Numbers: So what did happen to Sabrina Lloyd?
(too old to reply)
2005-05-14 02:57:42 UTC
Sabrina Lloyd was in all of the early episodes of "Numbers", but has
been missing from the past few. They haven't said anything on the show
about her character so I'm wondering if anyone knows what happened to
her character. Did they just decide to get rid of the character? Is
so, why not put in a few lines about her leaving? If the character
isn't being written out then I wonder why they haven't had a few lines
about where the character is at?
2005-05-14 03:02:59 UTC
Post by shawn
Sabrina Lloyd was in all of the early episodes of "Numbers", but has
been missing from the past few. They haven't said anything on the show
about her character so I'm wondering if anyone knows what happened to
her character. Did they just decide to get rid of the character? Is
so, why not put in a few lines about her leaving? If the character
isn't being written out then I wonder why they haven't had a few lines
about where the character is at?
She's still listed in the beginning credits, though not as a major player.
2005-05-14 06:32:40 UTC
Post by FDR
Post by shawn
Sabrina Lloyd was in all of the early episodes of "Numbers", but has
been missing from the past few. They haven't said anything on the show
about her character so I'm wondering if anyone knows what happened to
her character. Did they just decide to get rid of the character? Is
so, why not put in a few lines about her leaving? If the character
isn't being written out then I wonder why they haven't had a few lines
about where the character is at?
She's still listed in the beginning credits, though not as a major player.
tvtome.com has reported that she is leaving/has left the show...no
explanations were given.
2005-05-14 04:12:08 UTC
Post by shawn
Did they just decide to get rid of the character?
She was 86'd...

2005-05-14 04:19:21 UTC
Post by Jim
Post by shawn
Did they just decide to get rid of the character?
She was 86'd...
I wonder why they didn't bother to write her character out. It would
only take a few lines to explain why she left. I really hate when they
take a small tight knight group like this FBI group and just write out
a character as though that character never existed.
Chloe O'Brian's Secret Lover, Ian J. Ball
2005-05-14 05:53:53 UTC
Post by shawn
Post by Jim
Post by shawn
Did they just decide to get rid of the character?
She was 86'd...
I wonder why they didn't bother to write her character out. It would
only take a few lines to explain why she left. I really hate when they
take a small tight knight group like this FBI group and just write out
a character as though that character never existed.
Yep. In fact, if Lloyd's not back in season #2, it will seriously cut
into the odds of me watching it.

For a "bubble" show, this kind of monkeying around with the cast is a
seriously bad idea...
EDGAR: "[Buchanan] said you were the best analyst we have. He's right."
CHLOE: "I know."
- "24", 04/25/05
2005-05-14 13:39:05 UTC
"Chloe O'Brian's Secret Lover, Ian J. Ball"
Post by Chloe O'Brian's Secret Lover, Ian J. Ball
Post by shawn
Post by Jim
Post by shawn
Did they just decide to get rid of the character?
She was 86'd...
I wonder why they didn't bother to write her character out. It would
only take a few lines to explain why she left. I really hate when they
take a small tight knight group like this FBI group and just write out
a character as though that character never existed.
Yep. In fact, if Lloyd's not back in season #2, it will seriously cut
into the odds of me watching it.
For a "bubble" show, this kind of monkeying around with the cast is a
seriously bad idea...
That's my feeling as well. I really really like the actress and her
relationship and interaction with Epps. It takes away the ex-dynamic from
her and Don's interaction. It looked early on that they might re-pair the
two. Last week they either set up the possibility of a Charlie and Amita
relationship or wrote her off the show as well. TV Tome says it was a mutual
parting for Lloyd and that she auditioned for a starring role in a comedy
pilot. In the earlier episodes, MacNicol's character dropped in and then out
right away. Now he seems to be more tightly woven into the storylines. One
wonders if they had too many characters or that Lloyd wasn't happy with a
reduced role. Couldn't blame her if the latter. I'm really going to hate it
if they dumped both Nawat and Lloyd.
Barry Margolin
2005-05-14 19:21:02 UTC
In article
"Chloe O'Brian's Secret Lover, Ian J. Ball"
Post by Chloe O'Brian's Secret Lover, Ian J. Ball
Yep. In fact, if Lloyd's not back in season #2, it will seriously cut
into the odds of me watching it.
For a "bubble" show, this kind of monkeying around with the cast is a
seriously bad idea...
Did you also notice that they didn't have Navi Rawat in last night's
episode? I know she's not a regular, but leaving her out of the season
finale is also telling. Instead, they had the female state trooper
flirting with Charlie.

Since when did math nerds get so many hot chicks coming on to them? :)
Barry Margolin, ***@alum.mit.edu
Arlington, MA
2005-05-14 20:24:51 UTC
Post by Barry Margolin
Since when did math nerds get so many hot chicks coming on to them? :)
It's math combined with crime-solving that seems to do the trick;
brains in the context of a traditional protective occupation.

Of course it's fictional, too.
2005-05-15 06:56:52 UTC
Post by Barry Margolin
Since when did math nerds get so many hot chicks coming on to them? :)
Maybe they found out he was going to be in the Firefly movie. :-)

-- jayembee
Brian Bernardini
2005-05-15 15:37:55 UTC
Maybe they're going to do a "Sliders" reunion! After all, until Ms.
Lloyd left "Numb3rs", we had 3 of the 4 main cast members on prime-time
TV ("Revelations" and "Crossing Jordan" being the other two shows...feel
free to count "The Bachelor" as well, if you like). It could be time...

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Jude Cormier
2005-05-15 16:36:11 UTC
"Chloe O'Brian's Secret Lover, Ian J. Ball"
Post by Chloe O'Brian's Secret Lover, Ian J. Ball
Post by shawn
Post by Jim
Post by shawn
Did they just decide to get rid of the character?
She was 86'd...
I wonder why they didn't bother to write her character out. It would
only take a few lines to explain why she left. I really hate when they
take a small tight knight group like this FBI group and just write out
a character as though that character never existed.
Yep. In fact, if Lloyd's not back in season #2, it will seriously cut
into the odds of me watching it.
For a "bubble" show, this kind of monkeying around with the cast is a
seriously bad idea...
I haven't watched the last few shows, but now knowing she isn't
Alan Pollock
2005-05-14 06:28:24 UTC
Post by Jim
Post by shawn
Did they just decide to get rid of the character?
She was 86'd...
She was a good addition to the show I thought. Sorry to see her go. Nex
2005-05-14 12:39:44 UTC
Post by Alan Pollock
Post by Jim
Post by shawn
Did they just decide to get rid of the character?
She was 86'd...
She was a good addition to the show I thought. Sorry to see her go. Nex
I agree. I can't see why the powers that be would want to get rid of
her character, and I can't see that did anything on-screen that would
make Ms. Lloyd want to leave the show. With her gone I'm less likely
to watch show next season.
2005-05-14 16:12:14 UTC
Post by shawn
Post by Alan Pollock
Post by Jim
Post by shawn
Did they just decide to get rid of the character?
She was 86'd...
She was a good addition to the show I thought. Sorry to see her go. Nex
I agree. I can't see why the powers that be would want to get rid of
her character, and I can't see that did anything on-screen that would
make Ms. Lloyd want to leave the show. With her gone I'm less likely
to watch show next season.
I get the impression that it was a mutual agreement.

You would really not watch a show because one person left? I'm just
curious, that's all, not trying to start something.
2005-05-14 13:40:51 UTC
Post by wildfyre
Post by shawn
Post by Alan Pollock
Post by Jim
Post by shawn
Did they just decide to get rid of the character?
She was 86'd...
She was a good addition to the show I thought. Sorry to see her go. Nex
I agree. I can't see why the powers that be would want to get rid of
her character, and I can't see that did anything on-screen that would
make Ms. Lloyd want to leave the show. With her gone I'm less likely
to watch show next season.
I get the impression that it was a mutual agreement.
You would really not watch a show because one person left? I'm just
curious, that's all, not trying to start something.
It depends on the show. In this case I will probably still continue to
watch it, but I won't enjoy it as much. I was happy to see Ms. Lloyd
back on TV and enjoyed her performance. I wonder why she would leave
the show. I didn't see anything new coming up on the IMDB.
2005-05-15 01:47:11 UTC
Post by shawn
Post by wildfyre
Post by shawn
Post by Alan Pollock
Post by Jim
Post by shawn
Did they just decide to get rid of the character?
She was 86'd...
She was a good addition to the show I thought. Sorry to see her go. Nex
I agree. I can't see why the powers that be would want to get rid of
her character, and I can't see that did anything on-screen that would
make Ms. Lloyd want to leave the show. With her gone I'm less likely
to watch show next season.
I get the impression that it was a mutual agreement.
You would really not watch a show because one person left? I'm just
curious, that's all, not trying to start something.
It depends on the show. In this case I will probably still continue to
watch it, but I won't enjoy it as much. I was happy to see Ms. Lloyd
back on TV and enjoyed her performance. I wonder why she would leave
the show. I didn't see anything new coming up on the IMDB.
Someone has to note that "Jim" made a fast and funny joke in reply. Am
I the only one that noticed?

Ken (Brooklyn)
2005-05-15 02:43:08 UTC
Post by KenM47
Someone has to note that "Jim" made a fast and funny joke in
reply. Am I the only one that noticed?
If anyone else noticed, they haven't said anything. :-) I didn't
have any idea what happened to her, and in fact haven't seen the show
since the first episode (nothing against the show, I just never got
back to it).

As someone has since pointed out, however, TV Tome says she has left
and won't be back.


2005-05-15 03:27:15 UTC
Post by Jim
Post by KenM47
Someone has to note that "Jim" made a fast and funny joke in
reply. Am I the only one that noticed?
If anyone else noticed, they haven't said anything. :-) I didn't
have any idea what happened to her, and in fact haven't seen the show
since the first episode (nothing against the show, I just never got
back to it).
As someone has since pointed out, however, TV Tome says she has left
and won't be back.
Okay, okay... Her subtraction from the show is likely to have me
dividing my attention between "Numbers" and any new shows that come
along next year.
Chloe O'Brian's Secret Lover, Ian J. Ball
2005-05-14 17:13:33 UTC
Post by wildfyre
I get the impression that it was a mutual agreement.
You would really not watch a show because one person left? I'm just
curious, that's all, not trying to start something.
Let me put it this way - in a competitive TV environment, anything that
makes me less likely to watch a show, makes it *more likely* that I'll
watch the competition.

IOW, I wouldn't dump "Numbers" just for not having Lloyd. But her
leaving also makes it much less likely that I will "seek it out" to
watch, and it also increases the odds that I'll want to sample the
EDGAR: "[Buchanan] said you were the best analyst we have. He's right."
CHLOE: "I know."
- "24", 04/25/05
2005-05-15 07:05:12 UTC
Post by wildfyre
You would really not watch a show because one person left? I'm just
curious, that's all, not trying to start something.
Speaking personally, if my enjoyment of a show depended on just one cast member,
I wouldn't be watching it in the first place. Lloyd was definitely one of the
big draws for me with NUMB3RS, but I wouldn't have kept watching if she was the
*only* thing I liked about it.

That said, I can understand how it might work that way for some people. If your
interest in the show was marginal enough, removing one significant element of
attraction to the show could be a deal-breaker.

-- jayembee.
Daniel Damouth
2005-05-14 18:27:52 UTC
I think there were too many FBI characters. Not enough distinction
between the black guy and Lloyd's character. They were both generic
sidekicks, there to help along the dialogue. The show isn't ensemble-
oriented enough to be able to use them both.

The only loss is that she's pretty. From a story perspective, she
added nothing. I hope she gets a better gig.

-Dan Damouth
2005-05-14 18:52:47 UTC
Post by Daniel Damouth
The only loss is that she's pretty.
And to that end, the producers can compensate for the elimination of
Lloyd's character by bringing in guest stars. (Whom, I presume, are
less expensive than female leads.)

Speaking of which, I wonder what Charlie would have to say about the
current spate of Christina Cox sightings in prime time. Over the past
month she's been on "Eyes", "House", and now "Numbers". Her IMDB
listings show that she hasn't been *in*active in the industry since she
played a secondary character on the syndicated "FX" series. But now
she's popping up on shows that I like to watch.

Is she starting to "pop" with the casting directors, or is it something
2005-05-14 19:17:29 UTC
Post by m***@earthlink.net
Post by Daniel Damouth
The only loss is that she's pretty.
And to that end, the producers can compensate for the elimination of
Lloyd's character by bringing in guest stars. (Whom, I presume, are
less expensive than female leads.)
Speaking of which, I wonder what Charlie would have to say about the
current spate of Christina Cox sightings in prime time. Over the past
month she's been on "Eyes", "House", and now "Numbers". Her IMDB
listings show that she hasn't been *in*active in the industry since she
played a secondary character on the syndicated "FX" series. But now
she's popping up on shows that I like to watch.
Is she starting to "pop" with the casting directors, or is it something
She may have just hit that hot spot that all character actresses seem
to hit. They show up on multiple shows one season, typically over the
course of a month or two. Then they go to back to their typical work
load. I've seen it with many actresses over the past few years. So
she's 'hot' right now, but I wonder be surprised to see her go back to
her normal 'cool' state next year.
2005-05-15 18:20:37 UTC
Post by shawn
Post by m***@earthlink.net
Speaking of which, I wonder what Charlie would have to say about the
current spate of Christina Cox sightings in prime time. Over the past
month she's been on "Eyes", "House", and now "Numbers". Her IMDB
listings show that she hasn't been *in*active in the industry since she
played a secondary character on the syndicated "FX" series. But now
she's popping up on shows that I like to watch.
Is she starting to "pop" with the casting directors, or is it something
She may have just hit that hot spot that all character actresses seem
to hit. They show up on multiple shows one season, typically over the
course of a month or two. Then they go to back to their typical work
load. I've seen it with many actresses over the past few years. So
she's 'hot' right now, but I wonder be surprised to see her go back to
her normal 'cool' state next year.
I think it happens because the agents decide to put on a blitz and see
if they can generate some buzz for the person, maybe leading to a series
