Ana Kasparian Says She Abandoned Democrats After Homeless Man Sexually Assaulted Her
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2024-10-16 08:30:42 UTC
Left-wing commentator Ana Kasparian revealed this week that she abandoned the
Democratic Party after she revealed that she was sexually assaulted by a
homeless man and was subsequently harshly criticized for publicly disclosing
the attack.

The co-host of “The Young Turks” made the revelation on Jillian Michaels’
“Keeping It Real” podcast while discussing feeling “politically homeless” in
recent years.

“In 2022, it was around March, I was walking my dog,” she began. “It was not
quite dark yet, but the sun was setting. As I’m walking my dog, I see these
two guys that were, they were just kind of like moving around weirdly, they
seemed kind of manic, and their clothes were tattered. So I just I knew that
they were probably homeless, and I also knew that they’re probably on

She said that she didn’t think anything of it because she has been around the
homeless before and has never had issues.

“But as I was bending down to pick up my dog’s mess, one of the guys, like,
grabs me by my hips and he had an erection, and just starts, like, humping me
and I didn’t know what to do,” she said. “I was terrified. I didn’t have a
weapon on me, like I had no way of defending myself. I didn’t know how far it
was gonna go, because it’s two guys.”

“I’m by myself with my little dog. It was like one of the most terrifying
things ever, because I’m pretty good at defending myself,” she continued. “In
that moment, I just knew there was no option. And luckily, he stopped, and
they just laughed at me and walked away as they were laughing at me.”

She said that she was filled with feelings of fear, humiliation, and shame
and that the attack left her struggling with mental health issues and being
afraid to go outside.

“So, I opened up about this on the show, not really thinking much of it, and
before I know it, I’m starting to get these messages, and it’s like really,
really harsh stuff,” she said. “And it’s about, how you are painting a
picture of the homeless community. You know, how could you be like this? You
know, these are your unhoused neighbors, and they need help.”

“A few people accused me of being racist when I had never disclosed the race
of the individuals who did this to me, and in fact, they were white,” she
said. “And so like, when they started accusing me of being racist, I’m like,
wait a minute, why are you assuming that the people who did this? Of course,
yeah, like, I think you might have a problem here. Exactly. Yeah. That woke
me up. That woke me up. That woke me up.”

She said that she realized all these people whom she’s associated with and
believed to be good people have racist stereotypes in their minds about

“At some point last year, the other thing that really hit me was the
difference between my upbringing and what the Democratic Party espouses,”
Kasparian said.

She said that Democrats “constantly disempower people of color” with
“messaging that infantilizes them and makes them seem as though, you know, if
it weren’t for us white saviors messing around with these laws and policies,
they would never be able to survive.”

Let's go Brandon!
2024-10-16 18:23:10 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Left-wing commentator Ana Kasparian revealed this week that she abandoned the
Democratic Party after she revealed that she was sexually assaulted by a
homeless man and was subsequently harshly criticized for publicly disclosing
the attack.
The co-host of THE YOUNG TURKS made the revelation on Jillian Michaels'
KEEPING IT REAL podcast while discussing feeling "politically homeless" in
recent years.
"In 2022, it was around March, I was walking my dog," she began. "It was not
quite dark yet, but the sun was setting. As I'm walking my dog, I see these
two guys that were, they were just kind of like moving around weirdly, they
seemed kind of manic, and their clothes were tattered. So I just I knew that
they were probably homeless, and I also knew that they're probably on
She said that she didn't think anything of it because she has been around the
homeless before and has never had issues.
Well, that's the problem, isn't it? When a guy's mind is fried by meth, you
can be around him 99 times without incident but on day 100, he can suddenly
snap without warning and for no apparent reason and try to kill you. Something
that happens with appalling frequency on the streets of Los Angeles every
single day.

We had a crazed vagrant board a city bus last week and just walk up to a
random passenger and shoot him dead while yelling at demons only he could see
and hear. And the beat goes on and nothing changes. We just mop up the blood
and continue with business as usual.
Post by Ubiquitous
"But as I was bending down to pick up my dog's mess, one of the guys, like,
grabs me by my hips and he had an erection, and just starts, like, humping me
and I didn't know what to do," she said. "I was terrified. I didn't have a
weapon on me, like I had no way of defending myself. I didn't know how far it
was gonna go, because it’s two guys."
This is why gun ownership has skyrocketed in L.A. over the last five years.
People who would never have considered owning a gun-- who were actively
anti-gun most of their lives-- now are buying and carrying firearms.

They now understand that you can't rely on the government for your own safety,
even under normal circumstances. Certainly not when the government is actually
rooting for the criminals, as it does in L.A.
Post by Ubiquitous
"I'm by myself with my little dog. It was like one of the most terrifying
things ever, because I'm pretty good at defending myself," she continued. "In
that moment, I just knew there was no option. And luckily, he stopped, and
they just laughed at me and walked away as they were laughing at me."
She said that she was filled with feelings of fear, humiliation, and shame
and that the attack left her struggling with mental health issues and being
afraid to go outside.
"So, I opened up about this on the show, not really thinking much of it, and
before I know it, I'm starting to get these messages, and it's like really,
really harsh stuff," she said. "And it's about, how you are painting a
picture of the homeless community. You know, how could you be like this? You
know, these are your unhoused neighbors, and they need help."
This is actually official city policy in Los Angeles. When things like this
happen-- and they happen every single day because the city does nothing to
stop it-- victims are frequently advised and dissuaded from pressing charges
or talking to the media about it because, they're told, "it stigmatizes the
unhoused community" and "you don't want to be a catalyst for hate, do you?"
Basically you're told to take one for the team to avoid hindering the Agenda.

Of course they don't always have victims who are on "the team", so when that
happens, they have to deal with the PR black eye.

And no, these stinking bums are not my "neighbors". Some guy from Memphis or
Mobile or Omaha who managed to panhandle enough money for a bus ticket to L.A.
because he heard anything goes out here, then stumbles off the bus and falls
face-first into a puddle of his own vomit is not my "neighbor". Surveys show
that upwards of 85% of the vagrants in L.A. are from other states. Neighbors,
my ass.
Post by Ubiquitous
“A few people accused me of being racist when I had never disclosed the race
of the individuals who did this to me, and in fact, they were white,” she
This is the best part of the story. The wailing leftists just assumed that if
she was attacked and sexually assaulted, the assailant must have been black
and she's therefore racist for talking about it.

Maybe they were using Effa's Special Definition of Racist, where derogating
any group of people for any conceivable reason is now racism.
Post by Ubiquitous
She said that Democrats "constantly disempower people of color with
messaging that infantilizes them and makes them seem as though, you know, if
it weren't for us white saviors messing around with these laws and policies,
they would never be able to survive."
Something we've been saying for years. It's a shame Ana had to be attacked in
her own neighborhood to realize it.
