Post by BTR1701Post by moviePigPost by BTR1701A 17-year-old girl who used pepper spray to fight off an attempted
gang-rape from the illegal aliens that have culturally enriched her country
is being prosecuted for daring to defend herself against the 'diversity'
her government has so helpfully forced on her and her fellow citizens. At
the same time, these same government prosecutors show little to no interest
in finding the men who tried to rape her.
At every turn, citizens of Western countries are being told they must
accept a massive influx of culturally incompatible illegal aliens into
their neighborhoods and when a not insignificant percentage of them start
committing violent and depraved acts, it's the native citizens who are held
to account for doing anything to protect themselves from it.
Ask yourself, why do you suppose this is happening everywhere at once, and
why the same lack of concern for their own people from government officials
across the board?
So basically their big fact-check 'debunking' boils down to: "the story is
old"? Because it didnât happen in the last five minutes, it somehow doesn't
Don't make me defend moviePig. Of course a proper citation is required,
or it should be noted when the crime had occured.
Of course it's clear that moviePig failed to read the fact check,
because what it tells us about Danish law is massively STOOPID.
Possession and use of pepper spray was illegal, but there was an
unexplained exception:
The use of pepper spray was considered an act of violence unless
used in lawful self-defense.
What was unlawful self defense at the time? Could someone whose use of
pepper spray met the exception to the act of violence law still be
charged with possession of pepper spray? After all, one cannot use
something without first possessing it.
A 2018 amendment made possession in the home legal if used in self
defense in robbery or intrusion (but apparently not date rape or
attempted murder by someone invited in) but a study found the law was
Amended again in 2020 so that those "considered at risk" can possess
pepper spray with permission from law enforcement.
This sounds like the Bruen due process violation, doesn't it?
"I used pepper spray because I was a crime victim!" "Sorry, but you're
not a lawful crime victim. You are charged with possession and illegal
use and an unlawful act of violence."