biden's
'speech impediment' while he was debating Paul Ryan in the VP debates. The
gobbledygook that flows out of his mouth in almost every public appearance
these days has nothing to do with some speech impediment he resolved 60 years
ago. It's because his brain is Swiss cheese.
I suppose it's also his speech impediment that causes him to shake hands with
people that aren't there and give shout-outs to dead people in his speeches?
At least he seems to know who the current President is. Trump seems to
have a problem with that. If it had just been once I wouldn't think
much of it as we all have verbal slips, but Trump didn't say it just
once and not just in one speech and interview. Yeah, Biden is old and
he wouldn't be my first choice for President or even Democratic
nominee (not sure who would be) but I feel like he's a safer choice
than Trump. Trump, who is talking more and more like he really wants
to be a dictator (whether that's what he would really do or not.)
It would be dangerous if Trump was re-elected. Besides the people and
government programs he's go after or dismantle, he still wants to
withdraw from Nato, not support Israel, and buddy up to the Chinese
again. That would lead to worldwide problems, perhaps even another World
2023-11-19 04:13:45 UTC
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow' correctly
at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect your reputation!
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump.
Hey, I laughed over covefefe like everyone else.
Which is a great example. The same people who went nuts over covefefe, seem to
have no problem with daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow.
As far as I'm concerned, they're both way too old to be running this country,
especially given the powderkeg state of the world, and both of them should
just go away and let the next generation take its turn.
Post by shawn
Someone who doesn't have a speech impediment but keeps saying things that
make sense or can't seem to pronounce common words at times.
Oh, come on. Go back 10 years and see if you can find any evidence of Biden's
'speech impediment' while he was debating Paul Ryan in the VP debates. The
gobbledygook that flows out of his mouth in almost every public appearance
these days has nothing to do with some speech impediment he resolved 60 years
ago. It's because his brain is Swiss cheese.
I suppose it's also his speech impediment that causes him to shake hands with
people that aren't there and give shout-outs to dead people in his speeches?
At least he seems to know who the current President is. Trump seems to
have a problem with that. If it had just been once I wouldn't think
much of it as we all have verbal slips, but Trump didn't say it just
once and not just in one speech and interview. Yeah, Biden is old and
he wouldn't be my first choice for President or even Democratic
nominee (not sure who would be) but I feel like he's a safer choice
than Trump. Trump, who is talking more and more like he really wants
to be a dictator (whether that's what he would really do or not.)
For that question, consider whether he'd "really" be a pussy grabber...
2023-11-19 08:23:18 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Oh, come on. Go back 10 years and see if you can find any evidence of Biden's
'speech impediment'...
It's been well documented that Biden has stuttered since he was a child.

It's also been documented that Trumpers enjoy making fun of people with
disabilities. Like Trump. That's why they're shit human beings.
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC
Bible 25B.G.
Loading Image...

Gracie, age 6.
Loading Image...
2023-11-19 10:21:25 UTC
Post by FPP
Post by BTR1701
Oh, come on. Go back 10 years and see if you can find any evidence of Biden's
'speech impediment'...
It's been well documented that Biden has stuttered since he was a child.
It's also been documented that Trumpers enjoy making fun of people with
disabilities.  Like Trump.  That's why they're shit human beings.
I'm as quick to criticize Biden as anybody but making fun of how he
speaks isn't a valid criticism.
2023-11-19 15:29:37 UTC
Post by FPP
Post by BTR1701
Oh, come on. Go back 10 years and see if you can find any evidence of Biden's
'speech impediment'...
It's been well documented that Biden has stuttered since he was a child.
It's also been documented that Trumpers enjoy making fun of people with
disabilities.  Like Trump.  That's why they're shit human beings.
That "making fun of" was what stood out for me, too, even more than
Biden's verbal disconnect (though unfamiliar to me as "stuttering").
2023-11-21 09:59:07 UTC
Post by moviePig
Post by FPP
Post by BTR1701
Oh, come on. Go back 10 years and see if you can find any evidence of Biden's
'speech impediment'...
It's been well documented that Biden has stuttered since he was a child.
It's also been documented that Trumpers enjoy making fun of people
with disabilities.  Like Trump.  That's why they're shit human beings.
That "making fun of" was what stood out for me, too, even more than
Biden's verbal disconnect (though unfamiliar to me as "stuttering").
Stuttering is a speech impediment that takes into account several
different kinds of speech interruptions.
Post by moviePig
​Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder (Stuttering) is a condition characterized by disturbances in the normal f​luency ​and time patterning of speech.
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC
Bible 25B.G.

Gracie, age 6.
2023-11-21 10:26:37 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow'
correctly at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect your
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump.
Hey, I laughed over covefefe like everyone else.
Donald Trump Bloopers (A Work In Progress)

"Oranges" (aka "origins")
"Supply Chern"
"Armed Forsiva/Forsuch"
"All Walks of Lice"
"Rofe Up"
"Slock Rocket"
"Vicious MS-3 Gang members"
"Tim Apple"
"Noble Prizes"
2023-11-21 17:20:31 UTC
In article
Post by super70s
Post by BTR1701
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow'
correctly at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect
your reputation!
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump.
Hey, I laughed over covefefe like everyone else.
Donald Trump Bloopers (A Work In Progress)
So put together a video about them and make it funny.
2023-11-22 02:20:40 UTC
Post by BTR1701
In article
Post by super70s
Post by BTR1701
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow'
correctly at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect
your reputation!
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump.
Hey, I laughed over covefefe like everyone else.
Donald Trump Bloopers (A Work In Progress)
So put together a video about them and make it funny.
They did that 3 years ago.


"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC
Bible 25B.G.

Gracie, age 6.
2023-11-22 09:30:40 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow'
correctly at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect
your reputation!
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump.
Hey, I laughed over covefefe like everyone else.
["But but but Trump did it tooooooo!!!!!!"]
Except Trump didn't. He's not even close to what senile Resident Joke Biden
says and does.

Get back to us when you have a real argument to make.

Let's go Brandon!

Adam H. Kerman
2023-11-19 04:42:25 UTC
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow'
correctly at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect
your reputation!
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump. Someone who
doesn't have a speech impediment but keeps saying things that don't
make sense or can't seem to pronounce common words at times.
Is there a Democratic-based comedy Web site to read?
2023-11-19 05:25:39 UTC
On Sun, 19 Nov 2023 04:42:25 -0000 (UTC), "Adam H. Kerman"
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow'
correctly at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect
your reputation!
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump. Someone who
doesn't have a speech impediment but keeps saying things that don't
make sense or can't seem to pronounce common words at times.
Is there a Democratic-based comedy Web site to read?
No idea. Only thing I know of is the Onion but that's more of an equal
opportunity comedy site willing to skewer left, right and center.
2023-11-19 06:03:06 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow'
correctly at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect
your reputation!
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump. Someone who
doesn't have a speech impediment but keeps saying things that don't
make sense or can't seem to pronounce common words at times.
Is there a Democratic-based comedy Web site to read?
The Horny Goat
2023-11-19 09:18:45 UTC
On Sun, 19 Nov 2023 04:42:25 -0000 (UTC), "Adam H. Kerman"
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow'
correctly at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect
your reputation!
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump. Someone who
doesn't have a speech impediment but keeps saying things that don't
make sense or can't seem to pronounce common words at times.
Is there a Democratic-based comedy Web site to read?
Both probably have a collection of awkward film clips by opposing
representatives and senators (and plan on saving them for election
commercials) but given what they plan on using them form I'd be
astonished if you ever see these clips on Youtube or similar site.
2023-11-19 15:26:59 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow'
correctly at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect
your reputation!
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump. Someone who
doesn't have a speech impediment but keeps saying things that don't
make sense or can't seem to pronounce common words at times.
Is there a Democratic-based comedy Web site to read?
boebert.com, santos.com, tuberville.com... I got a million of'em.
2023-11-19 21:34:33 UTC
On Sun, 19 Nov 2023 04:42:25 -0000 (UTC)
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow'
correctly at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and
prect your reputation!
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump. Someone who
doesn't have a speech impediment but keeps saying things that don't
make sense or can't seem to pronounce common words at times.
Is there a Democratic-based comedy Web site to read?
It seems unlikely. The average Democrat seems to be a horrible scold who
finds absolutely NOTHING funny.
Adam H. Kerman
2023-11-19 21:47:22 UTC
Post by Rhino
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow'
correctly at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and
prect your reputation!
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump. Someone who
doesn't have a speech impediment but keeps saying things that don't
make sense or can't seem to pronounce common words at times.
Is there a Democratic-based comedy Web site to read?
It seems unlikely. The average Democrat seems to be a horrible scold who
finds absolutely NOTHING funny.
Humor. It is a difficult concept. It is not logical.
-- Lt. Saavik in Star Trek The Wrath of Khan (1982)

You can't do comedy for the people who are perfectly happy to witness
the execution of the court jester. You do comedy for people who are
at least willing to give your jokes half a chance.
2023-11-20 20:24:42 UTC
On Sun, 19 Nov 2023 21:47:22 -0000 (UTC)
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Sun, 19 Nov 2023 04:42:25 -0000 (UTC) Adam H. Kerman
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using
'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow' correctly at parties, then this
guide is for you. Watch now and prect your reputation!
So you include a post from the Republican oriented so-called comedy
site but you never include similar posts about Trump. Someone who
doesn't have a speech impediment but keeps saying things that don't
make sense or can't seem to pronounce common words at times.
Is there a Democratic-based comedy Web site to read?
It seems unlikely. The average Democrat seems to be a horrible scold
who finds absolutely NOTHING funny.
Humor. It is a difficult concept. It is not logical.
-- Lt. Saavik in Star Trek The Wrath of Khan (1982)
You can't do comedy for the people who are perfectly happy to witness
the execution of the court jester. You do comedy for people who are
at least willing to give your jokes half a chance.
True enough.

Of course, you can find humour - or at least wit - in the most
unexpected places sometimes. I remember seeing an ad for a place/event
that featured a Marxist comedian in London (UK) when I was there in
1983; he was described as the "Marxist Master of Mirth". And then
there's this line, attributed to Stalin himself, which has a wit all
its own: "Humour is like food: not everyone gets it."
2023-11-19 10:23:48 UTC
Post by BTR1701
A quick guide on how to speak and use Bidenese.
If you've ever wondered if you're using 'daydoh-seerayshek-kemmanow' correctly
at parties, then this guide is for you. Watch now and prect your reputation!
Why don't you do such things for Trump, is it because you're too much of
a chickenshit asshole?