2024-12-17 19:14:23 UTC
Permalinkremove some dead skin; the delay was so long that simple procedure
proved pointless and she opted to have the leg amputated.
Someone should make a documentary to refute Michael Moore's Sicko where
he told some pretty improbable stories about how wonderful our health
care system is. I still can't believe the scene about the American that
went into a Windsor ER and got his problem dealt with in just 15
minutes. My own brother spent the better part of a day in an ER waiting
to see if the infection in his leg was flesh-eating disease. (A doctor
DID come along while he was stiil in the waiting area to mark a line on
his leg with magic marker and then returned a couple of hours later to
verify that the infection wasn't moving fast enough to be flesh-eating
disease but he wasn't admitted for many hours so that treatment with
heavy-duty hospital antibiotics could begin. He then spent a week in
hospital until they were satisfied he was going to be okay.)