Gateway Pundit Says Yale Scientists Link COVID Shot to a Rare, Alarming Syndrome that Causes “Distinct Biological Changes” in the Body
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Conservative Values
2025-02-23 14:46:56 UTC
Why go to the Yale website to look at the report from the source, when
you can read all you need filtered through Gateway Pundit? They'll
tell you what to think, look no more.

The fact is, nobody including Trump reads the gunk spouted by scientists
anymore, they go to Gateway Pundit to be told what it contains and the

Gateway Pundit's version of the report should inform us all so we don't
need to be confused by actual scientists.


If you really believed, you would get all your medical advice from them
too. Who needs experts with all their stupid booklearnin' from schools?
Ted Burton
2025-02-23 15:12:24 UTC
You've always been free to make your own choices.
And face coercion, armed or implied, by government agents if your
isn't on the approved list...
What coercion?  Please be specific.
Seriously Cindy?
and a bazillion more!
And don't forget the fire fighters in Los Angles that were
fired for not taking the shot. And Los Angeles burned.
What I like about suing someone is that if you do it, it's 100% true and
nobody can contest it. If I sued you for calling Trump a pig, I can go
to the media and make it well known that you are being sued for that so
everybody knows your guilty and it's true. Pending lawsuits are
wonderful things to prove something true.

Just stay off the vaccines. Look what happened to Trump once he got his
first shot in 2021, it took over his DNA and he can't think straight.
Because of vaxxines, Trump has turned into a babbling imbecile who
probably shits his diapers 5 times daily.

Then there's the micro chips from Bill Gates. Trump probably never got
his removed after being vaccinated and boosted.

Tell your children, if they get vaxxinated, they'll end up like Trump.

That'll scare 'em.
Lawrence Solomon
2025-02-23 15:14:50 UTC
Biden's illegals could flow across the border, no ID required.
I hear they raped all the men in Texas and all the women too. No more
white babies down there.

Why can't illegals be more like Elon? He's got access to everything but
he's not even a US citizen or here legally.

He's a good African.
2025-02-28 04:41:02 UTC
Post by Lawrence Solomon
Biden's illegals could flow across the border, no ID required.
I hear they raped all the men in Texas and all the women too. No more
white babies down there.
Why can't illegals be more like Elon? He's got access to everything but
he's not even a US citizen or here legally.
He's a good African.
they cannot hire enough immigration judges

It is such a horrible job no one wants it
Siri Cruise
2025-02-28 06:02:36 UTC
Post by marika
Post by Lawrence Solomon
Biden's illegals could flow across the border, no ID required.
I hear they raped all the men in Texas and all the women too. No more
white babies down there.
Like when the Soviets invaded Germany. Every frau and fraulein in
Texas jumped at the chance of potato chimichangas for life!
Post by marika
Post by Lawrence Solomon
Why can't illegals be more like Elon? He's got access to everything but
he's not even a US citizen or here legally.
He's a good African.
they cannot hire enough immigration judges
It is such a horrible job no one wants it
Would you want it? Staring at african-americans like this Elon all
day long.

The very smell of fried dingoes amd watermelon ribs make me sick.

A covid shot changes your body: you become a gol-durned antibody
factory. Once those antibodies spill out they get everywhere.

Even in the chimichangas. What kind of Texas fraulein let you ram
your antibody laced chimichanga up her yahoo?
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Tahitian pearl
2025-03-01 03:34:30 UTC
Post by marika
Biden's illegals could flow across the border, no ID required.
I hear they raped all the men in Texas and all the women too.  No more
white babies down there.
Like when the Soviets invaded Germany. Every frau and fraulein in Texas
jumped at the chance of potato chimichangas for life!
Post by marika
Why can't illegals be more like Elon?  He's got access to everything but
he's not even a US citizen or here legally.
He's a good African.
they cannot hire enough immigration judges
It is such a horrible job no one wants it
Would you want it? Staring at african-americans like this Elon all day
The very smell of fried dingoes amd watermelon ribs make me sick.
A covid shot changes your body: you become a gol-durned antibody
factory. Once those antibodies spill out they get everywhere.
Even in the chimichangas. What kind of Texas fraulein let you ram your
antibody laced chimichanga up her yahoo?
You can hire a serial killer to do the job of immigration judge he will
feel electrified with the ability to deport and to confirm-a-rino. You
may get a slap on the hand for negligence but you will still have a
working circuit court-a-rino. It's not the personaliuty of the judge
that matters, it's all good when he's ready to roll up his sleeves and
deliver a spirit of progress-a-rino.
No heebies, creepies or hallucinogenics It's the height of paranoia
Male, white, mid-to-late thirties
2025-02-25 04:29:40 UTC
Post by Conservative Values
Why go to the Yale website to look at the report from the source, when
you can read all you need filtered through Gateway Pundit? They'll
tell you what to think, look no more.
The fact is, nobody including Trump reads the gunk spouted by scientists
anymore, they go to Gateway Pundit to be told what it contains and the
Trump has his indignant face on today

ABC (@ABC News) posted: French Pres. Macron lauded the "courage of the
Ukrainian people" in their fight against Russia, saying at a White House
press conference on Monday: "No one in this room wants to live in a world
where ... international borders can be violated from one day to the next by
Post by Conservative Values
Gateway Pundit's version of the report should inform us all so we don't
need to be confused by actual scientists.
If you really believed, you would get all your medical advice from them
too. Who needs experts with all their stupid booklearnin' from schools?