Let's go Brandon!
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2022-07-19 22:11:32 UTC
Biden has been watching gas prices drop for five weeks straight. Right
wing assholes, who seemed so interested in the price of gas before, have
shut their fucking mouths all of sudden. Thank God for small favors!
2022-07-19 23:03:29 UTC
Biden has been watching gas prices drop for five weeks straight. Right
wing assholes, who seemed so interested in the price of gas before, have
shut their fucking mouths all of sudden. Thank God for small favors!
Three weeks ago, gasoline was $2.04/L in Canada. Now it's $1.79. A year ago
however it was $1.21. Are you REALLY better-off than you were 2 years ago?
2022-07-20 06:59:45 UTC
Post by RichA
Biden has been watching gas prices drop for five weeks straight. Right
wing assholes, who seemed so interested in the price of gas before, have
shut their fucking mouths all of sudden. Thank God for small favors!
Three weeks ago, gasoline was $2.04/L in Canada. Now it's $1.79. A year ago
however it was $1.21. Are you REALLY better-off than you were 2 years ago?
make sure you boycott the new lower price
and 50 years ago, it was 50 cent's per gallon
2022-07-20 09:17:05 UTC
Post by RichA
Biden has been watching gas prices drop for five weeks straight. Right
wing assholes, who seemed so interested in the price of gas before, have
shut their fucking mouths all of sudden. Thank God for small favors!
Three weeks ago, gasoline was $2.04/L in Canada. Now it's $1.79. A year ago
however it was $1.21. Are you REALLY better-off than you were 2 years ago?
Wow you really are a vegetable. You tell us the gas price from a year
ago and then ask about two years ago. Do you even have a brain stem at
this point?
2023-08-25 08:30:44 UTC
A Gold Star mother who met President Joe Biden on the Memorial Day following
her son’s death from the terrorist attack at the Kabul airport said that
Biden responded by suggesting she take a photo with him when she wept during
their meeting.

Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Christian Knauss was killed when a bomber detonated a
bomb at Kabul’s international airport on August 26, 2021, killing 13 American
soldiers. His mother, Paula Knauss Selph, the executive director of the
Respect and Remember Foundation, met Biden in the Oval Office at an event for
Gold Star families in Washington, D.C. on Memorial Day 2022.

“There’s been a lot of grief, a lot of grief,” she told The Daily Mail.
“There’s nothing like watching your child die in front of you, in front of
the world.”

She recalled when she met Biden, he said, “I can understand if you’re angry.”

“I stood face-to-face with him, eyeball-to-eyeball. I began to weep,” she
said, adding that she told him, “It should have never happened this way.”

“He stood there stoically,” she remembered. “Nothing out of his mouth except
— well would you like to get a photo with me?”

Selph told Biden that the only picture she would take with him was if he
stood with her at her son’s tombstone at Arlington National Cemetery. She
said Biden answered, “I can’t do that because Secret Service won’t let me do

“It’s a moral disgrace for a president not to have mercy on the people that
he serves. It is a moral disgrace,” Selph said, adding that Biden thought the
“sad occasion” was a “photo op’” rather an opportunity to comfort a grieving

“He had the chance to make a difference for my child. On not making decisions
and indecisions that cost him his life. And I do hold him accountable,” she

“Ryan, all of his life was quite certain he wanted to go in the armed
forces,” Selph said of her son, who was a member of the JROTC cadet program
before serving in the military. “And it is a pleasing thing to me. But
throughout his life, he kept that focus. He was so disciplined. He was so
smart. … He was protecting and giving us the opportunity for many people to
live out the American dream. That’s what will long outlive all of us.”

The Respect and Remember Foundation says it has three goals: To encourage
JROTC and ROTC Cadets with merit scholarships as they graduate and go
directly into the military; to support active duty military stationed abroad
with care packages and welcome home baskets and provide vacations for active
military personnel and families, and to partner with veteran-led
organizations connecting veterans together to help combat the high suicide
rate among veterans and the adjustments to civilian life needed by veterans
encouraging other veterans.

Let's go Brandon!
Lets Go Brandon Green Podcast
2023-09-23 14:32:33 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
A Gold Star mother who met President Joe Biden on the Memorial Day following
her son’s death from the terrorist attack at the Kabul airport said that
Biden responded by suggesting she take a photo with him when she wept during
their meeting.
Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Christian Knauss was killed when a bomber detonated a
bomb at Kabul’s international airport on August 26, 2021, killing 13 American
soldiers. His mother, Paula Knauss Selph, the executive director of the
Respect and Remember Foundation, met Biden in the Oval Office at an event for
Gold Star families in Washington, D.C. on Memorial Day 2022.
“There’s been a lot of grief, a lot of grief,” she told The Daily Mail.
“There’s nothing like watching your child die in front of you, in front of
the world.”
She recalled when she met Biden, he said, “I can understand if you’re angry.”
“I stood face-to-face with him, eyeball-to-eyeball. I began to weep,” she
said, adding that she told him, “It should have never happened this way.”
“He stood there stoically,” she remembered. “Nothing out of his mouth except
— well would you like to get a photo with me?”
Selph told Biden that the only picture she would take with him was if he
stood with her at her son’s tombstone at Arlington National Cemetery. She
said Biden answered, “I can’t do that because Secret Service won’t let me do
“It’s a moral disgrace for a president not to have mercy on the people that
he serves. It is a moral disgrace,” Selph said, adding that Biden thought the
“sad occasion” was a “photo op’” rather an opportunity to comfort a grieving
“He had the chance to make a difference for my child. On not making decisions
and indecisions that cost him his life. And I do hold him accountable,” she
“Ryan, all of his life was quite certain he wanted to go in the armed
forces,” Selph said of her son, who was a member of the JROTC cadet program
before serving in the military. “And it is a pleasing thing to me. But
throughout his life, he kept that focus. He was so disciplined. He was so
smart. … He was protecting and giving us the opportunity for many people to
live out the American dream. That’s what will long outlive all of us.”
The Respect and Remember Foundation says it has three goals: To encourage
JROTC and ROTC Cadets with merit scholarships as they graduate and go
directly into the military; to support active duty military stationed abroad
with care packages and welcome home baskets and provide vacations for active
military personnel and families, and to partner with veteran-led
organizations connecting veterans together to help combat the high suicide
rate among veterans and the adjustments to civilian life needed by veterans
encouraging other veterans.
Let's go Brandon!
yeah, that's why I started the podcast and built the website https://letsgobrandongreen.com
2023-09-23 16:14:56 UTC
It’s time for your daily dose of Bidenomics — where the rules are made up
and the points don’t matter.

In today’s lesson, we’ll learn how the U.S. poverty rate increasing for
the first time in more than a decade is actually a sign of a booming
economy or something.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, a whopping 12.4% of Americans lived
in poverty in 2022. That’s up from 7.8% in 2021. In fact, it was the
first increase in the U.S. poverty rate in 13 years.

That news comes as the Census also reported that the U.S. real median
household income decreased by 2.3% to $74,580 in 2022. Meanwhile, year-
over-year inflation rose 7.8%, per Fox Business.

The Biden administration has long claimed that his policies are working
and that his spending plans have juiced the American economy. Meanwhile,
prices have increased more than 17% he took office.

In August, inflation continued to tick upward.

In a statement given to Townhall.com, Job Creators Network President and
CEO Alfredo Ortiz said, “This accelerating inflation, which is nearly
twice the Federal Reserve’s target rate, is another Bidenomics blow to
ordinary Americans and small businesses dealing with rapidly rising
prices that are lowering their real wages and living standards for two
and a half years.”

Indeed, as explained recently by David Winston, the president of The
Winston Group and a GOP adviser, just about everything is more expensive
than it was on the day Biden took office.

Biden’s solution, Winston correctly points out, has been “trying to
dress up central planning as America First.”

The current president even tried to sell his economic agenda as “BABA”—
Building a Better America. As previously discussed, BABA sounds similar
to former President Donald Trump’s MAGA — Make America Great Again, but
like most phony imitations, it has proven to be a crappy product that
falls apart under the slightest bit of pressure.

BABA didn’t really click with the American people, so now he’s trying to
sell his vision for the country as Bidenomics.

It’s been a great success for America, just ask him.

Whatever he calls it, the results are the same: The American people are
worse off today than they were four years ago. The proof is in the
pudding — that now costs more money, evidently.

Let's go Brandon!
2023-10-02 08:30:46 UTC
Have you noticed the entire world is destabilizing under President Joe Biden?

Afghanistan, Ukraine, Niger, Sudan, America’s southern border, and more have
all been thrown into chaos under Biden’s watch. Hostile actors feel
emboldened and allies are uneasy, doubtful that Biden knows what he is doing
as commander-in-chief.

Now, the latest geopolitical upheaval could be happening along Serbia’s
border with Kosovo.

Last Sunday, there was a standoff between more than two dozen Serbian men and
Kosovo police officers. That standoff ended in bloodshed, with both sides
pointing fingers at each other. Kosovo, which declared independence from
Serbia in 2008, is blaming the Serbian government for the deadly skirmish.
Serbia denies this, according to CNN.

Since then, the Serbs have been building up troop presence along the two
countries’ borders. Now, the White House is telling Serbia to back off and
maintain order. Meanwhile, NATO is increasing its troop presence in Kosovo.

“This is not the kind of an attack that was carried out randomly or ad hoc or
by some small group,” White House National Security Spokesman John Kirby said
Friday. “The amount and the types of arms that were found represent a threat
to the safety of not only Kosovo personnel, but international personnel
including NATO troops.”

Kirby added that the U.S. believes “this is a very destabilizing

And that right there can sum up Biden’s presidency on the world stage. As
mentioned, there has been much instability under Biden. As previously
discussed, it’s hard not to look at the chaos the world is in under Biden —
which began with his horrendous Afghanistan withdrawal — and yearn for Pax

Former President Donald Trump’s unpredictable foreign policy yielded more
stability than Biden’s predictable fecklessness.

PS: The Serbia-Kosovo border seems to be yet another border the Biden
administration cares about more than our own. When is Kirby going to admit
that Biden’s illegal immigration policies, or lack thereof, have resulted in
a very “destabilizing situation” for Americans?

Let's go Brandon!
2023-10-05 12:36:06 UTC
U.S. companies slowed hiring last month far more than economists predicted,
according to data released in the ADP National Employment Report on

Economists surveyed by Refinitiv predicted that September hiring would slow,
but still total about 153,000. The estimate was off by more than 60,000 as
the real number came in at 89,000, according to the employment report.
September’s numbers are a drop from 180,000 new hires made the month before
in August, according to Fox Business.

September hires mark the weakest month for hiring since January 2021. The
slow performance comes as interest rates remain elevated as the Federal
Reserve works to curb inflation.

“We are seeing a steepening decline in jobs this month,” said ADP chief
economist Nela Richardson, according to Fox Business “Additionally, we are
seeing a steady decline in wages in the past 12 months.”

While the slow hiring month may be a welcome signal to the Federal Reserve,
the slowing economy is unlikely to aid the White House’s attempts to sell its
economic agenda to voters as President Joe Biden heads toward a reelection
battle in 2024. The White House has attempted to revive Biden’s poor standing
with voters on the economy by pitching “Bidenomics,” a tagline for Biden’s
economic agenda. The president continues to be deep underwater with voters on
the issue, however.

Two recent polls have showed the Democratic Party lagging far behind the
Republican Party on who is trusted more by voters to handle economic issues.
In each poll, the Republican Party enjoyed its largest lead on the issue in

The results, from a Gallup poll taken from September 1-23, showed Republicans
with a 53% to 39% edge over Democrats on the issue, as well as a 44% to 36%
edge on the issue that each voter considers their “most important.” The GOP
lead on the economy was the largest since 1991.

A poll from NBC News released last week showed a similar dynamic. The
Republican Party is trusted more by voters than Democrats to handle the
economy by a 49% to 28% margin. Again, the poll showed the largest edge the
GOP has had on the issue since 1991.

The president’s flagging performance on the economy has motivated some of his
allies to push him to drop the “Bidenomics” message, arguing that attaching
Biden’s name to an unpopular issue is not aiding Biden’s stock among voters.

“At this point, Bidenomics doesn’t really have strong answers to people’s
biggest worries,” said Progressive Policy Institute President Will Marshall.
“There ought to be a lot of thinking in the White House now about changes in
the way they present their case for the economic good that this
administration has done.”

Let's go Brandon!
2023-11-28 09:30:43 UTC
President Joe Biden claimed during a press conference on Friday that the
reason Hamas terrorists murdered 1,200 Israelis on October 7 was because he
was getting ready to bring peace to the Middle East.

The claim by Biden comes as chaos and war have broken out in many parts of
the world under his administration as those who would seek to harm the West
sense weakness from the administration.

A reporter asked Biden what cooperation he was hoping to get from Arab
leaders and what he was hearing from them when he talked to them.

“I’m hearing a lot, but I’m not going to speak to it right now,” Biden said.
“There’s an overwhelming desire on the part of the region to — let me back
up. I cannot prove what I’m about to say, but I believe one of the reasons
why Hamas struck when they did was they knew that I was working very closely
with the Saudis and others in the region to bring peace to the region by
having recognition of Israel and Israel’s right to exist.”

“You may recall when we did the G-20 a little while ago, I was able to get a
resolution — a statement passed through there saying we’re going to build a
railroad from Riyadh all the way through the Middle East into Saudi Arabia,
Israel, et cetera, and all the way up to Europe, not the railroad, but it
would be an underground pipeline and then railroad,” he continued. “The whole
idea is there’s overwhelming interest and I think most Arab nations know in
coordinating with one another to change the dynamic in their region for a
longer term peace. And that is what I’m going to continue to work on.”


Biden: “I cannot prove what I’m about to say,” but Hamas
attacked Israel because I was very close to bringing peace to the
region. pic.twitter.com/m8IfJvlivL

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 24, 2023

Let's go Brandon!
2023-11-28 19:50:08 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
President Joe Biden claimed during a press conference on Friday that the
reason Hamas terrorists murdered 1,200 Israelis on October 7 was because he
was getting ready to bring peace to the Middle East.
The claim by Biden comes as chaos and war have broken out in many parts of
the world under his administration as those who would seek to harm the West
sense weakness from the administration.
A reporter asked Biden what cooperation he was hoping to get from Arab
leaders and what he was hearing from them when he talked to them.
“I’m hearing a lot, but I’m not going to speak to it right now,” Biden said.
“There’s an overwhelming desire on the part of the region to — let me back
up. I cannot prove what I’m about to say, but I believe one of the reasons
why Hamas struck when they did was they knew that I was working very closely
with the Saudis and others in the region to bring peace to the region by
having recognition of Israel and Israel’s right to exist.”
“You may recall when we did the G-20 a little while ago, I was able to get a
resolution — a statement passed through there saying we’re going to build a
railroad from Riyadh all the way through the Middle East into Saudi Arabia
Umm... Joe, Riyadh is *in* Saudi Arabia.
Post by Ubiquitous
Israel, et cetera, and all the way up to Europe, not the railroad, but it
would be an underground pipeline and then railroad,” he continued. “The whole
idea is there’s overwhelming interest and I think most Arab nations know in
coordinating with one another to change the dynamic in their region for a
longer term peace. And that is what I’m going to continue to work on.”
Biden: “I cannot prove what I’m about to say,” but Hamas
attacked Israel because I was very close to bringing peace to the
region. pic.twitter.com/m8IfJvlivL
Let's go Brandon!
Adam H. Kerman
2023-11-29 01:44:59 UTC
Post by BTR1701
. . .
"You may recall when we did the G-20 a little while ago, I was able to get a
resolution - a statement passed through there saying we're going to build a
railroad from Riyadh all the way through the Middle East into Saudi Arabia
Umm... Joe, Riyadh is *in* Saudi Arabia.
It's, uh, gonna circle the planet on a great circle. Biden was inspired
by Snowpiercer.
Post by BTR1701
. . .
Dimensional Traveler
2023-11-29 04:49:38 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by BTR1701
. . .
"You may recall when we did the G-20 a little while ago, I was able to get a
resolution - a statement passed through there saying we're going to build a
railroad from Riyadh all the way through the Middle East into Saudi Arabia
Umm... Joe, Riyadh is *in* Saudi Arabia.
It's, uh, gonna circle the planet on a great circle. Biden was inspired
by Snowpiercer.
I've done good in this world. Now I'm tired and just want to be a cranky
dirty old man.
Adam H. Kerman
2023-11-29 04:53:27 UTC
Post by Dimensional Traveler
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by BTR1701
. . .
"You may recall when we did the G-20 a little while ago, I was able
to get a resolution - a statement passed through there saying we're
going to build a railroad from Riyadh all the way through the Middle
East into Saudi Arabia
Umm... Joe, Riyadh is *in* Saudi Arabia.
It's, uh, gonna circle the planet on a great circle. Biden was inspired
by Snowpiercer.
I like it.
2023-11-28 19:55:08 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
President Joe Biden claimed during a press conference on Friday that the
reason Hamas terrorists murdered 1,200 Israelis on October 7 was because
he was getting ready to bring peace to the Middle East.
The claim by Biden comes as chaos and war have broken out in many parts of
the world under his administration as those who would seek to harm the
West sense weakness from the administration.
A reporter asked Biden what cooperation he was hoping to get from Arab
leaders and what he was hearing from them when he talked to them.
“I’m hearing a lot, but I’m not going to speak to it right now,” Biden
said. “There’s an overwhelming desire on the part of the region to — let
me back up. I cannot prove what I’m about to say, but I believe one of
the reasons why Hamas struck when they did was they knew that I was
working very closely with the Saudis and others in the region to bring
peace to the region by having recognition of Israel and Israel’s right
to exist.”
“You may recall when we did the G-20 a little while ago, I was able to get
a resolution — a statement passed through there saying we’re going to
build a railroad from Riyadh all the way through the Middle East into
Saudi Arabia
Umm... Joe, Riyadh is *in* Saudi Arabia.
Did I hear correctly that senile Resident Joke Biden wants to build a train
across the Atlantic to Saudi Arabia?

Let's go Brandon!
2023-11-29 17:57:53 UTC
The National Christmas Tree in Washington, D.C., toppled over on Tuesday,
prompting a blizzard of jokes and memes on social media at President Joe
Biden‘s expense.

A powerful gust of wind knocked down the tree placed in the Ellipse near the
White House in the early afternoon, according to the National Park Service,
but crews managed to pick it back up with a crane within a couple hours.

The National Christmas Tree Has Fallen pic.twitter.com/1SjgoPBtkn

— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) November 28, 2023

“The National Park Service is currently evaluating the National Christmas
Tree, which fell over on Nov. 28 during a strong wind gust this afternoon,”
the agency said in a statement. “As the saying goes, ‘the show must go on,’
and the NPS and our event partners are looking at all possibilities to ensure
a successful event this year.” NPS later said workers had replaced a
“snapped” cable and declared the tree was standing upright as of 6 p.m. local

Though the lighting ceremony is still expected to take place with Biden on
Thursday, and other National Christmas Trees have fallen in the past, X users
made the most of the temporary spectacle — with many decking the halls with
Biden zingers.

“National Christmas tree falls DOWN. Perfectly summing up Joe Biden’s
presidency,” said the House Judiciary GOP. In another post, the account
shared a GIF of Biden tripping while walking up the stairs to board Air Force

pic.twitter.com/pldxKr8GRC https://t.co/mz0Leg26dn

— House Judiciary GOP ???? (@JudiciaryGOP) November 28, 2023

“Guess it will have to use the short stairs up Air Force One,” quipped
Newsmax host Jenn Pellegrino.

“The wind just knocked over the National Christmas tree. Crazy stuff but it’s
nice to see something falling at the White House besides Biden,” joked
comedian and radio host Jimmy Failla.

“If the administration was depicted by a Christmas Tree…. This pretty much
sums up the entire Biden Presidency,” added Eric Trump, one of former
President Donald Trump’s sons. Others remarked, “Biden’s America,” opined
that the imagery was “fitting” for his administration, or made references to
the “war on Christmas.”

NPS spokeswoman Chelsea Sullivan told local news outlet WTOP that the tree,
which is a 40-foot Norway spruce from Monongahela National Forest in West
Virginia, is the first “cut tree” used as the National Christmas Tree in 50
years after one planted in 2021 got removed due to a fungal infection.

Meanwhile, the Capitol Christmas Tree lighting ceremony took place on Capitol
Hill on Tuesday evening with House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA). Winds did not
knock down that tree, but some pro-Palestinian demonstrators tried to disrupt
the event.

Let's go Brandon!
Woke Ken
2023-11-29 23:31:20 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
The National Christmas Tree in Washington, D.C., toppled over on Tuesday,
prompting a blizzard of jokes and memes on social media at President Joe
Biden‘s expense.
A powerful gust of wind knocked down the tree placed in the Ellipse near the
White House in the early afternoon, according to the National Park Service,
but crews managed to pick it back up with a crane within a couple hours.
The National Christmas Tree Has Fallen pic.twitter.com/1SjgoPBtkn
“The National Park Service is currently evaluating the National Christmas
Tree, which fell over on Nov. 28 during a strong wind gust this afternoon,”
the agency said in a statement. “As the saying goes, ‘the show must go on,’
and the NPS and our event partners are looking at all possibilities to ensure
a successful event this year.” NPS later said workers had replaced a
“snapped” cable and declared the tree was standing upright as of 6 p.m. local
Though the lighting ceremony is still expected to take place with Biden on
Thursday, and other National Christmas Trees have fallen in the past, X users
made the most of the temporary spectacle — with many decking the halls with
Biden zingers.
“National Christmas tree falls DOWN. Perfectly summing up Joe Biden’s
presidency,” said the House Judiciary GOP. In another post, the account
shared a GIF of Biden tripping while walking up the stairs to board Air Force
pic.twitter.com/pldxKr8GRC https://t.co/mz0Leg26dn
“Guess it will have to use the short stairs up Air Force One,” quipped
Newsmax host Jenn Pellegrino.
“The wind just knocked over the National Christmas tree. Crazy stuff but it’s
nice to see something falling at the White House besides Biden,” joked
comedian and radio host Jimmy Failla.
“If the administration was depicted by a Christmas Tree…. This pretty much
sums up the entire Biden Presidency,” added Eric Trump, one of former
President Donald Trump’s sons. Others remarked, “Biden’s America,” opined
that the imagery was “fitting” for his administration, or made references to
the “war on Christmas.”
NPS spokeswoman Chelsea Sullivan told local news outlet WTOP that the tree,
which is a 40-foot Norway spruce from Monongahela National Forest in West
Virginia, is the first “cut tree” used as the National Christmas Tree in 50
years after one planted in 2021 got removed due to a fungal infection.
Meanwhile, the Capitol Christmas Tree lighting ceremony took place on Capitol
Hill on Tuesday evening with House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA). Winds did not
knock down that tree, but some pro-Palestinian demonstrators tried to disrupt
the event.
Let's go Brandon!
I'm watching gasoline prices Fall too. Waiting for $3. Time to refill the Petroleum Reserve Deputy President Kerry.
Sell High, Buy Low.
Norm Chomsky
2023-12-14 11:19:33 UTC

"By the way, the same stable Jesus said the biggest problem is we had in the
revolutionary war as we didn't have enough airports."
-- Joe Biden
2023-12-18 09:30:51 UTC
Post by Norm Chomsky
"By the way, the same stable Jesus said the biggest problem is we had in the
revolutionary war as we didn't have enough airports."
-- Joe Biden
"But but that's not dementia! That's caused by his stuttering problem!"

Let's go Brandon!
2023-12-19 09:30:42 UTC
President Joe Biden finally did the bare minimum this week to respond to the
dozens of Islamic terrorist attacks that have been launched against
commercial shipping vessels in the Red Sea over the last several weeks.

The announcement from the Department of Defense comes after the Yemen-based
Houthis, an Iranian-backed terrorist group, have launched missiles, suicide
drones, and have hijacked ships with ties to Israel ever since Israel
launched its offensive against Hamas in response to the October 7 terrorist

The administration unveiled “the establishment of Operation Prosperity
Guardian, an important new multinational security initiative under the
umbrella of the Combined Maritime Forces and the leadership of its Task Force
153, which focuses on security in the Red Sea.”

Operation Prosperity Guardian is comprised of several countries combining
forces to ensure safety in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, including the
U.S., United Kingdom, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway,
Seychelles, and Spain.

The goal of the operation is to ensure “freedom of navigation for all
countries and bolstering regional security and prosperity,” a statement said.

Biden has repeatedly refused to launch strikes against the Houthis, even
though some of their attacks appear to have targeted U.S. destroyers
operating in the area. Biden’s lack of action has frustrated many of his top
military officials who say that he has done nothing to establish deterrence
as he does not want to risk upsetting Iran.

The Associated Press reported that the attacks have upended global commerce
as some of the world’s largest shipping companies and oil producers have had
to reroute their ships, taking significantly longer routes that can delay
shipments by weeks and drive up costs for consumers.

The most recent terrorist attacks in the Red Sea happened on Monday,
according to a statement from U.S. Central Command.

“The chemical/oil tanker motor vessel SWAN ATLANTIC was attacked by a one-way
attack drone and an anti-ship ballistic missile launched from a Houthi-
controlled areas in Yemen,” the statement said. “The Cayman Islands flagged
SWAN ATLANTIC reported impact on the vessel and requested assistance, the USS
CARNEY (CCG 64), the closest U.S. warship, responded to assess damage.”

“At approximately the same time, the bulk cargo ship M/V CLARA reported an
explosion in the water near their location,” the statement continued. “This
attack is separate from the attack on the M/V SWAN ATLANTIC. There was no
request for support or report of damage.”

On December 18, at approximately 9:00 (Sanaa time), there were two
Houthi militant attacks against commercial shipping in the Southern
Red Sea.

The chemical/oil tanker motor vessel SWAN ATLANTIC was attacked by
a one-way attack drone and an anti-ship ballistic missile launched…

— U.S. Central Command (@CENTCOM) December 19, 2023

"By the way, the same stable Jesus said the biggest problem is we had in the
revolutionary war as we didn't have enough airports."
-- Joe Biden
2024-02-01 09:30:48 UTC
The Iranian-backed terrorists responsible for murdering three U.S. soldiers,
and injuring dozens more, in an attack over the weekend have started to
evacuate their bases after President Joe Biden’s administration leaked to the
media this week that they are gearing up to respond by carrying out a
sustained bombing campaign.

The news comes after NBC News reported on Wednesday that the U.S. retaliatory
strikes would be a “campaign” that lasts “weeks,” according to U.S.

The officials went as far as to say that the U.S. would target “Iranian
targets outside Iran, and the campaign will involve both strikes and cyber
operations,” the report added.

CBS News reported late on Wednesday that the the terror groups that make up
Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an Iranian-backed terrorist group, have
“evacuated their bases in Iraq and Syria, fearing U.S. retaliatory strikes
after Sunday’s attack.”

A U.S. official further telegraphed America’s forthcoming punches by telling
ABC News that “these are going to be very deliberate targets — deliberate
strikes on facilities that enabled these attacks.”

Andrea Stricker, Deputy Director & Research Fellow at the Foundation for
Defense of Democracies’ (FDD) Nonproliferation & Biodefense program,
criticized the Biden administration for tipping off the enemy about what its
plans were.

“Having let these attacks go on for so long—resulting in the deaths of three
service members—the administration must now ‘shock the system’ of the regime
to deter further attacks,” Stricker told The Daily Wire on Tuesday. “The blow
must be so devastating that Tehran orders its proxies to stand down.”

“Anything less than that will ensure this cycle continues and brings the
regional war Washington hopes to avoid,” she continued. “The administration
is too deliberately telegraphing its desire for restraint. The adversary
needs to believe we are both able and willing to use major force to avenge
these deaths and prevent additional ones.”

"In our time, there is still the old ghost of new garments. We all need to
rise and meet the moment".

-- Joe Biden
The Horny Goat
2024-02-02 11:54:28 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
“Anything less than that will ensure this cycle continues and brings the
regional war Washington hopes to avoid,” she continued. “The administration
is too deliberately telegraphing its desire for restraint. The adversary
needs to believe we are both able and willing to use major force to avenge
these deaths and prevent additional ones.”
How are they avenging deaths if they give the opposition notice to
allow them to flee and thereby destroy empty bases?

To me that screams "confused on the concept of avenging"...
2024-02-02 16:23:02 UTC
Post by The Horny Goat
Post by Ubiquitous
“Anything less than that will ensure this cycle continues and brings the
regional war Washington hopes to avoid,” she continued. “The administration
is too deliberately telegraphing its desire for restraint. The adversary
needs to believe we are both able and willing to use major force to avenge
these deaths and prevent additional ones.”
How are they avenging deaths if they give the opposition notice to
allow them to flee and thereby destroy empty bases?
While funding these people and similtaniously sabotaging Israel's attempts to
deal with their Islamonazi problem.

"The beer brewed here, it is used to make the brew beered here Ooh, Earth
Rider, thanks for the Great Lakes. I wonder why…"
- Joe Biden
2024-02-19 09:45:30 UTC
A federal government agency tasked with promoting scientific progress and
securing national defense is dumping nearly one million taxpayer dollars into
an effort to make biology “inclusive” by denying that there are only two

The National Science Foundation is granting three institutions the large sum
of money based on the claim that “biology courses often inaccurately
categorize sex and gender as binary.” The study, titled “Collaborative
Research: A qualitative inquiry into sex/gender narratives in undergraduate
biology and their impacts on transgender, non-binary, and gender non-
conforming students,” hopes to make undergraduate biology classes more
“inclusive” for transgender students, in part by denying the fact that sex is

The effort to deny biological reality with taxpayer dollars comes amid a
broader push from the Biden administration to leverage the federal
bureaucracy to advance far-left beliefs, with large grants flowing towards
efforts to embed extreme ideologies in America’s institutions. The National
Science Foundation calls the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) agenda a
“high priority,” and boasts that it has multiple identity-based employee
resource groups, including one for “LGBTQ+ and Allies.”

Three academic institutions, the University of Minnesota, Colorado State
University, and Florida International University, have all received
government funding to partake in the study, with a total of $905,694 taxpayer
dollars slated to go towards the effort, according to government funding
disclosures. The government funding was awarded by the National Science
Foundation, a federal agency tasked with promoting scientific progress and
securing national defense.

“The oversimplification of sex and gender into binary categories can make
biology classrooms particularly challenging for TNG students,” the award
abstract reads, referring to those who identify as transgender, non-binary,
and gender non-conforming. The description goes on to claim “early data
suggest that how sex and gender topics are represented in the biology
curriculum impacts TNG students’ sense of belonging and interest in biology.”

The National Science Foundation did not directly answer a Daily Wire inquiry
asking whether the federal agency believed that there are more than two
genders, with a spokesperson instead doubling down on the federal agency’s
financial support of the effort to deny the binary nature of sex.

“There is a strong theoretical foundation on which the research questions are
based,” a foundation spokesperson told The Daily Wire, also boasting that its
“merit review process is recognized as the ‘gold standard’ of scientific

The spokesperson added that the effort to make biology more inclusive for
those who identify as transgender was “identified as having intellectual
merit and broader impacts because the proposers made a strong case to the
peer reviewers.”

The study specifically intends to examine “how a more accurate curriculum
about the diversity of sexes found across species, the role of the
environment in sex determination, and the complex relationship between sex
and gender can create a more inclusive environment for transgender, non-
binary, and gender non-conforming (TNG) students in undergraduate biology

Three primary goals are also articulated for the government-backed study,
which hopes to “explore how sex and gender are currently represented in the
undergraduate biology content,” “describe the impact this content has on
classroom climate and belonging for [transgender, non-binary, and gender
non-confirming] students,” and finally “characterize the current efforts of
biology instructors to create a more inclusive climate for [transgender,
non-binary, and gender non-conforming] students.”

The government-backed effort also seeks to “support the design of
interventions and curriculum inclusive of both TNG and intersex students” and
will allegedly “help all biology students develop inclusive and
scientifically accurate understandings of sex and gender.”

Data collected via interviews with students and professors will be analyzed
using “[f]eminist phenomenology, qualitative content analysis, and document

Carrie Hall, who works for the National Science Foundation’s Division of
Equity for Excellence in STEM, was listed as the Program Manager for the
effort. The individual universities did not respond to requests for comment
on their ongoing studies.

The foundation’s funding of the study is far from the only time that the
federal government has used taxpayer dollars to push radical gender ideology
and the diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), for example, allocated
just under $700k in taxpayer funds to an organization by HHS for the purpose
of developing transgender-inclusive sex education programs for children as
young as 14 years old, The Daily Wire revealed.

While taxpayer funds have been repeatedly used to push extreme leftwing
efforts on gender, the Biden administration was recently exposed for relying
on just two pages of literature to support so-called “gender-affirming care.”
Meanwhile, a growing number of studies have found that so-called “gender-
affirming” medical interventions do not benefit patients.

Various agencies within the federal government have aggressively pushed
ideological initiatives under President Biden, who signed multiple executive
orders intending to use the federal government to advance leftwing beliefs on
race and the diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda.

Former Trump administration officials, as well as former President Trump
himself, have advocated for plans to gut the administrative state under the
next administration, intending to reign in and fire unelected bureaucrats who
may obstruct the president’s objectives.

"In our time, there is still the old ghost of new garments. We all need to
rise and meet the moment".

-- Joe Biden
2024-03-15 18:57:18 UTC
President Joe Biden offered praise for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s
recent speech on Israel — despite the fact that Schumer had blasted Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and called for early elections — and then
sat in complete silence as his staffers quickly herded members of the press
from the room.

Biden was meeting on Wednesday morning with Irish Prime Minister Leo
Varadkar, and he paused briefly to answer one of the questions shouted by the
reporters who were gathered in the room — namely, “Do you have any comments
on Sen. Schumer’s speech on Israel yesterday?”


Biden praises Sen. Chuck Schumer's anti-Netanyahu speech: "He made
a good speech."

His handlers then promptly and aggressively herd the press out of
the room.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 15, 2024

“Sen. Schumer contacted my staff, my senior staff, he was going to make that
speech, and I’m not going to exag — er — elaborate on the speech, he made a
good speech and I think he expressed serious concern shared not only by him,
but by many Americans,” Biden replied.

All the reporters then began shouting at once, trying to make their questions
heard — but Biden sat back and, with a half smile on his face, did not appear
to even hear the chaotic shouting around him.

Within a few seconds, Biden staffers could be heard joining the fray — and
they quickly shuffled the reporters out of the room as the president remained
silent, moving only to fidget with the pen he was holding in his hands.

Next to him, Prime Minister Varadkar appeared to be mildly amused by the
whole scene. He sat quietly with his hands together in his lap, breaking the
pose briefly to adjust his tie when someone pointed out that it was crooked.

As members of the press got up and left, Biden flashed a wider smile and
waved slightly, appearing to briefly thank them for being there. Through it
all, one staffer could be heard over the reporters repeating, “Let’s go,
let’s go, thanks everyone.”

Let's go Brandon!
2024-03-21 08:30:50 UTC
President Joe Biden lied about his testimony with special counsel Robert Hur,
according to new transcripts of Hur’s interviews with Biden over his handling
of classified documents.

Hur’s February report concluded that Biden willfully retained classified
documents but recommended no criminal charges in part because it said that
Biden had a faulty memory and would appear as a sympathetic old man to a
jury. One of the key details included in the report was that Biden did not
remember the year his son Beau died. Biden said that he was taken aback by a
question about his son, claiming that it was Hur who brought up the death.

“There’s even a reference that I don’t remember when my son died,” Biden said
in February. “How in the hell dare he raise that? Frankly, when I was asked
the question, I thought to myself: It wasn’t any of their damn business.”

The transcripts, obtained by ABC, show that it was actually Biden who brought
up his son. Biden’s confusion came after he was asked about what he was doing
after Trump took office.

“And so I hadn’t, I hadn’t at this point … I hadn’t walked away from the idea
that I may run for office again. But if I ran again, I’d be running for
president,” he said, according to the transcript obtained by ABC. “And, and
so what was happening though — what month did Beau die? Oh, God, May 30th-”

Two people at the interview chimed in and said it was 2015, after which Biden
said, “Was it 2015 he had died?”

“It was May of 2015,” one person responded.

Loading Image...

Elsewhere in the transcripts, Biden said “I’m a young man, so it’s not a
problem,” when asked by Hur to discuss previous events as accurately as

Biden also made a comment about how he hoped investigators had not found “any
risqué pictures of my wife in a bathing suit,” adding, “She’s beautiful.”

Biden also told interviewers that he did not mean to keep any classified

“I had no purpose for them, and I think it would be inappropriate for me to
keep clearly classified documents,” he said, before saying that it was his
staff who packed his belongings from the White House. “I don’t want to hold
them responsible or get them in trouble, but I believe they were the ones who
were packing up … and were deciding, you know, where, where things were
going, to the best of my knowledge,” he said.

Biden also discussed moving boxes, which were full of classified documents,
out of the way in his garage to park his car. He said he did not know what
was in the boxes.

“I remember moving boxes, literally physically moving them, with help, one
side to the other so I could get the Corvette in that garage on the left,”
Biden said. Other portions of the transcript show Biden talking about his
Corvette and “making car sounds.”

In which President Biden engages in a long discussion about cars as
Robert Hur tries, unsuccessfully, to get him back on track. Twice,
according to the transcript, the president "makes car sound."
— Matt Viser (@mviser) March 12, 2024

Joe Biden literally said "My Corvette go BRRRRR" while Robert Hur
pleaded with him to answer actual questions
— Dylan Housman (@Dylan_Housman) March 12, 2024

The release of the transcripts come hours before Hur is set to testify before
the House Judiciary Committee.

"My Corvette go BRRRRR"
-- Joe Biden
2024-04-02 08:30:47 UTC
President Joe Biden said on Monday that he did not declare this Easter Sunday
as Transgender Day of Visibility.

Biden’s claim comes after he has faced outrage from Christians for issuing a
proclamation about it and posting about it on social media on Easter Sunday.

“Today, on Transgender Day of Visibility, I have a simple message to all
trans Americans: I see you,” Biden wrote on X. “You are made in the image of
God, and you’re worthy of respect and dignity.”

Today, on Transgender Day of Visibility, I have a simple message to
all trans Americans:

I see you.

You are made in the image of God, and you're worthy of respect and
dignity. pic.twitter.com/ihvsJrXEyd

— President Biden (@POTUS) March 31, 2024

A reporter asked Biden about the matter during the White House Easter Egg

“Mr. President, what does Easter mean to you, sir?” the reporter asked. “Sir,
what does Easter mean to you?”

Biden, who claims to be a “devout Catholic,” responded: “Time for forgiveness
and people getting together and a little bit of love and no phoniness. Be
straight with people.”

The reporter responded by highlighting criticism from House Speaker Mike
Johnson (R-LA) about Biden proclaiming that Sunday as Transgender Day of

“And Mr. Speaker Johnson the other day said, sir, Speaker Johnson said you
betrayed the tenet of Easter by proclaiming Sunday, Easter Sunday, as
Transgender Day. He called it outrageous and abhorrent,” the reporter said.
“What do you say to Speaker Johnson?”

“He’s thoroughly uninformed,” Biden claimed. “I didn’t do that.”


BIDEN: “He’s thoroughly uninformed.”

During the annual Easter Egg Roll at the White House, EWTN’s
@owentjensen asked the President about Speaker Johnson calling out
the White House for proclaiming Transgender Day on Easter Sunday.

Video by Sara Canals, DC Correspondent for…

— EWTN News Nightly (@EWTNNewsNightly) April 1, 2024

Amid the ensuing backlash, the White House issued a statement suggesting
Biden meant that he hadn’t been the one who established the Transgender Day
of Visibility or specifically chosen March 31st for its recognition this

“President Biden is right. He did nothing in conflict with the ‘tenets of
Easter,’ which he celebrated yesterday, nor did he choose the date of March
31st for the Transgender Day of Visibility, which has been set sine 2009,”
White House Spokesman Andrew Bates told Fox News Digital in a statement.

"My Corvette go BRRRRR"
-- Joe Biden
The Horny Goat
2024-04-03 09:51:15 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
President Joe Biden said on Monday that he did not declare this Easter Sunday
as Transgender Day of Visibility.
Biden’s claim comes after he has faced outrage from Christians for issuing a
proclamation about it and posting about it on social media on Easter Sunday.
“Today, on Transgender Day of Visibility, I have a simple message to all
trans Americans: I see you,” Biden wrote on X. “You are made in the image of
God, and you’re worthy of respect and dignity.”
Today, on Transgender Day of Visibility, I have a simple message to
I see you.
You are made in the image of God, and you're worthy of respect and
dignity. pic.twitter.com/ihvsJrXEyd
A reporter asked Biden about the matter during the White House Easter Egg
“Mr. President, what does Easter mean to you, sir?” the reporter asked. “Sir,
what does Easter mean to you?”
Biden, who claims to be a “devout Catholic,” responded: “Time for forgiveness
and people getting together and a little bit of love and no phoniness. Be
straight with people.”
The reporter responded by highlighting criticism from House Speaker Mike
Johnson (R-LA) about Biden proclaiming that Sunday as Transgender Day of
“And Mr. Speaker Johnson the other day said, sir, Speaker Johnson said you
betrayed the tenet of Easter by proclaiming Sunday, Easter Sunday, as
Transgender Day. He called it outrageous and abhorrent,” the reporter said.
“What do you say to Speaker Johnson?”
“He’s thoroughly uninformed,” Biden claimed. “I didn’t do that.”
BIDEN: “He’s thoroughly uninformed.”
During the annual Easter Egg Roll at the White House, EWTN’s
@owentjensen asked the President about Speaker Johnson calling out
the White House for proclaiming Transgender Day on Easter Sunday.
Video by Sara Canals, DC Correspondent for…
Amid the ensuing backlash, the White House issued a statement suggesting
Biden meant that he hadn’t been the one who established the Transgender Day
of Visibility or specifically chosen March 31st for its recognition this
“President Biden is right. He did nothing in conflict with the ‘tenets of
Easter,’ which he celebrated yesterday, nor did he choose the date of March
31st for the Transgender Day of Visibility, which has been set sine 2009,”
White House Spokesman Andrew Bates told Fox News Digital in a statement.
I'm afraid I disagree with Newsweek magazine's "fact checkers" in
their declaring outrage to be 'false'

and note that the fact that Jenner took the same position as Ubi and I
makes my point.

Oh well - at least Biden didn't make his pronouncement on Good Friday
2024-04-03 11:00:21 UTC
Post by The Horny Goat
Post by Ubiquitous
President Joe Biden said on Monday that he did not declare this Easter Sunday
as Transgender Day of Visibility.
Biden’s claim comes after he has faced outrage from Christians for issuing a
proclamation about it and posting about it on social media on Easter Sunday.
“Today, on Transgender Day of Visibility, I have a simple message to all
trans Americans: I see you,” Biden wrote on X. “You are made in the image of
God, and you’re worthy of respect and dignity.”
Today, on Transgender Day of Visibility, I have a simple message to
I see you.
You are made in the image of God, and you're worthy of respect and
dignity. pic.twitter.com/ihvsJrXEyd
A reporter asked Biden about the matter during the White House Easter Egg
“Mr. President, what does Easter mean to you, sir?” the reporter asked. “Sir,
what does Easter mean to you?”
Biden, who claims to be a “devout Catholic,” responded: “Time for forgiveness
and people getting together and a little bit of love and no phoniness. Be
straight with people.”
The reporter responded by highlighting criticism from House Speaker Mike
Johnson (R-LA) about Biden proclaiming that Sunday as Transgender Day of
“And Mr. Speaker Johnson the other day said, sir, Speaker Johnson said you
betrayed the tenet of Easter by proclaiming Sunday, Easter Sunday, as
Transgender Day. He called it outrageous and abhorrent,” the reporter said.
“What do you say to Speaker Johnson?”
“He’s thoroughly uninformed,” Biden claimed. “I didn’t do that.”
BIDEN: “He’s thoroughly uninformed.”
During the annual Easter Egg Roll at the White House, EWTN’s
@owentjensen asked the President about Speaker Johnson calling out
the White House for proclaiming Transgender Day on Easter Sunday.
Video by Sara Canals, DC Correspondent for…
Amid the ensuing backlash, the White House issued a statement suggesting
Biden meant that he hadn’t been the one who established the Transgender Day
of Visibility or specifically chosen March 31st for its recognition this
“President Biden is right. He did nothing in conflict with the ‘tenets of
Easter,’ which he celebrated yesterday, nor did he choose the date of March
31st for the Transgender Day of Visibility, which has been set sine 2009,”
White House Spokesman Andrew Bates told Fox News Digital in a statement.
I'm afraid I disagree with Newsweek magazine's "fact checkers" in
their declaring outrage to be 'false'
and note that the fact that Jenner took the same position as Ubi and I
makes my point.
Oh well - at least Biden didn't make his pronouncement on Good Friday
When you're in the same boat as Ubi and Jenner, maybe it's time you
learned to swim...
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC
Bible 25B.G.
Loading Image...

Gracie, age 6.
Loading Image...
2024-04-03 11:04:57 UTC
Post by The Horny Goat
Post by Ubiquitous
President Joe Biden said on Monday that he did not declare this Easter Sunday
as Transgender Day of Visibility.
Biden’s claim comes after he has faced outrage from Christians for issuing a
proclamation about it and posting about it on social media on Easter Sunday.
“Today, on Transgender Day of Visibility, I have a simple message to all
trans Americans: I see you,” Biden wrote on X. “You are made in the image of
God, and you’re worthy of respect and dignity.”
    Today, on Transgender Day of Visibility, I have a simple message to
    I see you.
    You are made in the image of God, and you're worthy of respect and
    dignity. pic.twitter.com/ihvsJrXEyd
A reporter asked Biden about the matter during the White House Easter Egg
“Mr. President, what does Easter mean to you, sir?” the reporter asked. “Sir,
what does Easter mean to you?”
Biden, who claims to be a “devout Catholic,” responded: “Time for forgiveness
and people getting together and a little bit of love and no
phoniness. Be
straight with people.”
The reporter responded by highlighting criticism from House Speaker Mike
Johnson (R-LA) about Biden proclaiming that Sunday as Transgender Day of
“And Mr. Speaker Johnson the other day said, sir, Speaker Johnson said you
betrayed the tenet of Easter by proclaiming Sunday, Easter Sunday, as
Transgender Day. He called it outrageous and abhorrent,” the reporter said.
“What do you say to Speaker Johnson?”
“He’s thoroughly uninformed,” Biden claimed. “I didn’t do that.”
    BIDEN: “He’s thoroughly uninformed.”
    During the annual Easter Egg Roll at the White House, EWTN’s
    the White House for proclaiming Transgender Day on Easter Sunday.
    Video by Sara Canals, DC Correspondent for…
Amid the ensuing backlash, the White House issued a statement suggesting
Biden meant that he hadn’t been the one who established the Transgender Day
of Visibility or specifically chosen March 31st for its recognition this
“President Biden is right. He did nothing in conflict with the ‘tenets of
Easter,’ which he celebrated yesterday, nor did he choose the date of March
31st for the Transgender Day of Visibility, which has been set sine 2009,”
White House Spokesman Andrew Bates told Fox News Digital in a statement.
I'm afraid I disagree with Newsweek magazine's "fact checkers" in
their declaring outrage to be 'false'
and note that the fact that Jenner took the same position as Ubi and I
makes my point.
Oh well - at least Biden didn't make his pronouncement on Good Friday
Then you're dead wrong too. Read what Newsweek wrote, and tell me where
they have it wrong.
While Biden did officially acknowledge March 31 to be TDoV, he also did so in 2021 when Easter fell on April 4 that year.
The day was set by a Michigan-based advocate to raise awareness of the plight of transgender people and to celebrate their achievements.
The first TDoV was celebrated in 2009 when Easter occurred on April 12. Since then, the two dates coincided only twice: in 2013 and in 2024.
Biden did not invent TDoV, nor set the date to deliberately clash with Easter, which is on a different date every year.
What do you disagree with in that?
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC
Bible 25B.G.

Gracie, age 6.
The Horny Goat
2024-04-04 23:54:07 UTC
Post by FPP
While Biden did officially acknowledge March 31 to be TDoV, he also did so in 2021 when Easter fell on April 4 that year.
The day was set by a Michigan-based advocate to raise awareness of the plight of transgender people and to celebrate their achievements.
The first TDoV was celebrated in 2009 when Easter occurred on April 12. Since then, the two dates coincided only twice: in 2013 and in 2024.
Biden did not invent TDoV, nor set the date to deliberately clash with Easter, which is on a different date every year.
What do you disagree with in that?
No one has suggested Biden invented TDoV nor the date - the comment
was based on which event he CHOSE to promote. Nobody would have raised
eyebrows had Biden promoted the White House Easter Egg hunt which has
gone on for years and is at least tangentially related to Easter.

Promoting TDoV the way he did is equivalent to promoting "National
Fireworks Day" as the main event going on on July 4th - though TDoV
isn't JUST what you suggest ('to celebrate their achievements') but to
promote their status at the event of THE major religious date of the
2024-04-05 00:15:04 UTC
Post by The Horny Goat
Post by FPP
While Biden did officially acknowledge March 31 to be TDoV, he also did so in 2021 when Easter fell on April 4 that year.
The day was set by a Michigan-based advocate to raise awareness of the plight of transgender people and to celebrate their achievements.
The first TDoV was celebrated in 2009 when Easter occurred on April 12. Since then, the two dates coincided only twice: in 2013 and in 2024.
Biden did not invent TDoV, nor set the date to deliberately clash with Easter, which is on a different date every year.
What do you disagree with in that?
No one has suggested Biden invented TDoV nor the date - the comment
was based on which event he CHOSE to promote. Nobody would have raised
eyebrows had Biden promoted the White House Easter Egg hunt which has
gone on for years and is at least tangentially related to Easter.
Promoting TDoV the way he did is equivalent to promoting "National
Fireworks Day" as the main event going on on July 4th - though TDoV
isn't JUST what you suggest ('to celebrate their achievements') but to
promote their status at the event of THE major religious date of the
He promoted the day on the day that was chosen by members of that
group as their day of recognition over a decade ago. To suggest that
Biden (a long term Christian) chose to recognize TDoV as some sort of
slap at Christianity is... I just don't see how anyone can even
suggest it.
2024-04-05 01:10:52 UTC
Post by shawn
Post by The Horny Goat
Post by FPP
While Biden did officially acknowledge March 31 to be TDoV, he also did
so in 2021 when Easter fell on April 4 that year.
The day was set by a Michigan-based advocate to raise awareness of the
plight of transgender people and to celebrate their achievements.
The first TDoV was celebrated in 2009 when Easter occurred on April 12.
Since then, the two dates coincided only twice: in 2013 and in 2024.
Biden did not invent TDoV, nor set the date to deliberately clash with
Easter, which is on a different date every year.
What do you disagree with in that?
No one has suggested Biden invented TDoV nor the date - the comment
was based on which event he CHOSE to promote. Nobody would have raised
eyebrows had Biden promoted the White House Easter Egg hunt which has
gone on for years and is at least tangentially related to Easter.
Promoting TDoV the way he did is equivalent to promoting "National
Fireworks Day" as the main event going on on July 4th - though TDoV
isn't JUST what you suggest ('to celebrate their achievements') but to
promote their status at the event of THE major religious date of the
He promoted the day on the day that was chosen by members of that
group as their day of recognition over a decade ago. To suggest that
Biden (a long term Christian) chose to recognize TDoV as some sort of
slap at Christianity is... I just don't see how anyone can even
suggest it.
Biden's not choosing much of anything anymore. He doesn't even choose
the flavor of pudding he gets while he watches the squirrels outside the

However, it's certainly plausible that the radical left-wing staffers
that have infiltrated the administration and who are the ones actually
running things at "White House at Bernie's" very much did intend a slap
at Christianity.
2024-04-05 13:22:28 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by shawn
Post by The Horny Goat
Post by FPP
While Biden did officially acknowledge March 31 to be TDoV, he also did
so in 2021 when Easter fell on April 4 that year.
The day was set by a Michigan-based advocate to raise awareness of the
plight of transgender people and to celebrate their achievements.
The first TDoV was celebrated in 2009 when Easter occurred on April 12.
Since then, the two dates coincided only twice: in 2013 and in 2024.
Biden did not invent TDoV, nor set the date to deliberately clash with
Easter, which is on a different date every year.
What do you disagree with in that?
No one has suggested Biden invented TDoV nor the date - the comment
was based on which event he CHOSE to promote. Nobody would have raised
eyebrows had Biden promoted the White House Easter Egg hunt which has
gone on for years and is at least tangentially related to Easter.
Promoting TDoV the way he did is equivalent to promoting "National
Fireworks Day" as the main event going on on July 4th - though TDoV
isn't JUST what you suggest ('to celebrate their achievements') but to
promote their status at the event of THE major religious date of the
He promoted the day on the day that was chosen by members of that
group as their day of recognition over a decade ago. To suggest that
Biden (a long term Christian) chose to recognize TDoV as some sort of
slap at Christianity is... I just don't see how anyone can even
suggest it.
Biden's not choosing much of anything anymore. He doesn't even choose
the flavor of pudding he gets while he watches the squirrels outside the
However, it's certainly plausible that the radical left-wing staffers
that have infiltrated the administration and who are the ones actually
running things at "White House at Bernie's" very much did intend a slap
at Christianity.
Yeah, sure. We all saw Biden dodder along at the State of the Union...
meanwhile old Donnie is busy winning his own golf tournaments that he
puts on at his own golf courses.
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC
Bible 25B.G.

Gracie, age 6.
2024-04-05 14:16:32 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by shawn
He promoted the day on the day that was chosen by members of that
group as their day of recognition over a decade ago. To suggest that
Biden (a long term Christian) chose to recognize TDoV as some sort of
slap at Christianity is... I just don't see how anyone can even
suggest it.
Biden's not choosing much of anything anymore. He doesn't even choose
the flavor of pudding he gets while he watches the squirrels outside the
However, it's certainly plausible that the radical left-wing staffers
that have infiltrated the administration and who are the ones actually
running things at "White House at Bernie's" very much did intend a slap
at Christianity.
Am I correct in hearing Biden made no anouncments about Easter and in fact
delayed the annual Easter Egg hunt (scrubbed of all Christianity) to Monday?

Let's go Brandon!
2024-04-05 02:56:08 UTC
Post by shawn
Post by The Horny Goat
Post by FPP
While Biden did officially acknowledge March 31 to be TDoV, he also did so in 2021 when Easter fell on April 4 that year.
The day was set by a Michigan-based advocate to raise awareness of the plight of transgender people and to celebrate their achievements.
The first TDoV was celebrated in 2009 when Easter occurred on April 12. Since then, the two dates coincided only twice: in 2013 and in 2024.
Biden did not invent TDoV, nor set the date to deliberately clash with Easter, which is on a different date every year.
What do you disagree with in that?
No one has suggested Biden invented TDoV nor the date - the comment
was based on which event he CHOSE to promote. Nobody would have raised
eyebrows had Biden promoted the White House Easter Egg hunt which has
gone on for years and is at least tangentially related to Easter.
Promoting TDoV the way he did is equivalent to promoting "National
Fireworks Day" as the main event going on on July 4th - though TDoV
isn't JUST what you suggest ('to celebrate their achievements') but to
promote their status at the event of THE major religious date of the
He promoted the day on the day that was chosen by members of that
group as their day of recognition over a decade ago. To suggest that
Biden (a long term Christian) chose to recognize TDoV as some sort of
slap at Christianity is... I just don't see how anyone can even
suggest it.
But *YOU* aren't trying to -- as it were -- climb up on a cross...
2024-04-17 08:30:54 UTC
President Joe Biden has already reportedly started to pressure Israel to
minimize their response to the unprecedented attack that it faced on Saturday
when the Islamic Republic of Iran launched hundreds of missiles and drones at
the country.

Two Israeli officials told The New York Times that Iran launched 185 one-way
suicide drones, 110 surface-to-surface missiles, and 36 cruise missiles.

Dana Stroul, formerly the Pentagon’s top Middle East policy official who is
now at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said that whatever
Iran’s goal was for this attack, it fell “well short of that objective.”

“Given how significant this attack was, it is difficult to see how Israel
cannot respond,” Stroul added.

U.S. officials have asked that Israel notify the U.S. before launching any
kind of military response, CNN reported. This is the first time that Iran has
ever directly attacked the Jewish state.

CNN added that the Biden administration was urging the Israelis to have
“containment in mind” rather than escalating the attacks, even though the
administration told the network that they viewed Iran’s attack as
“disproportionate” to Israel killing the Iranian general.

The report said that Biden was focused on “preventing a full-scale regional
conflict from erupting.”

Israel’s security cabinet authorized the country’s three-man war cabinet —
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, and
Benny Gantz — to decide the country’s response to the Iranian attack.

NBC News reported that the Biden administration was “concerned” that Israel
could launch a warranted military response “without thinking through
potential fallout afterward.”

The report said that Biden “has privately expressed concern” that Netanyahu
could get the U.S. involved in a war in the Middle East, which comes after
Biden relaxed sanctions enforcement on Iran, allowing the world’s leading
state sponsor of terrorism to make $80 billion in oil revenues.

“I don’t think they had a strategy,” a senior Biden administration official
said of Israel’s decision last week to kill an Iranian general who was
involved in helping Hamas plan and execute its October 7 massacre on Israel.

The Biden official continued to throw Israel under the bus, claiming: “The
Israelis don’t always make the best strategic decisions.”

Let's go Brandon!
2024-04-17 19:47:47 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
President Joe Biden has already reportedly started to pressure Israel to
minimize their response to the unprecedented attack that it faced on Saturday
when the Islamic Republic of Iran launched hundreds of missiles and drones at
the country.
Two Israeli officials told The New York Times that Iran launched 185 one-way
suicide drones, 110 surface-to-surface missiles, and 36 cruise missiles.
Dana Stroul, formerly the Pentagon's top Middle East policy official who is
now at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said that whatever
Iran's goal was for this attack, it fell "well short of that objective".
I've seen reports that a significant percentage of the ordnance Iran
launched at Israel malfunctioned and fell down on Iran's own people.

You love to see it.
2024-04-17 23:49:18 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
President Joe Biden has already reportedly started to pressure Israel to
minimize their response to the unprecedented attack that it faced on Saturday
when the Islamic Republic of Iran launched hundreds of missiles and drones at
the country.
Two Israeli officials told The New York Times that Iran launched 185 one-way
suicide drones, 110 surface-to-surface missiles, and 36 cruise missiles.
Dana Stroul, formerly the Pentagon's top Middle East policy official who is
now at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said that whatever
Iran's goal was for this attack, it fell "well short of that objective".
I've seen reports that a significant percentage of the ordnance Iran
launched at Israel malfunctioned and fell down on Iran's own people.
You love to see it.
I would hope that wasn't the case as this was supposedly a prepared
response. Meaning that Iran wasn't using hastily thrown together
weapons to attack Israel, but weaponry they had been building up over
a long time. If this was weapons that they didn't just cobble together
over the weekend then they clearly can't go to war with Israel (even
if they had the money to do so, which they don't.)

While I'm no fan of Iran, I would hate to see innocent civilians on
either side get hurt. Even if they are being hurt by defective
2024-04-18 07:56:41 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
President Joe Biden has already reportedly started to pressure Israel to
minimize their response to the unprecedented attack that it faced on Saturday
when the Islamic Republic of Iran launched hundreds of missiles and drones at
the country.
Two Israeli officials told The New York Times that Iran launched 185 one-way
suicide drones, 110 surface-to-surface missiles, and 36 cruise missiles.
Dana Stroul, formerly the Pentagon's top Middle East policy official who is
now at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said that whatever
Iran's goal was for this attack, it fell "well short of that objective".
I've seen reports

that a significant percentage of the ordnance Iran
Post by BTR1701
launched at Israel malfunctioned and fell down on Iran's own people.
You love to see it.
2024-04-18 16:14:24 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
President Joe Biden has already reportedly started to pressure Israel to
minimize their response to the unprecedented attack that it faced on Saturday
when the Islamic Republic of Iran launched hundreds of missiles and drones at
the country.
Two Israeli officials told The New York Times that Iran launched 185 one-way
suicide drones, 110 surface-to-surface missiles, and 36 cruise missiles.
Dana Stroul, formerly the Pentagon's top Middle East policy official who is
now at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said that whatever
Iran's goal was for this attack, it fell "well short of that objective".
I've seen reports
that a significant percentage of the ordnance Iran
Post by BTR1701
launched at Israel malfunctioned and fell down on Iran's own people.
You love to see it.
Bet it was big men... strong men. Men with tears in their eyes.
And I'll bet they started with "Sir!"
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC
Bible 25B.G.

Gracie, age 6.
2024-04-19 08:30:46 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
President Joe Biden has already reportedly started to pressure Israel to
minimize their response to the unprecedented attack that it faced on
Saturday when the Islamic Republic of Iran launched hundreds of missiles
and drones at the country.
Two Israeli officials told The New York Times that Iran launched 185 one-
way suicide drones, 110 surface-to-surface missiles, and 36 cruise
Dana Stroul, formerly the Pentagon's top Middle East policy official who
is now at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said that
whatever Iran's goal was for this attack, it fell "well short of that
I've seen reports that a significant percentage of the ordnance Iran
launched at Israel malfunctioned and fell down on Iran's own people.
I think it's Hamas, Hezbolla, other Iranian proxies who are doing that.
I did hear, however, that Iranian media is using footage of California
wildfires and a fans at a boyband concert with their claims that they
devastated Israel with their drone and missile attack.

Let's go Brandon!
2024-05-05 14:35:30 UTC
Federal law enforcement officials have arrested a man from Uzbekistan
who is an alleged member of the ISIS terrorist organization and who has
been living in the U.S. for the last two years while applying for

NBC News reported that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
recently arrested 33-year-old Jovokhir Attoev in Baltimore.

Attoev crossed the border in Arizona in February 2022, was apprehended
by Border Patrol, and claimed he was an asylum seeker, the report said.

Officials claim that they could not find any “derogatory information”
on him so they released him into the U.S. with a court date.

“Then, in May 2023, Uzbekistan put out an international notice that
Attoev was wanted in his home country for his alleged affiliation with
ISIS,” the report said. “But it was not until March 2024, almost a year
later, when the U.S. government was reviewing Attoev’s application for
asylum, that officials discovered the notice from Uzbekistan and
connected it with the man living in Maryland.”

ICE arrested him two weeks ago and he now sits in jail awaiting trial
in immigration court where the government will argue they need to keep
him locked up to learn more about his alleged ties to terrorism.

Numerous federal law enforcement officials told the publication that
the case was the perfect example of how dangerous the immigration and
asylum system is in the U.S. because it takes authorities a long time
to follow-up on those who have already crossed into the U.S. — usually

ICE recently nabbed another terrorist who illegally entered the U.S.
and was roaming around the country freely.

Mohammad Kharwin, 48, who illegally entered the U.S. through the
southern border, “is a member of Hezb-e-Islami, or HIG, a political and
paramilitary organization that the U.S. has designated a terrorist
organization,” NBC News reported last month. He roamed the U.S. for a
full year before finally being arrested by ICE.

The Islamic terrorist group is responsible for killing multiple
American soldiers in Afghanistan from 2013 to 2015, according to U.S.
officials. The Director of National Intelligence says that Hezb-e-
Islami, or “Party of Islam,” is a “virulently anti-Western insurgent
group whose goal is to replace the Western-backed Afghan Government
with an Islamic state rooted in sharia.”

Let's go Brandon!
2024-05-09 01:03:58 UTC
While Israel attempts to rid Gaza of the terrorist group Hamas, which
massacred over 1,200 people in Israel on October 7, the Biden
administration has undermined the war effort by refusing to notify
Congress about military aid intended for Israel, thus blocking the
delivery of the aid, according to a new report.

Although critics of Israel often cite U.S. military aid to Israel,
Tablet Magazine noted, “(N)early all military aid to Israel — other
than loan guarantees, which cost Washington nothing, the U.S. gives
Israel no other kind of aid — consists of credits that go directly from
the Pentagon to U.S. weapons manufacturers.”

According to The Wall Street Journal, despite the fact that the State
Department is required to notify Congress when the U.S. sells arms to
other countries and the price surpasses certain thresholds, officials
said the Biden administration has not notified Congress about the
proposed sale of up to 6,500 “kits that enable unguided bombs to be
steered to a target,” thus denying Israel the capacity to be more
precise in its attack and spare civilians in the process.

Additionally, officials said the Biden administration hasn’t notified
Congress about military aid, including tank ammunition, military
vehicles and mortar rounds, the Journal reported.

The Biden administration’s campaign to undermine Israel includes a
report it is expected to deliver this week as to whether the
administration contends Israel has violated U.S. or international law
in Gaza. If the Biden administration says Israel has, it could
jeopardize U.S. aid to Israel in the middle of Israel’s war against

On April 30, Rep. Michael T. McCaul (R-TX), the Chairman of the House
Foreign Affairs Committee, and Sen. James Risch (R-ID), the Ranking
Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, wrote a letter to
President Biden slamming his February National Security Memorandum.
“The timing of its release makes clear that its aim is to placate
critics of security assistance to our vital ally Israel,” they stated.

They continued:

NSM-20 plainly was designed to appease critics of Israel.
Following the brutal October 7, 2023, terrorist attack on
Israel by Hamas – a U.S. designated Foreign Terrorist
Organization (FTO) – Israel has been engaged in a campaign to
destroy the military and governing capacity of Hamas in Gaza.
Israel faces near-daily rocket fire from Hezbollah, another
FTO, into its northern territory (where tens of thousands of
citizens have been displaced), while Iran and Iranian-backed
proxies in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen pose grave threats to
Israel. Iran’s unprecedented drone and missile attack on April
13, 2024, was only the latest in a long series of aggressive
actions that threaten regional stability. The February 2024
release date of the NSM, and the subsequent media attention it
has generated on Israel alone, make clear that the policy is
primarily motivated to placate anti- Israel sentiment at home
and abroad.

“We urge you to revoke NSM-20, abide by the robust and vital human
rights safeguards already codified in U.S. security assistance law, and
continue to support our critical partners around the world,” they

Let's go Brandon!
2024-05-08 01:05:18 UTC
Gen Z is mostly young adults in their early to mid-20s.

Generation Z’s efforts to be financially independent are slowed by
their mounting personal debt, a problem that appears only to be getting
worse for the youngest adults.

Gen Z young adults in their early to mid-20s, most of whom have just
entered the workforce or are trying to do so, are plagued by stubbornly
low wages and record inflation over the past few years, pushing them
into debt, The Wall Street Journal reported. Those born between 1997
and 2012 are generally considered to be part of Generation Z.

Many turn to credit cards just to cover the basics like food and rent.

For young adults 22 to 24, the average credit card balance was $2,834
in the last quarter of 2023, according to credit-reporting agency
TransUnion. Back in 2013, the average balance for this group was only
$2,248, adjusted for inflation.

Rent is likely the main driver of young people’s climbing debt. It is
now cheaper to rent than to buy property.

Thanks to rising housing prices and mortgage rates, renting a two-
bedroom residence is cheaper than buying that property for about 89% of
Americans, according to a November analysis by The Economist.

In March, the median rent in the U.S. was $1,987, up nearly 22%
compared to the past four years, according to Rent, an online rental
marketplace that targets young adults.

Meanwhile, wages have not increased nearly that much.

Last year, the median annual wage for recent college graduates was
$60,000, not much higher than $58,858 in 2020, according to Federal
Reserve of New York data.

Meanwhile, after the pandemic, credit card companies made it easier for
people to get credit cards. This led to more Gen Z young adults opening
accounts — they were more likely to have at least one credit card
compared with millennials a decade ago, according to data from

During the pandemic, many people’s credit scores, including Gen Z’s,
rose as stimulus checks hit bank accounts and many places to spend
money remained temporarily shuttered. However, rising interest rates
have driven down both Gen Z’s and millennials’ credit scores since the

Student debt is another huge debt driver among today’s young adults.
Many leftist loan holders demand taxpayers foot the bill for their loan
forgiveness. At the same time, critics blame former students for taking
on an unreasonable amount of debt at 18, even though, in many cases,
their parents assured them that it was a good investment and did not
predict the soaring inflation of the last few years.

This confluence of financial stressors is causing young people to delay
marriage, having children, and homeownership until they can support
themselves, not to mention dependents.

Let's go Brandon!
The Horny Goat
2024-05-10 04:41:38 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Rent is likely the main driver of young people’s climbing debt. It is
now cheaper to rent than to buy property.
I dunno about that - what >IS< true is that buying property involves a
relatively large down payment which DOES require some capital
accumulation. (Of my 3 children only my second daughter owns her own
place - and she lives in the UK and has a townhouse that is in
remarkably good shape given it's 150 years old. My son lives cross
town and is shopping for a place now that they have a child while my
eldest daughter lives with me in the bedroom she has had since
childhood. (I don't charge her rent and hope she's saving steadily -
though she does chip in on groceries)
2024-05-13 08:30:50 UTC
President Joe Biden said for the first time Wednesday he would halt
some shipments of American weapons to Israel - which he acknowledged
have been used to kill civilians in Gaza - if Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu orders a major invasion of the city of Rafah.

"Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs and
other ways in which they go after population centers," Biden told CNN's
Erin Burnett in an exclusive interview on "Erin Burnett OutFront,"
referring to 2,000-pound bombs that Biden paused shipments of last

"I made it clear that if they go into Rafah - they haven't gone in
Rafah yet - if they go into Rafah, I'm not supplying the weapons that
have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the
cities - that deal with that problem," Biden said.

The president's announcement that he was prepared to condition American
weaponry on Israel's actions amounts to a turning point in the seven-
month conflict between Israel and Hamas. And his acknowledgement that
American bombs had been used to kill civilians in Gaza was a stark
recognition of the United States' role in the war.

The president has come under extraordinary pressure, including from
members of his own party, to limit shipments of arms amid a
humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Until now, the president had resisted those calls and strongly
supported Israel's efforts to go after Hamas. Yet a looming invasion of
Rafah, the city in southern Gaza where more than a million Palestinian
civilians have been sheltering, appears to have shifted the president's

A Palestinian man watches smoke rise following Israeli strikes in the
eastern part of Rafah on May 7. "We're not walking away from Israel's
security. We're walking away from Israel's ability to wage war in
those areas," Biden said.

Biden said while the US would continue to provide defensive weapons to
Israel, including for its Iron Dome air defense system, other shipments
would end should a major ground invasion of Rafah begin.

"We're going to continue to make sure Israel is secure in terms of
Iron Dome and their ability to respond to attacks that came out of the
Middle East recently," he said. "But it's, it's just wrong. We're not
going to - we're not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells."

Already, the US has paused a shipment of "high-payload munitions" due
to Israel's possible operations in Rafah without a plan for the
civilians there, according to the Pentagon, though it said a final
decision on that shipment hadn't been made. The administration has
said it is reviewing the potential sale or transfer of other munitions.

Israeli officials privately expressed to US officials "deep
frustration" on the pause in shipments as well as the US media
briefings on the decision, according to a source briefed on the matter.

Biden's public linking of American weapons shipments to Israel's
conduct could widen a rift between himself and Netanyahu, with whom he
spoke by phone on Monday. That conversation came as Israel ordered the
evacuation of tens of thousands of civilians from Rafah and launched
strikes near border areas of the city.

Biden said Israel's actions in Rafah had not yet crossed a red line of
entering heavily populated zones, even if their actions had caused
tensions in the region.

"They haven't gone into the population centers. What they did is right
on the border. And it's causing problems with, right now, in terms
of - with Egypt, which I've worked very hard to make sure we have a
relationship and help," he said.

He said he had conveyed to Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders that
American support for operations in population centers was limited.

"I've made it clear to Bibi and the war cabinet: They're not going to
get our support, if in fact they go on these population centers," he

Later, Biden described warning Netanyahu about the risks of becoming
bogged down in Gaza, drawing parallels to the American experience in
Afghanistan and Iraq.

"I said to Bibi, `Don't make the same mistake we made in America. We
wanted to get bin Laden. We'll help you get Sinwar,'" he said,
referring to the Hamas leader in Gaza. "It made sense to get bin Laden;
it made no sense to try and unify Afghanistan. It made no sense in my
view to engage in thinking that in Iraq they had a nuclear weapon."

The conflict in the Middle East has consumed much of Biden's time over
the past months, even as he works to promote his domestic record to
American voters. His strong support for Israel has generated protests
and anger, including on college campuses and at his events, where
signs have labeled him "Genocide Joe."

Asked about the demonstrations, Biden said Wednesday: "Absolutely, I
hear the message."

But he warned against protests that veer into hate speech or

"There is a legitimate right to free speech and protest. There's a
legitimate right to do that, and they have a right to do that," he
said. "But there's not a legitimate right to use hate speech. There's
not a legitimate right to threaten Jewish students. There is not a
legitimate right to block people's access to class. That's against the

Biden was speaking Wednesday in Racine, Wisconsin, where he'd just
promoted new economic investments that could result in thousands of
new jobs.

In the CNN interview, he sought to reframe perceptions of the American
economy, touting strong job growth and efforts to combat corporate
greed while questioning surveys showing voters still pessimistic about
the country's direction.

"We've already turned it around," Biden said, responding to a question
on whether, less than six months before Election Day, he was running
short on time to improve his standing among Americans on his handling
of the economy.

Biden pointed to surveys showing many Americans view their own economic
situation favorably, even as they look negatively on the nationwide

"The polling data has been wrong all along," he said, questioning the
effectiveness of phone surveys.

And he said his own record on job creation following the Covid-19
pandemic was as clear an indication as any that conditions had markedly
improved for American workers.

"The idea that we're in a situation where things are so bad that folks
- I mean, we've created more jobs. We're in a situation where people
have access to good paying jobs," he said.

President Joe Biden speaks about his Investing in America agenda, at
Gateway Technical College in Sturtevant, Wisconsin, on May 8, 2024.
Biden is highlighting a major investment by Microsoft in Racine,
Wisconsin, a city on the shores of Lake Michigan, as part of the
president's plan of "growing the economy from the middle-out and
bottom-up," the White House said.
Still, he acknowledged there were good reasons for Americans to worry,
including the cost of goods and housing.

"The last I saw, the combination of the inflation, the cost of
inflation, all those things, that's really worrisome to people, with
good reason," he said.

"That's why I'm working very hard to bring the cost of rentals down, to
increase the number of homes that are available," he went on. "Let me
say it this way - when I started this administration, people were
saying there's going to be a collapse to the economy. We have the
strongest economy in the world. Let me say it again - in the world."

Biden has spent much of the last year working to promote his economic
accomplishments, including new investments made possible by
infrastructure and manufacturing legislation.

That includes in Wisconsin, where he spoke Wednesday at a site where
his predecessor Donald Trump once promoted an investment by the
Taiwan-based electronics giant Foxconn that later failed.

"He's never succeeded in creating jobs, and I've never failed," Biden
said in the interview, adding later: "When has he even done anything
he said? I'm not being facetious. Think about it."

Full Interview: Biden sits down for an exclusive interview with CNN
Video Full Interview: Biden sits down for an exclusive interview with
CNN Biden voiced little concern about his reelection prospects in the
interview. But he warned Trump was unlikely to accept the results of
the election if he loses.

"I promise you he won't," Biden said, "which is dangerous."

Asked what advice his former boss, President Barack Obama, had provided
in their conversations about the race, Biden said it was simply to
"keep doing what I'm doing."

"I think I'm feeling good about the trajectory of the campaign," he
said. "And you know as well I do, most people don't really focus and
make up their minds until the fall. There's a lot going on, and we'll
see what happens."

But surveys have shown voters giving Biden little credit for his
economic record.

In CNN's most recent poll, Biden's approval ratings for the economy
(34%) and inflation (29%) remain starkly negative, as voters say
economic concerns are more important to them when choosing a candidate
than they were in each of the past two presidential contests.

Biden said on Wednesday that "no president has had the run we've had
in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation."

"It was 9% when I came to office. 9%. But look, people have a right to
be concerned. Ordinary people."

Inflation actually peaked at 9.1% in June 2022. In January 2021, when
Biden was sworn in, it was 1.4%.

He touted his efforts to combat fees - including on bank accounts and
credit cards - that the White House has said will lower Americans'

"The idea that you bounce a check and you get a $30 fee for bouncing
the check? I changed that - can't charge more than eight bucks for
that. Or your credit card. Your late payment. $35. I mean, there's
corporate greed going on out there and its got to be dealt with," he

Let's go Brandon!
2024-05-13 23:12:17 UTC
President Joe Biden took a virtual beating on Thursday after he shared
a post on X claiming that his administration would always keep the
promises they made and would "leave no one behind."

Biden shared a photo of himself standing in front of a large American
flag, wearing a blue suit and his usual aviator sunglasses, and added
the caption, "On my watch, when we make promises, we keep them. And we
leave no one behind."

On my watch, when we make promises, we keep them.

And we leave no one behind. pic.twitter.com/BoHVsraIqz

- President Biden (@POTUS) May 9, 2024

Political commentator Guy Benson pointed immediately to the fact that
Biden had posted a comment about keeping promises less than 24 hours
after declaring that he would unilaterally withhold military aid -
which was already promised and approved by Congress - if Israel
launched a ground invasion to root out Hamas terrorists in Rafah.

"What timing," Benson posted.

what timing

- Guy Benson (@guypbenson) May 9, 2024

"These are the five American hostages that Joe Biden has left behind in
Gaza," @aghamilton29 posted, sharing a photo of the remaining American
hostages still held by Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

These are the five American hostages that Joe Biden has left
behind in Gaza. https://t.co/SdYjm2VN4N

- AG (@AGHamilton29) May 9, 2024

"Joe Biden literally left Americans behind in Afghanistan," Stephen L.
Miller added.

Joe Biden literally left Americans behind in Afghanistan.

- Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) May 9, 2024

"Unless you happen to be an American stuck or held hostage in
Afghanistan, the Gaza Strip, or Haiti," Jeremy Redfern posted.

Unless you happen to be an American stuck or held hostage in
Afghanistan, the Gaza Strip, or Haiti.

- Jeremy Redfern (@JeremyRedfernFL) May 9, 2024

"There are American hostages in Gaza and abandoned allies in
Afghanistan," House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) said.

There are American hostages in Gaza and abandoned allies in
Afghanistan. https://t.co/PbSMCJ9Kqm

- Speaker Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) May 9, 2024

Twitchy's @politibunny added, "Joe. Hamas still has American hostages.
You left Americans behind in Afghanistan. You left allies behind in
Afghanistan. You promised aid to Israel . you're now threatening to
withhold it. Delete this. Holy cow, dude."


Hamas still has American hostages.You left Americans behind
in Afghanistan.

You left allies behind in Afghanistan.

You promised aid to Israel . you're now threatening to
withhold it.

Delete this. Holy cow, dude. https://t.co/5v3aZbtYYS

- The??FOO (@PolitiBunny) May 9, 2024

"*Offer not valid for Americans in: Afghanistan Gaza," CNN commentator
Scott Jennings posted.

*Offer not valid for Americans in:

Gaza https://t.co/0qtonFnopj

- Scott Jennings (@ScottJenningsKY) May 9, 2024

Former Governor Scott Walker (R-WI) weighed in as well, saying, "Unless
you're an American held hostage by Hamas or an American who was working
in Afghanistan when Biden ordered an abrupt withdrawal. Then you're

Unless you're an American held hostage by Hamas or an American
who was working in Afghanistan when Biden ordered an abrupt
withdrawal. Then you're screwed. https://t.co/FuHgaYOZEc

- Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) May 9, 2024

"The American citizens held hostage by Hamas in Gaza were not
immediately available for comment. Nor were the U.S. allies hiding from
Taliban murder squads in Afghanistan. Pound sand, `Ironclad' Joe,"
Townhall managing editor Spencer Brown added.

The American citizens held hostage by Hamas in Gaza were not
immediately available for comment. Nor were the U.S. allies
hiding from Taliban murder squads in Afghanistan. Pound sand,
"Ironclad" Joe. https://t.co/y4rlLay4VK

- Spencer Brown (@itsSpencerBrown) May 9, 2024

Let's go Brandon!
2024-05-14 11:41:02 UTC
The Biden administration is under fire after reportedly withholding
intelligence on the locations of senior Hamas officials to pressure
Israel into giving up its planned invasion of Rafah.

Biden officials have reportedly offered to supply Israel with
intelligence on top Hamas officials in exchange for assurances that the
Israeli military will not conduct a full-scale invasion of Rafah, which
Israeli officials have repeatedly promised to do in order to take out
the remaining battalions of Hamas left in the Gaza Strip, according to
The Washington Post.

Critics blasted the proposal, accusing President Joe Biden of
withholding information that could finish the Israel-Hamas war faster,
as well as potentially lead to the rescue of hostages still held by

Is there anything more cynical than this? More repulsive?The
administration says it has intel on the wherabouts of the
Hamas terror masters but will only share if Israel agrees not
to eradicate Hamas.

This is an ally? This is a friend?https://t.co/ZmGIk2JY9m

- Caroline Glick (@CarolineGlick) May 11, 2024

"Is there anything more cynical than this? More repulsive? The
administration says it has intel on the wherabouts [sic] of the Hamas
terror masters but will only share if Israel agrees not to eradicate
Hamas. This is an ally? This is a friend?" said Caroline Glick, the
senior contributing editor at the Jewish News Syndicate.

Am I reading this right?!?! Has the U.S. had info on the
locations of Hamas leaders (and presumably the hostages) that
it's kept from Israel up until now?? Methinks the White House
has a bit of explaining to do. https://t.co/h0t00YfjEg

- Ilan Berman (@ilanberman) May 11, 2024

Ilan Berman, a senior vice president at the American Foreign Policy
Council, posted: "Am I reading this right?!?! Has the U.S. had info on
the locations of Hamas leaders (and presumably the hostages) that it's
kept from Israel up until now?? Methinks the White House has a bit of
explaining to do."

Big scoop from @washingtonpost: Biden, US intel have intel on
locations of hostages, Hamas leaders but haven't shared it
with Israel.

That's not how the WaPo spins it, but that's exactly what this
means.https://t.co/rswh6W3Q8T pic.twitter.com/600jaCK3y0

- Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) May 12, 2024

HotAir managing editor Ed Morrissey said: "Biden, US intel have intel
on locations of hostages, Hamas leaders but haven't shared it with
Israel. That's not how the WaPo spins it, but that's exactly what this

The report comes after President Joe Biden said last week that the U.S.
would freeze offensive military aid to Israel if the Israeli military
invades Rafah.

"I made it clear that if they go into Rafah - they haven't gone in
Rafah yet - if they go into Rafah, I'm not supplying the weapons that
have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities
- that deal with that problem," Biden said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a member of the war cabinet
that is currently in charge of the Israeli government, responded to
Biden's threat in a video statement

"If Israel needs to stand alone, it will stand alone," Netanyahu said.

Let's go Brandon!
2024-05-16 19:28:40 UTC
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim about
inflation — and he did not get away with it as journalists and political
rivals called him out on it.

Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation was at 9%
when he became president back in January 2021.

However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same assertion
during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was at 1.4% when he took

The latest gaffe by the president got posted to social media by the press and
the Republican National Committee (RNC), who also noted the correct statistic

A week after fact-checkers corrected Biden’s claim to CNN that
inflation was at 9% when he became president, the president
repeats it to @YahooFinance

“It was at 9% when I came in”

It was 1.4% https://t.co/jkvPGd2ZLx pic.twitter.com/XnMha9kuJu

— Alex Thompson (@AlexThomp) May 14, 2024

“All Biden does is LIE!” Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), who is now a U.S. Senate
candidate, said on X in response to one of the posts.

“Who told him this? Is he lying or does he have no idea what’s going on?”
asked RNC strategic communications director Tommy Pigott.

“Inflation first hit 9% in June 2022, over a year after Biden took office,”
Pigott added. “Inflation didn’t begin accelerating until after Biden forced
through his $1.9 trillion ‘stimulus.'”

Polling from Gallup conducted last month showed that Americans named
inflation or the high cost of living as the most important financial problem
facing their family.

GALLUP: Trend in Mentions of Inflation as the Most Important Family
Financial Problem

• April 2020 — 3%
• April 2021 — 8%
• April 2022 — 32%
• April 2023 — 35%
• April 2024 — 41% (all-time high)—

What is the most important financial problem facing your family today?…

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) May 14, 2024

Forty-one percent selected inflation or the high cost of living for the
open-ended question, which is the highest figure yet in Gallup’s annual
Economy and Personal Finance poll.

The implication of Biden’s incorrect claim is that the rate was high when he
took over the White House from Donald Trump, who like Biden is running
another presidential campaign this year.

While speaking about inflation with Yahoo Finance, Biden said he believed the
rate had gone “slightly up” and “it’s now down to about 3%.”

Alluding to concerns about the economy, Biden said, “The fact is that I think
people are just uncertain and that’s why we’ve got to be steady — stay the

Biden then contended that “pay for the jobs are outpacing the inflation rate
they’re paying.” He added, “We’re going to be able to deal with this,” before
stressing, “It’s going to take a little more time.”

Let's go Brandon!
2024-05-16 20:18:27 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim about
inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and political
rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation was at 9%
when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same assertion
during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was at 1.4% when he
took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a mere
gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.

Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
2024-05-16 20:46:02 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim about
inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and political
rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation was at 9%
when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same assertion
during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was at 1.4% when he
took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a mere
gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
It's also something the President doesn't have real control over. They
can help influence it but other than doing something drastic like
entering a world war it's not under their control.
2024-05-16 21:28:21 UTC
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim
about inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and
political rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation was
at 9% when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same assertion
during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was at 1.4% when he
took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a mere
gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
It's also something the President doesn't have real control over.
Well, much like the gas prices, the Biden people need to figure out if
he has control over it or not.

When gas prices go up, they plead "the president has no control over
gas prices".

When gas prices go down, that empty can Jean-Pierre is up on the podium
before the press boasting about how Biden "lowered gas prices for
hard-working Americans".

Which is it? Because if you're gonna take the credit for prices
dropping, you can't then duck the blame when they rise.

Same with inflation. If the president can't control inflation, then he
needs to stop going from one news outlet after another bragging about
how he lowered the inflation rate-- especially when it actually went up,
not down.

But if he *is* going to brag about it, then he has to expect to be held
accountable when the inflation rate goes the other way.
2024-05-17 00:08:25 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim
about inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and
political rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation was
at 9% when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same assertion
during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was at 1.4% when he
took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a mere
gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
It's also something the President doesn't have real control over.
Well, much like the gas prices, the Biden people need to figure out if
he has control over it or not.
When gas prices go up, they plead "the president has no control over
gas prices".
When gas prices go down, that empty can Jean-Pierre is up on the podium
before the press boasting about how Biden "lowered gas prices for
hard-working Americans".
Which is it? Because if you're gonna take the credit for prices
dropping, you can't then duck the blame when they rise.
Of course you can. If you are the President, then you always take
credit for the good things, like Trump taking credit when the stock
market hit multiple highs during his Presidency. Then predicted the
stock market would crash if Biden won in 2020 and is predicting he
will tank the stock market if he should win the November 2024

Now for us mere mortals we tend to stick to observable facts within
our own control. So we don't take credit for things we can't actually
control. Nor do we tend to claim credit when things go well, and deny
blame when things go wrong, but for the non-politician billionaire
that isn't the case. Witness Elon Musk who claims to be behind all the
goodness that was Tesla's stock price on that wild ride up. Now that
the stock price is continuing to slide downward he's got any number of
reasons why it is happening, none of them his fault.
Post by BTR1701
Same with inflation. If the president can't control inflation, then he
needs to stop going from one news outlet after another bragging about
how he lowered the inflation rate-- especially when it actually went up,
not down.
But if he *is* going to brag about it, then he has to expect to be held
accountable when the inflation rate goes the other way.
That's only for us mere mortals..
2024-05-17 03:27:53 UTC
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim
about inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and
political rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation
was at 9% when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same
assertion during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was
at 1.4% when he took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a
mere gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
It's also something the President doesn't have real control over.
Well, much like the gas prices, the Biden people need to figure out if
he has control over it or not.
When gas prices go up, they plead "the president has no control over
gas prices".
When gas prices go down, that empty can Jean-Pierre is up on the podium
before the press boasting about how Biden "lowered gas prices for
hard-working Americans".
Which is it? Because if you're gonna take the credit for prices
dropping, you can't then duck the blame when they rise.
Of course you can.
I should have said "you can't then LEGITIMATELY duck the blame when they
rise". Of course they're going to lie, which was my whole point from the
2024-05-17 04:26:35 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim
about inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and
political rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation
was at 9% when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same
assertion during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was
at 1.4% when he took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a
mere gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
It's also something the President doesn't have real control over.
Well, much like the gas prices, the Biden people need to figure out if
he has control over it or not.
When gas prices go up, they plead "the president has no control over
gas prices".
When gas prices go down, that empty can Jean-Pierre is up on the podium
before the press boasting about how Biden "lowered gas prices for
hard-working Americans".
Which is it? Because if you're gonna take the credit for prices
dropping, you can't then duck the blame when they rise.
Of course you can.
I should have said "you can't then LEGITIMATELY duck the blame when they
rise". Of course they're going to lie, which was my whole point from the
But you didn't need to say all that. It was enough to say they are
politicians. The rest follows automatically.
2024-05-17 08:51:46 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim
about inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and
political rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation
was at 9% when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same
assertion during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was
at 1.4% when he took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a
mere gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
It's also something the President doesn't have real control over.
Well, much like the gas prices, the Biden people need to figure out if
he has control over it or not.
When gas prices go up, they plead "the president has no control over
gas prices".
When gas prices go down, that empty can Jean-Pierre is up on the podium
before the press boasting about how Biden "lowered gas prices for
hard-working Americans".
Which is it? Because if you're gonna take the credit for prices
dropping, you can't then duck the blame when they rise.
Of course you can.
I should have said "you can't then LEGITIMATELY duck the blame when they
rise". Of course they're going to lie, which was my whole point from the
Your whole point is a pile of fucking horseshit. You can blame Biden
for CORPORATE GREED as much as you want but you're be a LYING FUCKING
ASSHOLE regardless.
2024-05-17 08:42:33 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim
about inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and
political rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation was
at 9% when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same assertion
during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was at 1.4% when he
took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a mere
gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
It's also something the President doesn't have real control over.
Well, much like the gas prices, the Biden people need to figure out if
he has control over it or not.
When gas prices go up, they plead "the president has no control over
gas prices".
When gas prices go down, that empty can Jean-Pierre is up on the podium
before the press boasting about how Biden "lowered gas prices for
hard-working Americans".
I totally agree. How, pray tell, does the fat fuck former President
Trump, who is currently on trial for one of his many crimes, compare?
If you're too afraid to put your comments in any sort of context just
tell the group that you're too afraid because you're a chickenshit asshole.
Post by BTR1701
Which is it? Because if you're gonna take the credit for prices
dropping, you can't then duck the blame when they rise.
Same with inflation. If the president can't control inflation, then he
needs to stop going from one news outlet after another bragging about
how he lowered the inflation rate-- especially when it actually went up,
not down.
But if he *is* going to brag about it, then he has to expect to be held
accountable when the inflation rate goes the other way.
2024-05-18 08:47:40 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim
about inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and
political rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation was
at 9% when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same assertion
during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was at 1.4% when he
took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a mere
gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
It's also something the President doesn't have real control over.
Well, much like the gas prices, the Biden people need to figure out if
he has control over it or not.
When gas prices go up, they plead "the president has no control over
gas prices".
When gas prices go down, that empty can Jean-Pierre is up on the podium
before the press boasting about how Biden "lowered gas prices for
hard-working Americans".
Which is it? Because if you're gonna take the credit for prices
dropping, you can't then duck the blame when they rise.
Same with inflation. If the president can't control inflation, then he
needs to stop going from one news outlet after another bragging about
how he lowered the inflation rate-- especially when it actually went up,
not down.
But if he *is* going to brag about it, then he has to expect to be held
accountable when the inflation rate goes the other way.
Look, we know you were in a coma from 2017-2020, but you should look up
this "Trump" guy.

I think you'd be surprised at what he says he did, and didn't do.
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC
Bible 25B.G.

Gracie, age 6.
2024-05-16 21:53:44 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim about
inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and political
rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation was at 9%
when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same assertion
during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was at 1.4% when he
took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a mere
gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
"Inflation is a lagging economic indicator. It is reported after prices
have already risen, which means the data it uses is historical."

- https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/laggingindicator.asp
2024-05-16 23:26:49 UTC
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim
about inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and
political rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation was
at 9% when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same assertion
during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was at 1.4% when he
took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a mere
gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
"Inflation is a lagging economic indicator. It is reported after prices
have already risen, which means the data it uses is historical."
What are you saying? That Biden is such a sly and clever fox that he's
somehow figured out that the 9% we're currently experiencing was really
the actual rate on the day of his inauguration THREE AND A HALF YEARS

That when they say "lagging economic indicator", they mean something
that's almost a half decade out of date?

This is what you have to resort to in order to apologize for Biden's
outright lies?
2024-05-17 02:47:33 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim
about inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and
political rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation was
at 9% when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same assertion
during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was at 1.4% when he
took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a mere
gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
"Inflation is a lagging economic indicator. It is reported after prices
have already risen, which means the data it uses is historical."
What are you saying? That Biden is such a sly and clever fox that he's
somehow figured out that the 9% we're currently experiencing was really
the actual rate on the day of his inauguration THREE AND A HALF YEARS
That when they say "lagging economic indicator", they mean something
that's almost a half decade out of date?
This is what you have to resort to in order to apologize for Biden's
outright lies?
You're complaining about the inflation rate "when Biden took office". I
merely provided a reminder of that supposedly indicates. E.g., if
inflation started rising that day, you'd have to credit Trump, afaics.
But, of course, I'd defer to your unbiased economic expertise...
2024-05-17 03:24:38 UTC
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim
about inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and
political rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation was
at 9% when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same assertion
during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was at 1.4% when he
took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a mere
gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
"Inflation is a lagging economic indicator. It is reported after prices
have already risen, which means the data it uses is historical."
What are you saying? That Biden is such a sly and clever fox that he's
somehow figured out that the 9% we're currently experiencing was really
the actual rate on the day of his inauguration THREE AND A HALF YEARS
That when they say "lagging economic indicator", they mean something
that's almost a half decade out of date?
This is what you have to resort to in order to apologize for Biden's
outright lies?
You're complaining about the inflation rate "when Biden took office".
No, I didn't complain about what the rate was when Bide took office at
all. I pointed out that Biden is LYING about the inflation rate when he
took office. It was really only 1.4% but he's saying it was 9% so it
doesn't look like he let things get out of control during his term.
2024-05-17 08:50:25 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim
about inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and
political rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation was
at 9% when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same assertion
during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was at 1.4% when he
took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a mere
gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
"Inflation is a lagging economic indicator. It is reported after prices
have already risen, which means the data it uses is historical."
What are you saying? That Biden is such a sly and clever fox that he's
somehow figured out that the 9% we're currently experiencing was really
the actual rate on the day of his inauguration THREE AND A HALF YEARS
That when they say "lagging economic indicator", they mean something
that's almost a half decade out of date?
This is what you have to resort to in order to apologize for Biden's
outright lies?
You're complaining about the inflation rate "when Biden took office".
No, I didn't complain about what the rate was when Bide took office at
all. I pointed out that Biden is LYING about the inflation rate when he
took office. It was really only 1.4% but he's saying it was 9% so it
doesn't look like he let things get out of control during his term.
Sure, and what you didn't say is your man Trump is a far bigger LIAR
than Biden is. You aren't able to discuss the situation like a rational
human being--SAY THAT.
2024-05-17 18:55:26 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim
about inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and
political rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation was
at 9% when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same assertion
during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was at 1.4% when he
took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a mere
gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
"Inflation is a lagging economic indicator. It is reported after prices
have already risen, which means the data it uses is historical."
What are you saying? That Biden is such a sly and clever fox that he's
somehow figured out that the 9% we're currently experiencing was really
the actual rate on the day of his inauguration THREE AND A HALF YEARS
That when they say "lagging economic indicator", they mean something
that's almost a half decade out of date?
This is what you have to resort to in order to apologize for Biden's
outright lies?
You're complaining about the inflation rate "when Biden took office".
No, I didn't complain about what the rate was when Bide took office at
all. I pointed out that Biden is LYING about the inflation rate when he
took office. It was really only 1.4% but he's saying it was 9% so it
doesn't look like he let things get out of control during his term.
Well, CNN seems more or less to agree with you:

2024-05-18 01:10:29 UTC
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim
about inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and
political rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation was
at 9% when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same assertion
during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was at 1.4% when he
took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a mere
gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
"Inflation is a lagging economic indicator. It is reported after prices
have already risen, which means the data it uses is historical."
What are you saying? That Biden is such a sly and clever fox that he's
somehow figured out that the 9% we're currently experiencing was really
the actual rate on the day of his inauguration THREE AND A HALF YEARS
That when they say "lagging economic indicator", they mean something
that's almost a half decade out of date?
This is what you have to resort to in order to apologize for Biden's
outright lies?
You're complaining about the inflation rate "when Biden took office".
No, I didn't complain about what the rate was when Bide took office at
all. I pointed out that Biden is LYING about the inflation rate when he
took office. It was really only 1.4% but he's saying it was 9% so it
doesn't look like he let things get out of control during his term.
It’s scary how blatantly Biden is lying when CNN calls him out on it.
The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but it is still on my list.
2024-05-18 02:15:39 UTC
Post by anim8rfsk
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim
about inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and
political rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation was
at 9% when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same assertion
during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was at 1.4% when he
took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a mere
gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
"Inflation is a lagging economic indicator. It is reported after prices
have already risen, which means the data it uses is historical."
What are you saying? That Biden is such a sly and clever fox that he's
somehow figured out that the 9% we're currently experiencing was really
the actual rate on the day of his inauguration THREE AND A HALF YEARS
That when they say "lagging economic indicator", they mean something
that's almost a half decade out of date?
This is what you have to resort to in order to apologize for Biden's
outright lies?
You're complaining about the inflation rate "when Biden took office".
No, I didn't complain about what the rate was when Bide took office at
all. I pointed out that Biden is LYING about the inflation rate when he
took office. It was really only 1.4% but he's saying it was 9% so it
doesn't look like he let things get out of control during his term.
It’s scary how blatantly Biden is lying when CNN calls him out on it.
Actually, I partly believe that he partly believes he speaks truth.
2024-05-17 08:48:46 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim
about inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and
political rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation was
at 9% when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same assertion
during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was at 1.4% when he
took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a mere
gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
"Inflation is a lagging economic indicator. It is reported after prices
have already risen, which means the data it uses is historical."
What are you saying? That Biden is such a sly and clever fox that he's
somehow figured out that the 9% we're currently experiencing was really
the actual rate on the day of his inauguration THREE AND A HALF YEARS
That when they say "lagging economic indicator", they mean something
that's almost a half decade out of date?
This is what you have to resort to in order to apologize for Biden's
outright lies?
Oh no, you sound very butthurt again. Maybe you can sit on some dry ice
or something to see if that helps?
2024-05-17 08:47:09 UTC
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden made a false claim about
inflation-- and he did not get away with it as journalists and political
rivals called him out on it.
Biden told Yahoo Finance in an interview on Tuesday that inflation was at 9%
when he became president back in January 2021.
However, as fact-checkers pointed out when Biden made the same assertion
during a CNN town hall last week, inflation actually was at 1.4% when he
took office.
But Trump is the one who lies all the time. We should vote for Biden
because he doesn't lie, they say.
Post by Ubiquitous
The latest gaffe by the president
It's not a gaffe. A gaffe is an unintentional mistake. This is an
intentional bald-faced lie. And so is the media downplaying it as a mere
gaffe. Biden is lying and the media is lying about his lies.
Biden's team knows what the inflation rate was when Biden took office
and they're intentionally lying about it because they know that the
grocery bill is something that Mr. & Mrs. Middle America are going to
vote on.
"Inflation is a lagging economic indicator. It is reported after prices
have already risen, which means the data it uses is historical."
   -  https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/laggingindicator.asp
Besides that it's kind of different situation than we've seen before.
This "inflation" rather than being caused by economic conditions, is
merely a money grab by major corporations:

For instance, progressive advocacy group Groundwork Collaborative
recently argued that corporate profits drove 53% of inflation during the
second and third quarters of 2023. That report found corporate profits
were to blame for 34% of inflation since the start of Covid-19.2 days ago

Think corporate greed is the leading cause of inflation ... - CNN
https://www.cnn.com › business › inflation-biden-rate-fed

I would have more respect for Oath Keeper Twat if he would just admit he
has no interest in the truth or the facts of any given situation. Well,
maybe that's not true, I'd think he's a stupid asshole in either case.
2024-06-11 17:27:27 UTC
On Thursday, Joe Biden went to Normandy on the 80th anniversary of the D-Day
invasion, the largest amphibious invasion in the history of warfare, and
attempted to channel Ronald Reagan.

Ronald Reagan was there for the 40th anniversary of D-Day and gave an
incredibly famous and wonderful speech about the boys of Pointe du Hoc and
the rest of that fateful day.

Joe Biden showed up and proceeded to possibly poop, which is under dispute.
The White House suggested that the president did not, in fact, poop.

But the fact that it’s an open question is not ideal for the president of the
United States, who has now been the subject of a giant Wall Street Journal
piece pointing out the obvious to all of us, which is that the president is
no longer functional.

The New York Times reported:

The aging American president facing a re-election campaign came to
the Normandy coast of France to pay tribute to the daring Army
Rangers who scaled the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc, offer a paean to
democracy for which they sacrificed and perhaps even wrap himself a
little bit in their reflected glory.

That was 1984, and the president was Ronald Reagan, who delivered an
ode to heroism and patriotism that would become one of the most
iconic moments of his presidency. Forty years later, another aging
president facing re-election plans to return to the same spot Friday
to honor the same heroes and effectively align himself with Mr.
Reagan’s legacy of leadership against tyranny.

Good luck to Joe Biden if he hoped to mirror the performance of Ronald Reagan
in 1984 in Normandy. In 1984, Reagan was 73-years-old, younger than both of
the major party candidates this year. Biden is currently 81 and no longer in
control of his faculties.

The viral clips that were going around social media yesterday were not the
clips of Biden appearing stalwart in defense of democracy. They were clips of
the president doddering around, guided by his handlers, led by the hand by
Dr. Jill (who’s going to need a medical degree before all of this is over,
given the way that Biden is medically slipping).

Biden arrived at Omaha Beach and staggered around in his moon shoes. They
have him in these moon shoes because they are afraid he is going to trip or
keel over.

He got out of the car, didn’t know where to go, and stood there looking
bewildered, his mouth slack-jawed. Then, he went on stage with the other
world leaders, all of whom are probably half his age. He had this
particularly odd moment in which he was not sure whether to sit down on a
chair or not to sit down on a chair — though nobody else seemed confused.
Everyone else was standing. You might feel for Dr. Jill, except for the fact
that she’s the one who’s keeping him in power and has ambitions of her own.

Biden had to be led away, tottered away, by Dr. Jill before everyone else.

All the rest of the world leaders greeted all of the members of the Greatest

But Biden was gone. During the ceremony, he appeared to be lost; at times, he
appeared to have his eyes closed, which has become a common occurrence for
him. The Wall Street Journal reported that during meetings, it’s not clear
whether he’s fallen asleep or not.

Why does any of this matter? It matters because this is a president who
clearly is not in command. So the question becomes, who is in command?

The answer is: whoever’s in command that day. There is no one consistent
answer. It is not as though there’s a shadow president like Barack Obama
sitting in the background manipulating all the strings. At least then you
would get a bad but coherent policy from Biden.

But we are getting an extraordinary level of volatility and eccentricity in
Biden’s policymaking, which makes it feel as though he’s ping-ponging off the
walls, because he is. That is not unusual in a case when you have somebody
who’s approaching senility; on some days, they are better than on others.

Even his greatest allies, people who perform acts of Stormy-Daniels-level
sycophancy upon Biden, are starting to make jokes about the fact he does not
appear to be in control of himself.

Jimmy Kimmel, lackey par excellence to the Biden administration, mocked Biden
descending stairs. That’s always a great look, when even the people who love
you the most are making fun of the fact you might fall down the stairs at any

Democrats are fighting off the perception that this president is not only
incompetent at his job, but that he’s just not with it by ratcheting up the
rhetoric against Donald Trump. That’s because if they can make the election a
referendum on Trump, then Trump has some trouble. If the election is a
referendum on Joe Biden, the current president of the United States, then
Biden has some trouble, which is why the chief goal of the Trump campaign
should be to stay out of the line of fire.

Quiet Trump is the best Trump. If Trump were to actually pursue Biden’s
strategy from 2020 by going into a basement and staying there until November,
Trump would be president of the United States again.

It is the job of Democrats to pull the panic alarm and push the panic button
with regard to Trump, so they are really ratcheting it up.

On Thursday, Hillary Clinton issued what is one of the most egregious tweets
I’ve ever seen in my life. She wrote, “Eighty years ago today, thousands of
brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy. This
November, all we have to do is vote.”

According to Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump is Hitler. And when you vote
against Donald Trump, that is the same as you storming the beaches of
Normandy. It’s the same as when your great-grandfather stormed the beaches of
Normandy while his friends got killed by mortars.

There are a couple of reasons this is insulting: The idea that voting is in
any way equivalent to military service is absurd. The idea that Trump is
orange Hitler is absurd; we know he isn’t. He was president of the United
States already.

Mitch Landrieu, who’s a senior advisor in infrastructure coordination for the
Biden administration, echoed, “I feel very, very confident that this is going
to be a very hard fought race … but when the chips are down, the American
people are going to show up just like those kids did, 80 years ago.”

“Just like the kids did 80 years ago?” As though storming off of an
amphibious landing craft onto a beach marked by machine gunfire is the same
as voting for the old man who may have actually pooped on himself at

You have the Biden administration saying Trump is the incipient tyrant and
voting against him is like storming the beaches of Normandy.

That’s despicable.

"My Corvette go BRRRRR"
-- Joe Biden
2024-07-30 20:30:43 UTC
President Joe Biden sparked some backlash on Monday when he lashed out at
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), saying that he would be "dead on arrival."

The exchange began with Johnson's statement on Biden's remarks regarding the
Supreme Court and his plan to overhaul it in the wake of a number of
decisions that had not gone his way.

"President Biden's proposal to radically overhaul the U.S. Supreme Court
would tilt the balance of power and erode not only the rule of law, but the
American people's faith in our system of justice," Johnson wrote in a post to
X. "This proposal is the logical conclusion to the Biden-Harris
Administration and Congressional Democrats' ongoing efforts to delegitimize
the Supreme Court. Their calls to expand and pack the Court will soon

"It is telling that Democrats want to change the system that has guided our
nation since its founding simply because they disagree with some of the
Court's recent decisions. This dangerous gambit of the Biden-Harris
Administration is dead on arrival in the House," he concluded.

President Biden's proposal to radically overhaul the U.S. Supreme
Court would tilt the balance of power and erode not only the rule
of law, but the American people's faith in our system of justice.

This proposal is the logical conclusion to the Biden-Harris
Administration and...

- Speaker Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) July 29, 2024

But when Biden was asked about Johnson's statement, he replied, "That's what
he is."

"That he is?" a reporter pressed.

"Dead on arrival," Biden said.

President Biden was just asked on the tarmac about Speaker Johnson
calling his Supreme Court reform "dead on arrival." "That's what he
is," Biden said. Asked for clarification, a reporter shouted, "That
he is?" Biden responded: "He is. Dead on arrival."

- Matt Viser (@mviser) July 29, 2024

Critics quickly pointed out the fact that Biden was not doing much to lower
the temperature with regard to political rhetoric - and some even noted that
former President Donald Trump, the 2024 nominee for Johnson's party, had been
shot just barely more than two weeks earlier.

"Donald Trump was an inch away from being assassinated not three weeks ago.
This is Joe Biden's rhetoric today," Stephen Miller said.

Donald Trump was an inch away from being assassinated not three
weeks ago. This is Joe Biden's rhetoric today.

- Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 29, 2024

"The leader of Johnson's party was shot in the head on July 13th," Guy Benson

The leader of Johnson's party was shot in the head on July 13th.

- Guy Benson (@guypbenson) July 29, 2024

"The Earth would spin out of its orbit if a Republican president made a death
joke about a Democrat House Speaker," Mark Davis said.

The Earth would spin out of its orbit if a Republican president made
a death joke about a Democrat House Speaker. https://t.co/L6D84dLNrm

- Mark Davis (@MarkDavis) July 30, 2024

"The press would be running 24-hour coverage if Trump said this," RedState's
Bonchie posted.

The press would be running 24-hour coverage if Trump said this.

- Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) July 29, 2024

Johnson responded with a clip from Biden's disastrous debate with Trump -
which set off a series of events that culminated in Biden's abrupt exit from
the 2024 presidential race.

"I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence," Trump said of
Biden in the video clip. "I don't think he knows what he said either."

https://t.co/RfSSVaQ1ak pic.twitter.com/RkiTWx2Oms

- Speaker Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) July 29, 2024

Let's go Brandon!
2024-08-15 08:30:51 UTC
The Taliban paraded billions of dollars worth of American military hardware
around the streets of Afghanistan on Wednesday near the U.S.’s former airbase
inside the country.

The Islamic extremist group, which is not recognized by any country as being
the legitimate government of Afghanistan, touted U.S. military vehicles,
helicopters, and weapons at the parade at Bagram air base.

The Department of Defense Inspector General said in a report a year after
Afghanistan’s fall that the Biden-Harris Administration left behind “U.S.-
funded equipment valued at $7.12 billion”, which fell into the Taliban’s
hands, including “military aircraft, ground vehicles, weapons, and other
military equipment.”

The hardware left behind included nearly a billion dollars worth of aircraft,
over 40,000 military vehicles, more than 300,000 weapons, and tens of
millions of dollars worth of ammunition.

Also left behind were nearly all communications equipment that the U.S. gave
to Afghan forces and nearly all other advanced military electronics,
including night vision and surveillance equipment.

The Biden-Harris Administration’s August 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan was
chaotic and projected American weakness around the world. Many say that this
moment of weakness played a factor in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s
decision to start a war by invading Ukraine just six months later.

Check out the military vehicles and helicopters left behind by the
U.S. for the Taliban three years ago—now parading through the
streets of Afghanistan… pic.twitter.com/viK2bw0CbI

— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) August 14, 2024

During the withdrawal, 13 service members were killed in a terrorist attack
during evacuations at an airport in Afghanistan’s capital city of Kabul. When
the soldiers were flown home, Biden was caught checking the time on his watch
as their bodies were unloaded.

Since the U.S.’s withdrawal from the country, Islamic terrorist groups have
reconstituted inside Afghanistan and have started growing at a rate that has
alarmed many U.S. officials.

Let's go Brandon!
2024-08-15 17:21:40 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
The Taliban paraded billions of dollars worth of American military hardware
around the streets of Afghanistan on Wednesday near the U.S.'s former airbase
inside the country.
The Islamic extremist group, which is not recognized by any country as being
the legitimate government of Afghanistan, touted U.S. military vehicles,
helicopters, and weapons at the parade at Bagram air base.
'Memba when Biden said all that equipment he left behind when he ran
away like a whipped cur in Afghanistan wasn't a problem because most of
it was inoperable and the Taliban couldn't get parts for it and didn't
know how to maintain it even if they could get parts?

I 'memba! Biden literally armed the Taliban-- the *Taliban* of all
people!-- with a BILLION dollars worth of high tech weapons, vehicles,
and ammunition.

Welp, another lie exposed. (Of course this isn't the impeachable offense
it should be because Democrat and Biden's lies never count as lies
because Democrat.)
2024-08-16 08:36:51 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
The Taliban paraded billions of dollars worth of American military hardware
around the streets of Afghanistan on Wednesday near the U.S.'s former airbase
inside the country.
The Islamic extremist group, which is not recognized by any country as being
the legitimate government of Afghanistan, touted U.S. military vehicles,
helicopters, and weapons at the parade at Bagram air base.
'Memba when Biden said all that equipment he left behind when he ran
away like a whipped cur in Afghanistan
Is this worse than sucking the dick of the Taliban and calling it
"diplomacy?" You claim to have been in the Secret Service, what's the
U.S. governments policy on dealing with terrorists?
2024-08-18 08:30:42 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by Ubiquitous
The Taliban paraded billions of dollars worth of American military
hardware around the streets of Afghanistan on Wednesday near the U.S.'s
former airbase inside the country.
The Islamic extremist group, which is not recognized by any country as
being the legitimate government of Afghanistan, touted U.S. military
vehicles, helicopters, and weapons at the parade at Bagram air base.
'Memba when Biden said all that equipment he left behind when he ran
away like a whipped cur in Afghanistan wasn't a problem because most of
it was inoperable and the Taliban couldn't get parts for it and didn't
know how to maintain it even if they could get parts?
I 'memba! Biden literally armed the Taliban-- the *Taliban* of all
people!-- with a BILLION dollars worth of high tech weapons, vehicles,
and ammunition.
Welp, another lie exposed. (Of course this isn't the impeachable offense
it should be because Democrat and Biden's lies never count as lies
because Democrat.)
Biden should have been impeached at least a half dozen times by now.

Let's go Brandon!
2024-09-10 08:30:51 UTC
The Biden-Harris administration pushed forward with a U.S. military
withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 that led to disastrous consequences over
concerns and warnings from numerous sources, according to a newly released
report from the GOP-led House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Chairman Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) released the findings of his years-long
investigation on Monday, faulting President Joe Biden for pushing forward
with the Afghanistan pullout and Vice President Kamala Harris for backing the

"The Biden-Harris administration was determined to withdraw from Afghanistan,
with or without the Doha Agreement and no matter the cost. Accordingly, they
ignored the conditions in the Doha Agreement, pleas of the Afghan government,
and the objections by our NATO allies, deciding to unilaterally withdraw from
the country," the report says.

The report also focuses on the timing of the administration's declaration of
a noncombatant emergency evacuation (NEO) in mid-August, well into the
Taliban's military reconquest of Afghanistan and after the group had reached
Kabul. The lateness of the declaration threw evacuation plans for tens of
thousands of stranded Americans and Afghan allies into chaos.

"The Biden-Harris administration prioritized the optics of the withdrawal
over the security of U.S. personnel on the ground," the report says. "The
Biden-Harris administration's failure to prepare for a NEO and order a timely
NEO created an unsafe environment at HKIA, exposing U.S. Defense Department
and State Department personnel to lethal threats and emotional harm.

"As a result, 13 U.S. servicemembers were murdered by a terrorist attack on
August 26, 2021. It was the deadliest day for the U.S. military in
Afghanistan since 2012," the report continued, referencing the terror attack
on Hamid Karzai International Airport's Abbey Gate. A suicide bomber with the
terror group ISIS-K detonated his device and killed 13 U.S. troops along with
170 Afghans.

Democrats on the Foreign Affairs Committee, led by ranking member Rep.
Gregory Meeks of New York, released a separate report to counter the GOP
investigation's findings. Meeks accused McCaul of playing politics with the
Afghanistan withdrawal report. The chairman released the report just ahead of
the first presidential debate between Harris and former President Donald

Trump made the Afghanistan withdrawal a cornerstone of his attacks on Biden
before he dropped out, and Trump has since shifted fire to Harris since she
took up the Democratic nomination. Harris has bragged that she was "last" in
the room when Biden made the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, and that
she supported that decision.

McCaul's report also faulted the Trump administration for negotiating the
Doha agreement to withdraw from Afghanistan without input from the Afghan

The White House attacked McCaul's report as "partisan" and "based on cherry-
picked facts, inaccurate characterizations, and pre-existing biases."

"As we have said many times, ending our longest war was the right thing to do
and our nation is stronger today as a result," White House spokeswoman Sharon
Yang said in a statement, according to The Hill.

McCaul's investigation has been criticized by its former senior investigator,
Jerry Dunleavy, who resigned from the investigation in protest. Dunleavy
accused McCaul and the committee investigation of not pursuing leads and
missing numerous chances to hold officials responsible for missteps and
blunders during the withdrawal.

Let's go Brandon!
2024-09-11 09:22:57 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
The Biden-Harris administration pushed forward with a U.S. military
withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 that led to disastrous consequences over
concerns and warnings from numerous sources, according to a newly released
report from the GOP-led House Foreign Affairs Committee.
You write well Pubie, have you been taking plagiarism lessons?
2024-09-11 15:52:27 UTC
Post by trotsky
Post by Ubiquitous
The Biden-Harris administration pushed forward with a U.S. military
withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 that led to disastrous consequences
over concerns and warnings from numerous sources, according to a newly
released report from the GOP-led House Foreign Affairs Committee.
You write well Pubie, have you been taking plagiarism lessons?
Trump's just tired of winning all the time, that's all.
2024-09-12 01:05:02 UTC
The widow of a fire chief — who was killed during the 9/11 terrorist attacks
23 years ago — blasted President Joe Biden for a callous and “flippant
remark” about his plans to mark the anniversary on Wednesday at Ground Zero.

Joanne Barbara — widow of Gerard Barbara, an assistant chief in the New York
Fire Department who died inside the World Trade Center on 9/11 — participated
in Wednesday’s services but took a moment to call Biden out directly.


Widow of 9/11 Fire Chief killed in terrorist attack CALLS OUT Joe
Biden during her speech:

“The elected officials here today show their respect and reverence
to the families on September 11th—or, in our president’s words, ‘Do
9/11.’ Quite a flippant remark.”

Wow. pic.twitter.com/ZYsgWpL6YL

— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) September 11, 2024

“The elected officials here today show their respect and reverence to the
families on September 11, or in our president’s words, ‘do 9/11.’ Quite a
flippant remark. But please remember the September 11 families live it every
day, not just on the anniversary,” she said.

Biden was widely criticized for his phrasing after he spoke with reporters on
the White House lawn on Tuesday, first detailing his plans to watch the ABC
debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald
Trump, and then adding an aside about attending the 9/11 memorial in New

“I’m going up to my granddaughter’s birthday in New York. Then we’re going to
watch the debate. Tomorrow, I’m doing 9/11,” he said.

Biden and Harris both made an appearance at the Ground Zero memorial
ceremonies — standing alongside former President Donald Trump and his vice
presidential nominee, Senator JD Vance (R-OH) — but had apparently ducked out
by the time Barbara made her comments. When she called him out directly, the
cameras panned to where Biden and Harris had been standing — but only Trump
and Vance were still standing where they had been.

Let's go Brandon!
