Today Is "pi" Day (shhhhh, don't tell Kurt "Lochner" Harrington) - LOL
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BeeSting Alergy
2014-03-14 19:52:06 UTC
Guess what day it is? 3.1415926535897932384626433 something something
something something something . . .

Yes, it’s 3.14.14. In a sense, this whole month can be a celebration of
pi, because it’s 3.14, but TODAY, 3.14.14, is the official day of
celebration (set aside by Congress in 2009 in one of its least and most
irrational actions to date).

Today we celebrate our pi and sing our pi, America’s favorite
irrational thing that goes on and on (except, some would argue, for Ted
Cruz). It’s the one and only ratio of a circle’s circumference to its
diameter! Add an e to pi and you get either approximately
5.85987448205, or a delicious dessert. Pi is cool. Pi is one of the few
mathematical constants that you can frequently spot at frat parties.

Next year pi day will be 3.14.15, which is even closer to the decimal
approximation of the elusive constant, so mark your calendars for that
one. In the mean time, enjoy.


Just so you know.
BeeSting Alergy
2014-03-15 19:28:51 UTC
Guess what day it was? 3.1415926535897932384626433 something something
something something something . . .
Yes, it was 3.14.14. In a sense, this whole month can be a celebration
of pi, because it’s 3.14, but YESTERDAY, 3.14.14, was the official
day of celebration (set aside by Congress in 2009 in one of its
least and most irrational actions to date).
Yesterday we celebrated our pi and sing our pi, America’s favorite
irrational thing that goes on and on (except, some would argue, for
Ted Cruz). It’s the one and only ratio of a circle’s circumference to
its diameter! Add an e to pi and you get either approximately
5.85987448205, or a delicious dessert. Pi is cool. Pi is one of the
few mathematical constants that you can frequently spot at frat
Next year pi day will be 3.14.15, which is even closer to the decimal
approximation of the elusive constant, so mark your calendars for that
one. In the mean time, enjoy.
Just so you know.
