Harriet Tubman Chosen to Replace Jackson on $20 Bill
(too old to reply)
2016-04-21 00:07:24 UTC
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.

Loading Image...

It's perfect. It'll send alt-right racists into a conniption fit and at
the same time will put liberals into a pearl-clutching swoon and send
them and running for the fainting couch over the image of the gun.

Twice the amusement for the money!
David Johnston
2016-04-21 00:08:54 UTC
Post by BTR1701
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
It's perfect. It'll send alt-right racists into a conniption fit and at
the same time will put liberals into a pearl-clutching swoon and send
them and running for the fainting couch over the image of the gun.
Strangely, I feel no such urge.
2016-04-21 00:25:21 UTC
Post by David Johnston
Post by BTR1701
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
It's perfect. It'll send alt-right racists into a conniption fit and at
the same time will put liberals into a pearl-clutching swoon and send
them and running for the fainting couch over the image of the gun.
Strangely, I feel no such urge.
I had no idea you were the benchmark for alt-right racism.

But hey, noted!
David Johnston
2016-04-21 00:41:37 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by David Johnston
Post by BTR1701
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
It's perfect. It'll send alt-right racists into a conniption fit and at
the same time will put liberals into a pearl-clutching swoon and send
them and running for the fainting couch over the image of the gun.
Strangely, I feel no such urge.
I had no idea you were the benchmark for alt-right racism.
But I am a liberal.
2016-04-21 01:18:39 UTC
Post by David Johnston
Post by BTR1701
Post by David Johnston
Post by BTR1701
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
It's perfect. It'll send alt-right racists into a conniption fit and at
the same time will put liberals into a pearl-clutching swoon and send
them and running for the fainting couch over the image of the gun.
Strangely, I feel no such urge.
I had no idea you were the benchmark for alt-right racism.
But I am a liberal.
Well, sure. Your complete lack of a sense of humor gave you away.
2016-04-21 02:02:47 UTC
Just realized... there are now going to be *so* many things that it will
racist or sexist to buy with a twenty. <sigh> (Coming soon from Salon:
"Using a sharpie to turn Harriet Tubman into Mr. T is racist AND

I wonder if certain transactions will now be known as "tubbies"?

And you just know someone at a strip club is going to make a joke about
the Underground Railroad after paying for a lap dance and making it rain

All I know is that it shoulda been you, Beyonce! Dissed! TubMAN replaces
JackSON. Meet the new patriarchy, same as the old patriarchy.

(If only we had politicians who cared more about letting us keep our
money instead of whose faces are on it.)
Ed Stasiak
2016-04-21 02:11:00 UTC
(If only we had politicians who cared more about letting us keep our
money instead of whose faces are on it.)
Why didn't the People vote to choose who'd be on the $20?

We're already holding tax payer funded elections for primaries,
so they could have easily added five or so choices for us vote on.
2016-04-21 02:23:50 UTC
Post by Ed Stasiak
(If only we had politicians who cared more about letting us keep our
money instead of whose faces are on it.)
Why didn't the People vote to choose who'd be on the $20?
We're already holding tax payer funded elections for primaries,
so they could have easily added five or so choices for us vote on.
Breaking news:

Treasury Department throws founder of the Democratic Party off $20 bill,
replaces him with gun-toting Republican.

Loading Image...
Ed Stasiak
2016-04-21 02:40:55 UTC
Treasury Department throws founder of the Democratic Party off $20 bill,
replaces him with gun-toting Republican.
I've seen three different portraits of Harriet Tubman proposed and none
of them are very... photogenic.

Heard somewhere that there was a suggestion that a representative portrait
of Harriet Tubman be used, modeled by Beyonce?
2016-04-21 04:24:56 UTC
Post by Ed Stasiak
Treasury Department throws founder of the Democratic Party off $20 bill,
replaces him with gun-toting Republican.
I've seen three different portraits of Harriet Tubman proposed and none
of them are very... photogenic.
Heard somewhere that there was a suggestion that a representative portrait
of Harriet Tubman be used, modeled by Beyonce?
Because of course!
2016-04-21 12:48:30 UTC
Post by Ed Stasiak
(If only we had politicians who cared more about letting us keep our
money instead of whose faces are on it.)
Why didn't the People vote to choose who'd be on the $20?
We're already holding tax payer funded elections for primaries,
so they could have easily added five or so choices for us vote on.
Who wants to wager that "In God We Trust" will silently vanish from the new
Hillary said the one thing she takes everywhere is hot sauce.
On a side note, hot sauce is known to remove fingerprints from corrupt money.
A Friend
2016-04-21 13:12:38 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
(If only we had politicians who cared more about letting us keep our
money instead of whose faces are on it.)
Why didn't the People vote to choose who'd be on the $20?
We're already holding tax payer funded elections for primaries,
so they could have easily added five or so choices for us vote on.
Who wants to wager that "In God We Trust" will silently vanish from the new
I don't think it will. Congress would have to repeal the law that put
it there (and it won't), and it's a non-starter anyway because dumping
the motto is a fight no one wants to have.
Adam H. Kerman
2016-04-21 13:52:25 UTC
Post by A Friend
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
(If only we had politicians who cared more about letting us keep our
money instead of whose faces are on it.)
Why didn't the People vote to choose who'd be on the $20?
We're already holding tax payer funded elections for primaries,
so they could have easily added five or so choices for us vote on.
Who wants to wager that "In God We Trust" will silently vanish from the new
I don't think it will. Congress would have to repeal the law that put
it there (and it won't), and it's a non-starter anyway because dumping
the motto is a fight no one wants to have.
Isn't it the only thing keeping Communism from dominating America?
2016-04-21 15:57:11 UTC
Post by A Friend
Post by Ubiquitous
Who wants to wager that "In God We Trust" will silently vanish from the new
I don't think it will. Congress would have to repeal the law that put
it there (and it won't), and it's a non-starter anyway because dumping
the motto is a fight no one wants to have.
Is there a law that requires that on the bills? I never heard that before, but
then again, when has that stopped them before?
Hillary said the one thing she takes everywhere is hot sauce.
On a side note, hot sauce is known to remove fingerprints from corrupt money.
Adam H. Kerman
2016-04-21 16:16:46 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by A Friend
Post by Ubiquitous
Who wants to wager that "In God We Trust" will silently vanish from the new
I don't think it will. Congress would have to repeal the law that put
it there (and it won't), and it's a non-starter anyway because dumping
the motto is a fight no one wants to have.
Is there a law that requires that on the bills? I never heard that before,
but then again, when has that stopped them before?
The law is P.L. 84-140, Eisenhower-era legislation. Also during the
Eisenhower administration, Congress adopted it as our nation's motto,
replacing E pluribus unum (which was apparently never adopted in law). It
is a key factor in our defeat of Communism during the Cold War! It's a
blatant violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment,
of course.

The motto appeared on coins during the 1860s, though, so it had been
around for a long time.
Adam H. Kerman
2016-04-27 15:36:48 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by A Friend
Post by Ubiquitous
Who wants to wager that "In God We Trust" will silently vanish from the
new bills?
I don't think it will. Congress would have to repeal the law that put
it there (and it won't), and it's a non-starter anyway because dumping
the motto is a fight no one wants to have.
Is there a law that requires that on the bills? I never heard that before,
but then again, when has that stopped them before?
The law is P.L. 84-140, Eisenhower-era legislation. Also during the
Eisenhower administration, Congress adopted it as our nation's motto,
replacing E pluribus unum (which was apparently never adopted in law). It
is a key factor in our defeat of Communism during the Cold War! It's a
blatant violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment,
of course.
It's no such thing.
Of course it is. It's just been very difficult for someone with standing
to sue.
2016-04-21 16:35:11 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by A Friend
Post by Ubiquitous
Who wants to wager that "In God We Trust" will silently vanish from the new
I don't think it will. Congress would have to repeal the law that put
it there (and it won't), and it's a non-starter anyway because dumping
the motto is a fight no one wants to have.
Is there a law that requires that on the bills? I never heard that before, but
then again, when has that stopped them before?
Yes. The two iron clad rules are:

Must be dead.

Must say "In God We Trust"
Join your old RAT friends at
2016-04-21 13:49:01 UTC
Post by Ed Stasiak
(If only we had politicians who cared more about letting us keep our
money instead of whose faces are on it.)
Why didn't the People vote to choose who'd be on the $20?
We're already holding tax payer funded elections for primaries,
so they could have easily added five or so choices for us vote on.
Seriously? You want to carry around graven images of Trump?
- - - - - - - -
YOUR taste at work...
2016-04-21 09:43:52 UTC
Post by BTR1701
(If only we had politicians who cared more about letting us keep our
money instead of whose faces are on it.)
Or spent their time on serious matters instead of the appearance of our money.
Hillary said the one thing she takes everywhere is hot sauce.
On a side note, hot sauce is known to remove fingerprints from corrupt money.
2016-04-21 21:56:01 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by BTR1701
(If only we had politicians who cared more about letting us keep our
money instead of whose faces are on it.)
Or spent their time on serious matters instead of the appearance of our money.
Yeah! Like naming Post Offices!
It's good to keep an open mind, just not so open that your brains fall
out. -Dawkins
2016-04-21 21:57:00 UTC
Post by FPP
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by BTR1701
(If only we had politicians who cared more about letting us keep our
money instead of whose faces are on it.)
Or spent their time on serious matters instead of the appearance of our money.
Yeah! Like naming Post Offices!
Nonresponse noted. Get back to us when you have a real argument to make.
The old Soviet leaders had it right. Our destruction comes from within:
Moochers, parasites, and Obama.
Barry Worthington
2016-04-21 05:47:12 UTC
Post by David Johnston
Post by BTR1701
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
It's perfect. It'll send alt-right racists into a conniption fit and at
the same time will put liberals into a pearl-clutching swoon and send
them and running for the fainting couch over the image of the gun.
Strangely, I feel no such urge.
You have to remember that BTR, and people like him, regard a gun as a sex toy.....
2016-04-21 06:17:07 UTC
Post by Barry Worthington
Post by David Johnston
Post by BTR1701
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
It's perfect. It'll send alt-right racists into a conniption fit and at
the same time will put liberals into a pearl-clutching swoon and send
them and running for the fainting couch over the image of the gun.
Strangely, I feel no such urge.
You have to remember that BTR, and people like him, regard a gun as a sex toy.....
And people like you make shit up just to insult people.

That PhD is in douchebaggery.
2016-04-21 18:37:19 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by Barry Worthington
Post by David Johnston
Post by BTR1701
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
It's perfect. It'll send alt-right racists into a conniption fit and at
the same time will put liberals into a pearl-clutching swoon and send
them and running for the fainting couch over the image of the gun.
Strangely, I feel no such urge.
You have to remember that BTR, and people like him, regard a gun as a sex toy.....
And people like you make shit up just to insult people.
That PhD is in douchebaggery.
Which you only managed a bachelor's in?
2016-04-22 22:47:59 UTC
Post by Barry Worthington
Post by David Johnston
Post by BTR1701
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
It's perfect. It'll send alt-right racists into a conniption fit and at
the same time will put liberals into a pearl-clutching swoon and send
them and running for the fainting couch over the image of the gun.
Strangely, I feel no such urge.
You have to remember that BTR, and people like him, regard a gun as a sex toy.....
A lot of you liberals labouring under such tired misconceptions about guns often change your minds when you actually use one yourself. Unless you spend your time in Starbucks, drive a Volvo and question your own sexuality.
Barry Worthington
2016-04-27 19:40:12 UTC
Post by RichA
Post by Barry Worthington
Post by David Johnston
Post by BTR1701
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
It's perfect. It'll send alt-right racists into a conniption fit and at
the same time will put liberals into a pearl-clutching swoon and send
them and running for the fainting couch over the image of the gun.
Strangely, I feel no such urge.
You have to remember that BTR, and people like him, regard a gun as a sex toy.....
A lot of you liberals labouring under such tired misconceptions about guns often change your minds when you actually use one yourself. Unless you spend your time in Starbucks, drive a Volvo and question your own sexuality.
I never patronise Starbucks, as I hate multiple food chains, I don't believe in cars, and I love women too much.

For your information, I have used guns (on a target range) and then got on with my ordinary life. My father had a Lee Enfield .303, and then a sten gun in the war, but he didn't want to see another after he was demobbed.

Dr. Barry Worthington
2016-04-27 20:17:38 UTC
Post by Barry Worthington
I never patronise Starbucks, as I hate multiple food chains, I don't believe in cars
You don't believe in cars? Then what the hell do you think all those metal
boxes are that move around on the streets?
Barry Worthington
2016-04-27 21:52:36 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by Barry Worthington
I never patronise Starbucks, as I hate multiple food chains, I don't believe in cars
You don't believe in cars? Then what the hell do you think all those metal
boxes are that move around on the streets?
Can't you understand English, you dumb colonial? It's pretty clear, even to an idiot like yourself, that I don't believe in cars as a part of my life. I don't own one, and have never felt the need for one. I use public transport...it's far more congenial.

Dr. Barry Worthington
2016-04-28 01:11:19 UTC
Post by Barry Worthington
Post by BTR1701
Post by Barry Worthington
I never patronise Starbucks, as I hate multiple food chains, I don't
believe in cars
You don't believe in cars? Then what the hell do you think all those metal
boxes are that move around on the streets?
Can't you understand English, you dumb colonial?
Sure I can, you insipid monarchist.

When someone says, "I don't believe in god," it means they don't believe
god exists, not that they have no use for god in their life.

So when you say, "I don't believe in cars"... well, you do the math.
Barry Worthington
2016-04-28 22:41:23 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by Barry Worthington
Post by BTR1701
Post by Barry Worthington
I never patronise Starbucks, as I hate multiple food chains, I don't
believe in cars
You don't believe in cars? Then what the hell do you think all those metal
boxes are that move around on the streets?
Can't you understand English, you dumb colonial?
Sure I can, you insipid monarchist.
When someone says, "I don't believe in god," it means they don't believe
god exists, not that they have no use for god in their life.
It can mean both interpretations....
Post by BTR1701
So when you say, "I don't believe in cars"... well, you do the math.
But I taught English...and you are an ignorant fool....

Dr. Barry Worthington
2016-04-29 05:24:50 UTC
Post by Barry Worthington
Post by BTR1701
So when you say, "I don't believe in cars"... well, you do the math.
But I taught English...and you are an ignorant fool....
Amazing that no matter the subject, you somehow automatically have some
kind of superior expertise in it.

No one believes you.
2016-04-29 13:43:40 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by Barry Worthington
Post by BTR1701
So when you say, "I don't believe in cars"... well, you do the math.
But I taught English...and you are an ignorant fool....
Amazing that no matter the subject, you somehow automatically have some
kind of superior expertise in it.
No one believes you.
Pretty sure 'disbelief' has a double-'s', there.
- - - - - - - -
YOUR taste at work...
2016-04-29 14:56:02 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by Barry Worthington
Post by BTR1701
So when you say, "I don't believe in cars"... well, you do the math.
But I taught English...and you are an ignorant fool....
Amazing that no matter the subject, you somehow
automatically have some kind of superior expertise in it.
And you don't? You claim you went to law school (in Houston).
Post by BTR1701
No one believes you.
You should talk.
2016-04-29 15:32:39 UTC
Post by m***@hotmail.com
Post by BTR1701
Post by Barry Worthington
Post by BTR1701
So when you say, "I don't believe in cars"... well, you do the math.
But I taught English...and you are an ignorant fool....
Amazing that no matter the subject, you somehow
automatically have some kind of superior expertise in it.
And you don't?
No, I don't have superior expertise in every subject. No one does. Only
you seem to make that ridiculous claim.
2016-04-29 15:34:21 UTC
Post by m***@hotmail.com
Post by BTR1701
Post by Barry Worthington
Post by BTR1701
So when you say, "I don't believe in cars"... well, you do the math.
But I taught English...and you are an ignorant fool....
Amazing that no matter the subject, you somehow
automatically have some kind of superior expertise in it.
And you don't?
No, I don't have superior expertise in every subject. No one does...
Then why claim that he automatically has "some kind of superior expertise...no matter the subject" ??
2016-04-29 18:25:38 UTC
Post by m***@hotmail.com
Post by m***@hotmail.com
Post by BTR1701
Post by Barry Worthington
Post by BTR1701
So when you say, "I don't believe in cars"... well, you do the math.
But I taught English...and you are an ignorant fool....
Amazing that no matter the subject, you somehow
automatically have some kind of superior expertise in it.
And you don't?
No, I don't have superior expertise in every subject. No one does...
Then why claim that he automatically has "some kind of superior
expertise...no matter the subject" ??
It's actually Barry who constantly makes those claims because he is a
pompous liar.
Barry Worthington
2016-04-29 19:37:17 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by m***@hotmail.com
Post by m***@hotmail.com
Post by BTR1701
Post by Barry Worthington
Post by BTR1701
So when you say, "I don't believe in cars"... well, you do the math.
But I taught English...and you are an ignorant fool....
Amazing that no matter the subject, you somehow
automatically have some kind of superior expertise in it.
And you don't?
No, I don't have superior expertise in every subject. No one does...
Then why claim that he automatically has "some kind of superior
expertise...no matter the subject" ??
It's actually Barry who constantly makes those claims because he is a
pompous liar.
But, compared to you, most people on this n.g. have superior expertise!
2016-04-29 23:18:28 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by Barry Worthington
Post by BTR1701
So when you say, "I don't believe in cars"... well, you do the math.
But I taught English...and you are an ignorant fool....
Amazing that no matter the subject, you somehow automatically have some
kind of superior expertise in it.
No one believes you.
No one? When will your poll numbers be available?

2016-04-21 13:46:40 UTC
Post by David Johnston
Post by BTR1701
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
It's perfect. It'll send alt-right racists into a conniption fit and at
the same time will put liberals into a pearl-clutching swoon and send
them and running for the fainting couch over the image of the gun.
Strangely, I feel no such urge.
Me either. I hardly know which printed t-shirt to wear...
- - - - - - - -
YOUR taste at work...
Ed Stasiak
2016-04-21 00:55:47 UTC
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;

Loading Image...
2016-04-21 09:38:22 UTC
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".

"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the only
choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised the
statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Hillary said the one thing she takes everywhere is hot sauce.
On a side note, hot sauce is known to remove fingerprints from corrupt money.
A Friend
2016-04-21 11:59:32 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the only
choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised the
statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Now, now. You've wasted a shot. They're not allowed to depict living
people on money.

And, yes, I think this thing reeks. I'm not in favor of replacing
Jackson on the $20, and I'm not in favor of turning the back side of
the $5 and $10 into some sort of history lesson. However, the pic at
zork.net is better than any I've seen of Tubman in her later life. I
think showing the gun would be appropriate, even if some people are
giggling themselves into a coma over it.
2016-04-21 12:40:45 UTC
Post by A Friend
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the
only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised
the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Now, now. You've wasted a shot. They're not allowed to depict living
people on money.
I thought they could only be presidents.
Hillary said the one thing she takes everywhere is hot sauce.
On a side note, hot sauce is known to remove fingerprints from corrupt money.
A Friend
2016-04-21 13:10:28 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by A Friend
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the
only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised
the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Now, now. You've wasted a shot. They're not allowed to depict living
people on money.
I thought they could only be presidents.
No, they don't have to be (but it probably helps). Hamilton is on the
$10 and Franklin is on the $100, and neither was ever president.
Larger bills than the $100 are no longer in circulation, but Salmon P.
Chase was on the $10,000. He, like Hamilton, was a Secretary of the
Treasury, but Hamilton was the first while Chase was only the
twenty-fifth. I guess they could put anybody on the money that they
wanted to, as long as he or she is dead.

Coins below the dollar are all presidents. The dollar used to have
Eisenhower, but they swapped him out for Susan B. Anthony and, later,

BTW U.S. law prohibits the portraits of living persons on any sort of
government securities, so it's not just the money.
2016-04-21 14:23:20 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by A Friend
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the
only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised
the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Now, now. You've wasted a shot. They're not allowed to depict living
people on money.
I thought they could only be presidents.
Benjamin Franklin wasn't a president.
2016-04-21 15:15:02 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by A Friend
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the
only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised
the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Now, now. You've wasted a shot. They're not allowed to depict living
people on money.
I thought they could only be presidents.
Benjamin Franklin wasn't a president.
JINX! The sky over my head is just *buzzing* with Amazon ice cream
Join your old RAT friends at
2016-04-21 20:21:30 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by A Friend
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the
only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised
the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Now, now. You've wasted a shot. They're not allowed to depict living
people on money.
I thought they could only be presidents.
Benjamin Franklin wasn't a president.
Nor Alexander Hamilton.
2016-04-21 14:27:38 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by A Friend
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the
only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised
the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Now, now. You've wasted a shot. They're not allowed to depict living
people on money.
I thought they could only be presidents.
No, there are exceptions (Ben Franklin) but you *have* to be dead.
Join your old RAT friends at
Adam H. Kerman
2016-04-21 14:31:43 UTC
Post by anim8rfsk
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by A Friend
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the
only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised
the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Now, now. You've wasted a shot. They're not allowed to depict living
people on money.
I thought they could only be presidents.
No, there are exceptions (Ben Franklin) but you *have* to be dead.
Ben Franklin doesn't make a lot of sense, actually. Because he
encouraged savings accounts? I can't think of his significant
contribution to our monetary system.

Hamilton and Jackson make a lot of sense.
2016-04-21 15:16:22 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by anim8rfsk
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by A Friend
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the
only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised
the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Now, now. You've wasted a shot. They're not allowed to depict living
people on money.
I thought they could only be presidents.
No, there are exceptions (Ben Franklin) but you *have* to be dead.
Ben Franklin doesn't make a lot of sense, actually. Because he
encouraged savings accounts? I can't think of his significant
contribution to our monetary system.

"One of Benjamin Franklin¹s wisest and most famous sayings was, ³A penny
saved is a penny earned.² Therefore it should come as no surprise that
Franklin¹s likeness appears on the U.S. hundred dollar bill."

Join your old RAT friends at
Adam H. Kerman
2016-04-21 15:36:47 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by anim8rfsk
Post by Ubiquitous
. . . Now, now. You've wasted a shot. They're not allowed to depict
living people on money.
I thought they could only be presidents.
No, there are exceptions (Ben Franklin) but you *have* to be dead.
Ben Franklin doesn't make a lot of sense, actually. Because he
encouraged savings accounts? I can't think of his significant
contribution to our monetary system.
"One of Benjamin Franklin's wisest and most famous sayings was, 'A penny
saved is a penny earned.' Therefore it should come as no surprise that
Franklin's likeness appears on the U.S. hundred dollar bill."
I came up with the same Web page too; not very illuminating. Wasn't
Franklin depicted on postal savings certificates too?
2016-04-21 16:36:14 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by anim8rfsk
Post by Ubiquitous
. . . Now, now. You've wasted a shot. They're not allowed to depict
living people on money.
I thought they could only be presidents.
No, there are exceptions (Ben Franklin) but you *have* to be dead.
Ben Franklin doesn't make a lot of sense, actually. Because he
encouraged savings accounts? I can't think of his significant
contribution to our monetary system.
"One of Benjamin Franklin's wisest and most famous sayings was, 'A penny
saved is a penny earned.' Therefore it should come as no surprise that
Franklin's likeness appears on the U.S. hundred dollar bill."
I came up with the same Web page too; not very illuminating. Wasn't
Franklin depicted on postal savings certificates too?
Dunno, but I thought the 'penny' explanation was unbelievably lame.

Now, if they'd put him on the damn penny ...
Join your old RAT friends at
2016-04-21 20:03:16 UTC
Post by anim8rfsk
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by anim8rfsk
Post by Ubiquitous
. . . Now, now. You've wasted a shot. They're not allowed to depict
living people on money.
I thought they could only be presidents.
No, there are exceptions (Ben Franklin) but you *have* to be dead.
Ben Franklin doesn't make a lot of sense, actually. Because he
encouraged savings accounts? I can't think of his significant
contribution to our monetary system.
"One of Benjamin Franklin's wisest and most famous sayings was, 'A penny
saved is a penny earned.' Therefore it should come as no surprise that
Franklin's likeness appears on the U.S. hundred dollar bill."
I came up with the same Web page too; not very illuminating. Wasn't
Franklin depicted on postal savings certificates too?
Dunno, but I thought the 'penny' explanation was unbelievably lame.
Now, if they'd put him on the damn penny ...
I think the quote from the website is laced with irony and that the
writer's intention was to call out the silliness of Franklin being on
the $100 instead of the $0.01.
2016-04-21 14:51:04 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by A Friend
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the
only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised
the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Now, now. You've wasted a shot. They're not allowed to depict living
people on money.
I thought they could only be presidents.
Alexander Hamilton was never a president.
Adam H. Kerman
2016-04-21 15:06:53 UTC
Post by Rhino
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by A Friend
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the
only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised
the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Now, now. You've wasted a shot. They're not allowed to depict living
people on money.
I thought they could only be presidents.
Alexander Hamilton was never a president.
Hamilton was the first secretary of the treasury, a very important
figure and the reason why he's on currency.
2016-04-21 21:38:50 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Rhino
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by A Friend
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the
only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised
the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Now, now. You've wasted a shot. They're not allowed to depict living
people on money.
I thought they could only be presidents.
Alexander Hamilton was never a president.
Hamilton was the first secretary of the treasury, a very important
figure and the reason why he's on currency.
I'm not saying he doesn't deserve to be on the currency, just that he is
an example of someone who is on US currency who wasn't a president. :-)
2016-04-21 22:01:50 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by A Friend
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the
only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised
the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Now, now. You've wasted a shot. They're not allowed to depict living
people on money.
I thought they could only be presidents.
Have you ever SEEN our currency? Or read a US History book?

Presidents like Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and Salmon P. Chase?

You really, really, really are BAD at this, aren't you?
"Trump seems to know he’s a loser. His embarrassing insecurities are on
parade: petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, and flagrant

"The way I see it, it’s our job to make sure he ends this campaign
every bit the loser that he started it." -Elizabeth Warren
2016-04-23 17:44:09 UTC
"Trump seems to know he's a loser. His embarrassing insecurities are on
parade: petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, and flagrant
Trump first appeared in a front page October 16, 1973 article about him entitled: "Major Landlord Accused of Antiblack Bias in City"

-- http://www.nytimes.com/times-insider/2015/07/30/1973-meet-donald-trump/?_r=0

The article discussed allegations that he refused to rent apartments to African Americans. And republicans have the gall to call him a democrat?
2016-04-23 19:12:16 UTC
Post by m***@hotmail.com
"Trump seems to know he's a loser. His embarrassing insecurities are on
parade: petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, and flagrant
Trump first appeared in a front page October 16, 1973 article about him
entitled: "Major Landlord Accused of Antiblack Bias in City"
-- http://www.nytimes.com/times-insider/2015/07/30/1973-meet-donald-trump/?_r=0
The article discussed allegations that he refused to rent apartments to
African Americans. And republicans have the gall to call him a democrat?
Heck, you Dems had a KKK grand wizard as one of your elder statesmen for
2016-04-23 20:29:09 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by m***@hotmail.com
"Trump seems to know he's a loser. His embarrassing insecurities are on
parade: petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, and flagrant
Trump first appeared in a front page October 16, 1973 article about him
entitled: "Major Landlord Accused of Antiblack Bias in City"
-- http://www.nytimes.com/times-insider/2015/07/30/1973-meet-donald-trump/?_r=0
The article discussed allegations that he refused to rent apartments to
African Americans. And republicans have the gall to call him a democrat?
Heck, you Dems had a KKK grand wizard as one of your elder statesmen for
But that was before the bigots switched parties resulting from the voting rights acts of the 60's.
2016-04-23 23:17:05 UTC
Post by m***@hotmail.com
Post by BTR1701
Post by m***@hotmail.com
"Trump seems to know he's a loser. His embarrassing insecurities are on
parade: petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, and flagrant
Trump first appeared in a front page October 16, 1973 article about him
entitled: "Major Landlord Accused of Antiblack Bias in City"
-- http://www.nytimes.com/times-insider/2015/07/30/1973-meet-donald-trump/?_r=0
The article discussed allegations that he refused to rent apartments to
African Americans. And republicans have the gall to call him a democrat?
Heck, you Dems had a KKK grand wizard as one of your elder statesmen for
But that was before the bigots switched parties resulting from the voting
rights acts of the 60's.
Nope, Byrd was a Dem long after the 60s.
2016-04-23 20:47:07 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by m***@hotmail.com
"Trump seems to know he's a loser. His embarrassing insecurities are on
parade: petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, and flagrant
Trump first appeared in a front page October 16, 1973 article about him
entitled: "Major Landlord Accused of Antiblack Bias in City"
-- http://www.nytimes.com/times-insider/2015/07/30/1973-meet-donald-trump/?_r=0
The article discussed allegations that he refused to rent apartments to
African Americans. And republicans have the gall to call him a democrat?
Heck, you Dems had a KKK grand wizard as one of your elder statesmen for
Yeah... and he eventually realized that was wrong, and apologized and
spent the rest of his life trying to make it right.

That's the way decent people behave... just in case you were wondering.

I know you'll never see many examples of decent in the circle you
travel in - so I just thought somebody should let you know how decent
people behave when they realize they've been horrible human beings.
"Listen, I'm a politician... which means that I'm a cheat and a liar,
and when I'm not kissing babies, I'm stealing their lollipops." -Hunt
for Red October
Adam H. Kerman
2016-04-23 21:01:07 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by m***@hotmail.com
"Trump seems to know he's a loser. His embarrassing insecurities are on
parade: petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, and flagrant
Trump first appeared in a front page October 16, 1973 article about him
entitled: "Major Landlord Accused of Antiblack Bias in City"
The article discussed allegations that he refused to rent apartments to
African Americans. And republicans have the gall to call him a democrat?
Heck, you Dems had a KKK grand wizard as one of your elder statesmen for
Future Senator Byrd founded his own chapter. He dropped out a few years later.
He claimed he was fighting Commies; West Virginia was a hotbed, you know.

Byrd became so powerful in the United States Senate, he was determined to
move the federal government out of Washington into West Virginia one
department at a time. He tried to grab the CIA.
Adam H. Kerman
2016-04-21 14:24:42 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the only
choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised the
statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Reagan? The people depicted on currency had specific historical roles in our
monetary system. I don't know what Reagan would be credited with.

Nixon ended Bretton Woods and got us off the gold standard, but no one
would propose that he would appear on currency.
2016-04-21 15:22:30 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the only
choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised the
statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Reagan? The people depicted on currency had specific historical roles in our
monetary system.

Susan Anthony?
Adam H. Kerman
2016-04-21 15:39:41 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly,
the only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am
surprised the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary
on it.
Reagan? The people depicted on currency had specific historical roles in our
monetary system.
Susan Anthony?
I said "currency". There have long been commemorative coins.
2016-04-21 17:14:31 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by BTR1701
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly,
the only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am
surprised the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary
on it.
Reagan? The people depicted on currency had specific historical roles in our
monetary system.
Susan Anthony?
I said "currency". There have long been commemorative coins.
Except those coins were also currency, as opposed to merely commemorative.
Adam H. Kerman
2016-04-21 17:29:33 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by BTR1701
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly,
the only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am
surprised the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary
on it.
Reagan? The people depicted on currency had specific historical roles
in our monetary system.
Susan Anthony?
I said "currency". There have long been commemorative coins.
Except those coins were also currency, as opposed to merely commemorative.
Could you end the Johnston-lite routine, please? From context, I'm using
"currency" to mean "bank notes", not coins. Currency has several money-related
definitions. This whole thread had been about bank notes, till you tried to
force thread drift by mentioning dollar coins. You started discussing
bank notes, not coins, when you mentioned Bureau of Printing and Engraving;
the US Mint makes coins.
2016-04-21 16:02:30 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the
only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised
the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Reagan? The people depicted on currency had specific historical roles in our
monetary system. I don't know what Reagan would be credited with.
I remember learning they use dead presidents for currency, with Hamilton being
the exception b/c he fonded the system or something.
Hillary said the one thing she takes everywhere is hot sauce.
On a side note, hot sauce is known to remove fingerprints from corrupt money.
Adam H. Kerman
2016-04-21 16:10:27 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the
only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised
the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Reagan? The people depicted on currency had specific historical roles in our
monetary system. I don't know what Reagan would be credited with.
I remember learning they use dead presidents for currency, with Hamilton
being the exception b/c he fonded the system or something.
Then you should sue for malpractice, accepting a settlement entirely
in Franklins.
Adam H. Kerman
2016-04-27 16:29:37 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly,
the only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I
am surprised the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked
Hillary on it.
Reagan? The people depicted on currency had specific historical roles in
our monetary system. I don't know what Reagan would be credited with.
I remember learning they use dead presidents for currency, with Hamilton
being the exception b/c he fonded the system or something.
Then you should sue for malpractice, accepting a settlement entirely
in Franklins.
This was a long time ago, plus they called paper money "dead presidents".
What, you wanted the nickname to be "dead presidents plus some other dead
guys who weren't president, including a guy nearly no one remembers on
the $1000 bill"? That's awkward.
Angry White Dude
2016-04-27 18:30:53 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly,
the only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I
am surprised the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked
Hillary on it.
Reagan? The people depicted on currency had specific historical roles in
our monetary system. I don't know what Reagan would be credited with.
I remember learning they use dead presidents for currency, with Hamilton
being the exception b/c he fonded the system or something.
Then you should sue for malpractice, accepting a settlement entirely
in Franklins.
This was a long time ago, plus they called paper money "dead presidents".
What, you wanted the nickname to be "dead presidents plus some other dead
guys who weren't president, including a guy nearly no one remembers on
the $1000 bill"? That's awkward.
I've Never carried any pictures of Dead Negro's in my wallet before ...not likely to start now ...all $5's probably ...plus a several $1's to tip bellhops and taxi drivers ... if they behave themselves.
A Friend
2016-04-21 19:01:24 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the only
choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised the
statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Reagan? The people depicted on currency had specific historical roles in our
monetary system. I don't know what Reagan would be credited with.
Nixon ended Bretton Woods and got us off the gold standard, but no one
would propose that he would appear on currency.
A lot of people used to say that Nixon belonged on the three-dollar
Adam H. Kerman
2016-04-21 22:31:59 UTC
Post by A Friend
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly,
the only choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am
surprised the statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary
on it.
Reagan? The people depicted on currency had specific historical roles in our
monetary system. I don't know what Reagan would be credited with.
Nixon ended Bretton Woods and got us off the gold standard, but no one
would propose that he would appear on currency.
A lot of people used to say that Nixon belonged on the three-dollar
I like that!
2016-04-23 22:16:34 UTC
Post by A Friend
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the only
choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan, but I am surprised the
statists didn't try to get Dear Ruler or Crooked Hillary on it.
Reagan? The people depicted on currency had specific historical roles in our
monetary system. I don't know what Reagan would be credited with.
Nixon ended Bretton Woods and got us off the gold standard, but no one
would propose that he would appear on currency.
A lot of people used to say that Nixon belonged on the three-dollar
They learned their lesson when they saw what the wits did with the stamps. Loading Image...
2016-04-21 21:58:19 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by Ed Stasiak
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
"Why is Aunt Jemima packing heat?".
"Why is Cleopatra Jones on my money?"
Post by Ed Stasiak
In other news, the Bureau also released a pic their choice to be
the new $5.00 bill;
This whole thing reeks of racial and sexual politics. Quite frankly, the only
choice to replace Jackson should be Ronald Reagan.
Well, I hear Reagan is a front runner for the Iranian Rial - so you
might yet get your wish.
A pessimist says the glass is half empty. An optimist says the glass
is half full. An engineer says somebody made the glass twice as big as
it needed to be.
2016-04-21 02:57:26 UTC
Post by BTR1701
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
It's perfect. It'll send alt-right racists into a conniption fit and at
the same time will put liberals into a pearl-clutching swoon and send
them and running for the fainting couch over the image of the gun.
Twice the amusement for the money!
Invest in precious metal. Invest in lead.


19 trillion in debt and the American Dollar is backed by the "full faith and credit of the United States" - What?

2016-04-21 03:18:01 UTC
Post by BTR1701
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
It's perfect. It'll send alt-right racists into a conniption fit and at
the same time will put liberals into a pearl-clutching swoon and send
them and running for the fainting couch over the image of the gun.
Twice the amusement for the money!
Socially-engineering history, one bank note at a time...
2016-04-21 10:07:43 UTC
Post by BTR1701
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
It's perfect. It'll send alt-right racists into a conniption fit and at
the same time will put liberals into a pearl-clutching swoon and send
them and running for the fainting couch over the image of the gun.
Twice the amusement for the money!
It sounds like your alternate source of amusement might be pulling the
wings off of flies. Agree or disagree?
2016-04-21 21:54:07 UTC
Post by trotsky
Post by BTR1701
The Bureau of Engraving & Printing should use this Harriet-Tubman-
with-a-Gat picture for the new $20.
It's perfect. It'll send alt-right racists into a conniption fit and at
the same time will put liberals into a pearl-clutching swoon and send
them and running for the fainting couch over the image of the gun.
Twice the amusement for the money!
It sounds like your alternate source of amusement might be pulling the
wings off of flies. Agree or disagree?
Well... just the Left Wings, I'd guess.

(I just could NOT resist...)
"We used to look up and wonder about our place in the stars. Now we
just look down and worry about our place in the dirt." - Interstellar