2023-10-11 19:00:09 UTC
PermalinkDairy: banned.
Personal car ownership: banned.
Each person allotted only three new clothing items items per year.
Flying on a plane? Only allowed once every three years.
Welcome to Sadiq Khan's plan for London. And Khan is the head of a conferenc
of major city mayors that will see this 'vision' coming to your neighborhoo
sooner than later. Los Angeles is certainly on board with the C40 agenda. Ou
previous mayor, Yoga Pants, couldn't praise it enough. His replacement, Kare
Bass, gives Khan glowing approval.
Picture the scene. You have just made it through the door from work, althoug
not by car because private vehicles no longer exist. You change out of you
work clothes into something more comfortable, perhaps one of three new item
of clothing you are allowed to buy every year.
Then it is downstairs for dinner, since all this virtue is hungry work. Bu
don't forget that meat and dairy are off the menu, so instead you might lik
to daydream about getting away from it all-- only to remember that you used u
your quota of one short-haul return flight every three years last summer.
This is the radical vision of a "net zero" future dreamed up by C40, a globa
collective of city mayors chaired by Sadiq Khan, which advocates extrem
measures to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and limit globa
temperature increases to 1.5C.
The Mayor of London is, of course, no stranger to pushing the dial on climat
change. His unrelenting expansion of the ULEZ ultra low emissions zone i
August faced down major criticism from affected businesses, disadvantage
citizens and vigilante vandals.
Khan is showing no signs of slowing down: this week, plans were unveiled t
lower the speed limit to 20mph on a further 40 miles of roads in London, th
capital's largest-ever rollout to date.
Since December 2021, he has led C40, which is made up of the mayors of 9
cities from six different continents. It spends its time conducting research
holding conferences and drawing up "climate action plans" and was originall
founded by the then-Labour mayor of London Ken Livingstone in 2005.
It merged the following year with a similar body set up by Former Presiden
Bill Clinton, and its current board president is Michael Bloomberg, the U
billionaire. Its website lists the British Foreign, Commonwealth, an
Development Office as a "major funder", among several other governments
charities and multinational companies.
In 2019, when Khan was vice-chairman, C40 commissioned a startling study b
the University of Leeds and Arup, a consultancy, about how cities could slas
their emissions by 2030. Citizens' consumption habits were its central focu
as it set out a range of "progressive" and "ambitious" targets.
Its more radical suggestions involved no less than: the abolition of privat
vehicles; the prohibition of meat and dairy consumption; the rationing of ne
items of clothing to three each per year; and the restriction of short-hau
return flights to one every three years.
It also proposed slashing the use of steel and cement in construction an
significantly increasing the proportion of buildings made from wood
disregarding the major restrictions this would place on attempts to solve th
housing crisis by building more homes.