Harris Administration Targeting Police, Fire Services Over DEI
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2024-10-12 05:31:11 UTC
The Justice Department filed a lawsuit today against the City of South Bend,
Indiana, alleging that the hiring process for entry-level police officers at
the South Bend Police Department violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Specifically, the department alleges that South Bend uses a written
examination that discriminates against black applicants and a physical fitness
test that discriminates against female applicants.


Want to see how hard this exam is? Let's look at some questions.

Officer Milton visits local area businesses as part of a theft prevention
program. If Officer Milton visits three area businesses every week, except for
his 3-week vacation, how many groups does he visit in one year?

A. 49
B. 98
C. 147
D. 150
E. 166

For the next two questions, you'll use the following information that you can
reference at any time during the test:

In preparing a report on a burglary in a dentist's office, SGT Hooker listed
the following stolen items and their values.

Digital camera $810
Laptop compter $650
Printer $325
Paper shredder $125

What was the total value of the stolen goods?

A. $1800
B. $1810
C. $1860
D. $1910
E. $2010

What was the value of all the stolen goods EXCEPT the paper shredder?

A. $1100
B. $1260
C. $1585
D. $1685
E. $1785

During one 5-day period, Officer Poncharello drove his patrol motorcycle 225
miles. If he drove 85 miles on one day, how many miles did he average on each
of the other days?

A. 28 miles
B. 35 miles
C. 40 miles
D. 70 miles
E. 140 miles

Burglars broke into an electronics store and left with 30 global navigation
systems with a total retail value of $6750. What is the average retail value
of each navigation system?

A. $225
B. $250
C. $275
D. $325
E. $350

Now on to reading comprehension. Use the following passage for the next five

In an effort to conserve fuel, reduce traffic congestion, and encourage
greater use of public transportation, police in Metropolis are enforcing new
driving restrictions through the use of specially-marked license plates. These
restrictions apply to all vehicular traffic within a 2-mile radius of the city
center and are effective Monday through Friday.

Vehicles with an "A" plate are considered essential to city services and may
travel and park freely in the city center. Police, fire, and emergency
vehicles are examples of those that would issued "A" plates. Public
transportation vehicles such as buses and taxis will be issued a "K" plate,
and may also travel freely through the city center, though they may not park
anywhere in the city center.

Delivery vehicles will be issued a "B" plate, which allows them access to the
city center for loading and unloading between 8AM to 10AM and 4PM to 6PM only.
There is no restriction on deliveries over the weekend. Shop and business
owners within the city center will be issued "Q" plates, which allows them
access to their place of business; however, parking within the city center
must be off-street.

Privately-owned vehicles with an "X" plate may be driven and parked within the
city center on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday only. Vehicles issued a "Z"
plate may be driven and parked within the city center on Tuesday, Wednesday,
and Friday only.

Metropolis Police are authorized to ticket and arrange for the immediate
towing of vehicles violating these new license plate ordinances. The objective
of these changes is to make the city less congested and more

According to the passage, a package delivery service may deliver a shipment of
medications to a pharmacy in the city center

A. at any time of day
B. on weekends only
C. between 8AM and 10AM
D. on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday only
E. between 8AM and 6PM only

According to the passage, what type of plate will be assigned to Lucy Lane,
who owns a clothing store in the city center?

A. Q
B. X
C. A
D. B
E. Z

According to the passage, Jimmy Olson drives a Prius with a Z license plate
and may drive and park within the city center

A. on any Monday
B. on any Friday
C. before 9AM or after 7PM on any day
D. for loading and unloading purposes only
E. at any time

According to the passage, drivers with X or Z plates may drive and park in the
city center on any Wednesday

A. True
B. False

According to the passage, which of the following statements would be

A. The newly-enacted driving restrictions apply to all vehicular traffic
driving within the boundaries of Metropolis.
B. Metropolis PD may choose to either ticket or tow vehicles violating these
new license ordinances.
C. Vehicles with an A plate may travel freely in the city center but may not
park on the street there.
D. The goal of these new driving restrictions is to create a pedestrian-only
shopping area.
E. The purpose of these newly-issued plates is to reduce traffic volume in
the city center during the time when shoppers frequent the businesses.

The 1st Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, speech, and press, as well
as the right to assemble peacefully.

The 5th Amendment protects citizens against violations of due process in
criminal proceedings. No person may be compelled to testify against
him/herself, a grand jury process is required for criminal indictments, and
double jeopardy is prohibited.

The 6th Amendment guarantees a speedy, fair trial by an impartial jury and the
right to counsel in all criminal cases.

The 8th Amendment prohibits excessive bail or fines, as well as cruel and
unusual punishment.

To which of the following would the 5th Amendment apply?

A. George, who has little money, has a court-appointed lawyer to defend him
in his manslaughter trial.
B. Because Juan is a flight risk, Judge Bailey has set bail at $1 million.
C. During interrogation, Drew incriminates himself because a lawyer was not
present to advise him.
D. Manuel, who was found not guilty in the murder of his wife, cannot be
tried again after new evidence is found.
E. Spencer has waited three years for his burglary charge to go to trial.

You're given a blank incident report and notes of the responding officer:


Sarah Connor, an employee of Big Buns Restaurant at 1535 La Cienega Boulevard,
Los Angeles, called 911 dispatch at 6:30AM, Friday April 13, to report that
the restaurant had been broken into during the night. Officers Ron Traxler and
Paul Vukovich arrived at the premises at 6:40AM to investigate the incident.
Ms. Connor was able to report immediately that an espresso machine and $78
from the register were missing.

The incident report can be fully completed based on the information responding
officer's notes.

A. True
B. False

The incident was reported on April 13.

A. True
B. False

Fill in the blank with appropriate word.

There were three _________ at the accident scene.

A. witness
B. witnesses
C. witness's

The lieutenant decided _______ was enough evidence to issue an arrest

A. there
B. their
C. they're

Detective McClane and _______ arrested the suspect.

A. me
B. I

"A recent study found that alcahol was a common factor in traffic accidents."

Which word in the above sentence is misspelled?

A. recent
B. found
C. alcahol
D. common
E. accidents

"On Tuesday, September 18, Detective Martin Riggs investigated a complaint
filed by the secretery of an insurance company."

Which word in the above sentence is misspelled?

A. Tuesday
B. September
C. investigated
D. secretery
E. insurance

This test is simple enough that a 4th-grader should be able to easily complete
it. If you cannot pass this test, you aren't competent to be a cop. You'll
clearly be more likely to cause an incident than a smarter officer.

There's a second aspect of the DOJ's complaint. They're also upset that women
do poorly on the physical exam, because the female recruits are basically
physically incompetent to perform the job duties of a police officer.

The physical test asks applicants to:

Jump at least 13.5 inches
Do 24 sit-ups in a minute
Run 300 meters in 82 seconds
Do 21 push-ups with no time limit
Run 1.5 miles in at least 18 minutes 56 seconds
Squeeze a pistol trigger 6 times in 10 seconds or less.

If you cannot pass that physical test, like 53% of women and 17% of men, then
you frankly should not be a cop. Period.

But the Harris Administration does not care about excellence in policing,
firefighting, or apparently anything else. Three times in this past week, her
DOJ has attacked emergency services in three separate cities for having hiring
standards that are so low the bar is buried in the ground, yet apparently
still don't result in enough bipocs and women getting hired. The DOJ is
prepping to attack every police and fire department in the United States. They
will make police less competent everywhere in the name of defending against
injustices that only exist in the heads of the country's most neurotic

Two of the targeted cities folded instantly and accepted federal oversight of
their emergency services departments. South Bend, Indiana, did not and filed a
notice that they will go to court over this.

I hope they win. I hope that attacks on meritocracy in the name of DEI and
"equity" come to an end and America can start to prioritize excellence in its
public services again, instead of kowtowing to anti-meritocratic bureaucrats
in weaponized federal agencies.
2024-10-12 16:31:08 UTC
Post by BTR1701
The Justice Department filed a lawsuit today against the City of South Bend,
Indiana, alleging that the hiring process for entry-level police officers at
the South Bend Police Department violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Specifically, the department alleges that South Bend uses a written
examination that discriminates against black applicants and a physical fitness
test that discriminates against female applicants.
Want to see how hard this exam is? Let's look at some questions.
Officer Milton visits local area businesses as part of a theft prevention
program. If Officer Milton visits three area businesses every week, except for
his 3-week vacation, how many groups does he visit in one year?
A. 49
B. 98
C. 147
D. 150
E. 166
For the next two questions, you'll use the following information that you can
In preparing a report on a burglary in a dentist's office, SGT Hooker listed
the following stolen items and their values.
Digital camera $810
Laptop compter $650
Printer $325
Paper shredder $125
What was the total value of the stolen goods?
A. $1800
B. $1810
C. $1860
D. $1910
E. $2010
What was the value of all the stolen goods EXCEPT the paper shredder?
A. $1100
B. $1260
C. $1585
D. $1685
E. $1785
During one 5-day period, Officer Poncharello drove his patrol motorcycle 225
miles. If he drove 85 miles on one day, how many miles did he average on each
of the other days?
A. 28 miles
B. 35 miles
C. 40 miles
D. 70 miles
E. 140 miles
Burglars broke into an electronics store and left with 30 global navigation
systems with a total retail value of $6750. What is the average retail value
of each navigation system?
A. $225
B. $250
C. $275
D. $325
E. $350
Now on to reading comprehension. Use the following passage for the next five
In an effort to conserve fuel, reduce traffic congestion, and encourage
greater use of public transportation, police in Metropolis are enforcing new
driving restrictions through the use of specially-marked license plates. These
restrictions apply to all vehicular traffic within a 2-mile radius of the city
center and are effective Monday through Friday.
Vehicles with an "A" plate are considered essential to city services and may
travel and park freely in the city center. Police, fire, and emergency
vehicles are examples of those that would issued "A" plates. Public
transportation vehicles such as buses and taxis will be issued a "K" plate,
and may also travel freely through the city center, though they may not park
anywhere in the city center.
Delivery vehicles will be issued a "B" plate, which allows them access to the
city center for loading and unloading between 8AM to 10AM and 4PM to 6PM only.
There is no restriction on deliveries over the weekend. Shop and business
owners within the city center will be issued "Q" plates, which allows them
access to their place of business; however, parking within the city center
must be off-street.
Privately-owned vehicles with an "X" plate may be driven and parked within the
city center on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday only. Vehicles issued a "Z"
plate may be driven and parked within the city center on Tuesday, Wednesday,
and Friday only.
Metropolis Police are authorized to ticket and arrange for the immediate
towing of vehicles violating these new license plate ordinances. The objective
of these changes is to make the city less congested and more
According to the passage, a package delivery service may deliver a shipment of
medications to a pharmacy in the city center
A. at any time of day
B. on weekends only
C. between 8AM and 10AM
D. on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday only
E. between 8AM and 6PM only
According to the passage, what type of plate will be assigned to Lucy Lane,
who owns a clothing store in the city center?
A. Q
B. X
C. A
D. B
E. Z
According to the passage, Jimmy Olson drives a Prius with a Z license plate
and may drive and park within the city center
A. on any Monday
B. on any Friday
C. before 9AM or after 7PM on any day
D. for loading and unloading purposes only
E. at any time
According to the passage, drivers with X or Z plates may drive and park in the
city center on any Wednesday
A. True
B. False
According to the passage, which of the following statements would be
A. The newly-enacted driving restrictions apply to all vehicular traffic
driving within the boundaries of Metropolis.
B. Metropolis PD may choose to either ticket or tow vehicles violating these
new license ordinances.
C. Vehicles with an A plate may travel freely in the city center but may not
park on the street there.
D. The goal of these new driving restrictions is to create a pedestrian-only
shopping area.
E. The purpose of these newly-issued plates is to reduce traffic volume in
the city center during the time when shoppers frequent the businesses.
The 1st Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, speech, and press, as well
as the right to assemble peacefully.
The 5th Amendment protects citizens against violations of due process in
criminal proceedings. No person may be compelled to testify against
him/herself, a grand jury process is required for criminal indictments, and
double jeopardy is prohibited.
The 6th Amendment guarantees a speedy, fair trial by an impartial jury and the
right to counsel in all criminal cases.
The 8th Amendment prohibits excessive bail or fines, as well as cruel and
unusual punishment.
To which of the following would the 5th Amendment apply?
A. George, who has little money, has a court-appointed lawyer to defend him
in his manslaughter trial.
B. Because Juan is a flight risk, Judge Bailey has set bail at $1 million.
C. During interrogation, Drew incriminates himself because a lawyer was not
present to advise him.
D. Manuel, who was found not guilty in the murder of his wife, cannot be
tried again after new evidence is found.
E. Spencer has waited three years for his burglary charge to go to trial.
Sarah Connor, an employee of Big Buns Restaurant at 1535 La Cienega Boulevard,
Los Angeles, called 911 dispatch at 6:30AM, Friday April 13, to report that
the restaurant had been broken into during the night. Officers Ron Traxler and
Paul Vukovich arrived at the premises at 6:40AM to investigate the incident.
Ms. Connor was able to report immediately that an espresso machine and $78
from the register were missing.
The incident report can be fully completed based on the information responding
officer's notes.
A. True
B. False
The incident was reported on April 13.
A. True
B. False
Fill in the blank with appropriate word.
There were three _________ at the accident scene.
A. witness
B. witnesses
C. witness's
The lieutenant decided _______ was enough evidence to issue an arrest
A. there
B. their
C. they're
Detective McClane and _______ arrested the suspect.
A. me
B. I
"A recent study found that alcahol was a common factor in traffic accidents."
Which word in the above sentence is misspelled?
A. recent
B. found
C. alcahol
D. common
E. accidents
"On Tuesday, September 18, Detective Martin Riggs investigated a complaint
filed by the secretery of an insurance company."
Which word in the above sentence is misspelled?
A. Tuesday
B. September
C. investigated
D. secretery
E. insurance
This test is simple enough that a 4th-grader should be able to easily complete
it. If you cannot pass this test, you aren't competent to be a cop. You'll
clearly be more likely to cause an incident than a smarter officer.
There's a second aspect of the DOJ's complaint. They're also upset that women
do poorly on the physical exam, because the female recruits are basically
physically incompetent to perform the job duties of a police officer.
Jump at least 13.5 inches
Do 24 sit-ups in a minute
Run 300 meters in 82 seconds
Do 21 push-ups with no time limit
Run 1.5 miles in at least 18 minutes 56 seconds
Squeeze a pistol trigger 6 times in 10 seconds or less.
If you cannot pass that physical test, like 53% of women and 17% of men, then
you frankly should not be a cop. Period.
But the Harris Administration does not care about excellence in policing,
firefighting, or apparently anything else. Three times in this past week, her
DOJ has attacked emergency services in three separate cities for having hiring
standards that are so low the bar is buried in the ground, yet apparently
still don't result in enough bipocs and women getting hired. The DOJ is
prepping to attack every police and fire department in the United States. They
will make police less competent everywhere in the name of defending against
injustices that only exist in the heads of the country's most neurotic
Two of the targeted cities folded instantly and accepted federal oversight of
their emergency services departments. South Bend, Indiana, did not and filed a
notice that they will go to court over this.
I hope they win. I hope that attacks on meritocracy in the name of DEI and
"equity" come to an end and America can start to prioritize excellence in its
public services again, instead of kowtowing to anti-meritocratic bureaucrats
in weaponized federal agencies.
Yep, when local hiring-thresholds run amok, impeach a Vice President...
2024-10-12 16:38:45 UTC
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
The Justice Department filed a lawsuit today against the City of South Bend,
Indiana, alleging that the hiring process for entry-level police officers at
the South Bend Police Department violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Specifically, the department alleges that South Bend uses a written
examination that discriminates against black applicants and a physical fitness
test that discriminates against female applicants.
This test is simple enough that a 4th-grader should be able to easily complete
it. If you cannot pass this test, you aren't competent to be a cop. You'll
clearly be more likely to cause an incident than a smarter officer.
There's a second aspect of the DOJ's complaint. They're also upset that women
do poorly on the physical exam, because the female recruits are basically
physically incompetent to perform the job duties of a police officer.
Jump at least 13.5 inches
Do 24 sit-ups in a minute
Run 300 meters in 82 seconds
Do 21 push-ups with no time limit
Run 1.5 miles in at least 18 minutes 56 seconds
Squeeze a pistol trigger 6 times in 10 seconds or less.
If you cannot pass that physical test, like 53% of women and 17% of men, then
you frankly should not be a cop. Period.
But the Harris Administration does not care about excellence in policing,
firefighting, or apparently anything else. Three times in this past week, her
DOJ has attacked emergency services in three separate cities for having hiring
standards that are so low the bar is buried in the ground, yet apparently
still don't result in enough bipocs and women getting hired. The DOJ is
prepping to attack every police and fire department in the United States. They
will make police less competent everywhere in the name of defending against
injustices that only exist in the heads of the country's most neurotic
Two of the targeted cities folded instantly and accepted federal oversight of
their emergency services departments. South Bend, Indiana, did not and filed a
notice that they will go to court over this.
I hope they win. I hope that attacks on meritocracy in the name of DEI and
"equity" come to an end and America can start to prioritize excellence in its
public services again, instead of kowtowing to anti-meritocratic bureaucrats
in weaponized federal agencies.
Yep, when local hiring-thresholds run amok, impeach a Vice President...
So you apparently agree with the DOJ that this test is too hard for black
people and that asking a woman to run a 19-minute mile-and-a-half (which is
just barely above walking speed) is too much to ask. That these are "amok"

How many times did your parents drop you on your head?
2024-10-12 17:37:02 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
The Justice Department filed a lawsuit today against the City of South Bend,
Indiana, alleging that the hiring process for entry-level police officers at
the South Bend Police Department violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Specifically, the department alleges that South Bend uses a written
examination that discriminates against black applicants and a physical fitness
test that discriminates against female applicants.
This test is simple enough that a 4th-grader should be able to easily complete
it. If you cannot pass this test, you aren't competent to be a cop. You'll
clearly be more likely to cause an incident than a smarter officer.
There's a second aspect of the DOJ's complaint. They're also upset that women
do poorly on the physical exam, because the female recruits are basically
physically incompetent to perform the job duties of a police officer.
Jump at least 13.5 inches
Do 24 sit-ups in a minute
Run 300 meters in 82 seconds
Do 21 push-ups with no time limit
Run 1.5 miles in at least 18 minutes 56 seconds
Squeeze a pistol trigger 6 times in 10 seconds or less.
If you cannot pass that physical test, like 53% of women and 17% of men, then
you frankly should not be a cop. Period.
But the Harris Administration does not care about excellence in policing,
firefighting, or apparently anything else. Three times in this past week, her
DOJ has attacked emergency services in three separate cities for having hiring
standards that are so low the bar is buried in the ground, yet apparently
still don't result in enough bipocs and women getting hired. The DOJ is
prepping to attack every police and fire department in the United States. They
will make police less competent everywhere in the name of defending against
injustices that only exist in the heads of the country's most neurotic
Two of the targeted cities folded instantly and accepted federal oversight of
their emergency services departments. South Bend, Indiana, did not and filed a
notice that they will go to court over this.
I hope they win. I hope that attacks on meritocracy in the name of DEI and
"equity" come to an end and America can start to prioritize excellence in its
public services again, instead of kowtowing to anti-meritocratic bureaucrats
in weaponized federal agencies.
Yep, when local hiring-thresholds run amok, impeach a Vice President...
So you apparently agree with the DOJ that this test is too hard for black
people and that asking a woman to run a 19-minute mile-and-a-half (which is
just barely above walking speed) is too much to ask. That these are "amok"
19 minutes? Just looked up what the military wants. It lists a 2 mile
run for females in 20:36. So about a 10 minute mile is what our
military desires.
2024-10-12 18:13:18 UTC
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
The Justice Department filed a lawsuit today against the City of South Bend,
Indiana, alleging that the hiring process for entry-level police officers at
the South Bend Police Department violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Specifically, the department alleges that South Bend uses a written
examination that discriminates against black applicants and a physical fitness
test that discriminates against female applicants.
This test is simple enough that a 4th-grader should be able to easily complete
it. If you cannot pass this test, you aren't competent to be a cop. You'll
clearly be more likely to cause an incident than a smarter officer.
There's a second aspect of the DOJ's complaint. They're also upset that women
do poorly on the physical exam, because the female recruits are basically
physically incompetent to perform the job duties of a police officer.
Jump at least 13.5 inches
Do 24 sit-ups in a minute
Run 300 meters in 82 seconds
Do 21 push-ups with no time limit
Run 1.5 miles in at least 18 minutes 56 seconds
Squeeze a pistol trigger 6 times in 10 seconds or less.
If you cannot pass that physical test, like 53% of women and 17% of men, then
you frankly should not be a cop. Period.
But the Harris Administration does not care about excellence in policing,
firefighting, or apparently anything else. Three times in this past week, her
DOJ has attacked emergency services in three separate cities for having hiring
standards that are so low the bar is buried in the ground, yet apparently
still don't result in enough bipocs and women getting hired. The DOJ is
prepping to attack every police and fire department in the United States. They
will make police less competent everywhere in the name of defending against
injustices that only exist in the heads of the country's most neurotic
Two of the targeted cities folded instantly and accepted federal oversight of
their emergency services departments. South Bend, Indiana, did not and filed a
notice that they will go to court over this.
I hope they win. I hope that attacks on meritocracy in the name of DEI and
"equity" come to an end and America can start to prioritize excellence in its
public services again, instead of kowtowing to anti-meritocratic bureaucrats
in weaponized federal agencies.
Yep, when local hiring-thresholds run amok, impeach a Vice President...
So you apparently agree with the DOJ that this test is too hard for black
people and that asking a woman to run a 19-minute mile-and-a-half (which is
just barely above walking speed) is too much to ask. That these are "amok"
19 minutes? Just looked up what the military wants. It lists a 2 mile
run for females in 20:36. So about a 10 minute mile is what our
military desires.
I do that in about 20 minutes on level ground, paved. Takes me about
5-10 minutes more on dirt or up and down a mountain.
Adam H. Kerman
2024-10-12 18:29:06 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
The Justice Department filed a lawsuit today against the City of
South Bend,
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Indiana, alleging that the hiring process for entry-level police
officers at
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
the South Bend Police Department violates Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act.
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Specifically, the department alleges that South Bend uses a written
examination that discriminates against black applicants and a physical fitness
test that discriminates against female applicants.
This test is simple enough that a 4th-grader should be able to easily complete
it. If you cannot pass this test, you aren't competent to be a cop. You'll
clearly be more likely to cause an incident than a smarter officer.
There's a second aspect of the DOJ's complaint. They're also upset that women
do poorly on the physical exam, because the female recruits are basically
physically incompetent to perform the job duties of a police officer.
Jump at least 13.5 inches
Do 24 sit-ups in a minute
Run 300 meters in 82 seconds
Do 21 push-ups with no time limit
Run 1.5 miles in at least 18 minutes 56 seconds
Squeeze a pistol trigger 6 times in 10 seconds or less.
If you cannot pass that physical test, like 53% of women and 17% of men, then
you frankly should not be a cop. Period.
But the Harris Administration does not care about excellence in policing,
firefighting, or apparently anything else. Three times in this past week, her
DOJ has attacked emergency services in three separate cities for having hiring
standards that are so low the bar is buried in the ground, yet apparently
still don't result in enough bipocs and women getting hired. The DOJ is
prepping to attack every police and fire department in the United States. They
will make police less competent everywhere in the name of defending against
injustices that only exist in the heads of the country's most neurotic
Two of the targeted cities folded instantly and accepted federal oversight of
their emergency services departments. South Bend, Indiana, did not and filed a
notice that they will go to court over this.
I hope they win. I hope that attacks on meritocracy in the name of DEI and
"equity" come to an end and America can start to prioritize excellence in its
public services again, instead of kowtowing to anti-meritocratic
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
in weaponized federal agencies.
Yep, when local hiring-thresholds run amok, impeach a Vice President...
So you apparently agree with the DOJ that this test is too hard for black
people and that asking a woman to run a 19-minute mile-and-a-half (which is
just barely above walking speed) is too much to ask. That these are "amok"
19 minutes? Just looked up what the military wants. It lists a 2 mile
run for females in 20:36. So about a 10 minute mile is what our
military desires.
Three decades ago, the standard was 2 miles in 14 minutes., no women-only
standards I was a patheticic athete in high school but I ran a 6 minute
mile and with training I got it down a half minute. I assume I could have
made 14 minutes for two miles although that wasn[t a distance I ran.

i knew a guy trying to enlist who didn't qualify, but he smoked. If he'd
given up smoking, he'd have made it easily.

This was a not a standard designed to allow merely the athletic elite to

Two miles in 20 minutes is a brisk walk. We assume walking pace is 15
minutes a mile.
2024-10-12 18:56:41 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by BTR1701
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
The Justice Department filed a lawsuit today against the City of
South Bend,
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Indiana, alleging that the hiring process for entry-level police
officers at
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
the South Bend Police Department violates Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act.
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Specifically, the department alleges that South Bend uses a written
examination that discriminates against black applicants and a physical fitness
test that discriminates against female applicants.
This test is simple enough that a 4th-grader should be able to easily complete
it. If you cannot pass this test, you aren't competent to be a cop. You'll
clearly be more likely to cause an incident than a smarter officer.
There's a second aspect of the DOJ's complaint. They're also upset that women
do poorly on the physical exam, because the female recruits are basically
physically incompetent to perform the job duties of a police officer.
Jump at least 13.5 inches
Do 24 sit-ups in a minute
Run 300 meters in 82 seconds
Do 21 push-ups with no time limit
Run 1.5 miles in at least 18 minutes 56 seconds
Squeeze a pistol trigger 6 times in 10 seconds or less.
If you cannot pass that physical test, like 53% of women and 17% of men, then
you frankly should not be a cop. Period.
But the Harris Administration does not care about excellence in policing,
firefighting, or apparently anything else. Three times in this past week, her
DOJ has attacked emergency services in three separate cities for having hiring
standards that are so low the bar is buried in the ground, yet apparently
still don't result in enough bipocs and women getting hired. The DOJ is
prepping to attack every police and fire department in the United States. They
will make police less competent everywhere in the name of defending against
injustices that only exist in the heads of the country's most neurotic
Two of the targeted cities folded instantly and accepted federal oversight of
their emergency services departments. South Bend, Indiana, did not and filed a
notice that they will go to court over this.
I hope they win. I hope that attacks on meritocracy in the name of DEI and
"equity" come to an end and America can start to prioritize excellence in its
public services again, instead of kowtowing to anti-meritocratic
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
in weaponized federal agencies.
Yep, when local hiring-thresholds run amok, impeach a Vice President...
So you apparently agree with the DOJ that this test is too hard for black
people and that asking a woman to run a 19-minute mile-and-a-half (which is
just barely above walking speed) is too much to ask. That these are "amok"
19 minutes? Just looked up what the military wants. It lists a 2 mile
run for females in 20:36. So about a 10 minute mile is what our
military desires.
Three decades ago, the standard was 2 miles in 14 minutes., no women-only
standards I was a patheticic athete in high school but I ran a 6 minute
mile and with training I got it down a half minute. I assume I could have
made 14 minutes for two miles although that wasn[t a distance I ran.
i knew a guy trying to enlist who didn't qualify, but he smoked. If he'd
given up smoking, he'd have made it easily.
This was a not a standard designed to allow merely the athletic elite to
Two miles in 20 minutes is a brisk walk. We assume walking pace is 15
minutes a mile.
"The average walking speed for adults is 2.5–4 miles per hour." -Google
2024-10-12 20:46:33 UTC
Post by moviePig
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by BTR1701
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
The Justice Department filed a lawsuit today against the City of
South Bend,
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Indiana, alleging that the hiring process for entry-level police
officers at
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
the South Bend Police Department violates Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act.
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Specifically, the department alleges that South Bend uses a written
examination that discriminates against black applicants and a physical fitness
test that discriminates against female applicants.
This test is simple enough that a 4th-grader should be able to easily complete
it. If you cannot pass this test, you aren't competent to be a cop. You'll
clearly be more likely to cause an incident than a smarter officer.
There's a second aspect of the DOJ's complaint. They're also upset that women
do poorly on the physical exam, because the female recruits are basically
physically incompetent to perform the job duties of a police officer.
Jump at least 13.5 inches
Do 24 sit-ups in a minute
Run 300 meters in 82 seconds
Do 21 push-ups with no time limit
Run 1.5 miles in at least 18 minutes 56 seconds
Squeeze a pistol trigger 6 times in 10 seconds or less.
If you cannot pass that physical test, like 53% of women and 17% of men, then
you frankly should not be a cop. Period.
But the Harris Administration does not care about excellence in policing,
firefighting, or apparently anything else. Three times in this past week, her
DOJ has attacked emergency services in three separate cities for having hiring
standards that are so low the bar is buried in the ground, yet apparently
still don't result in enough bipocs and women getting hired. The DOJ is
prepping to attack every police and fire department in the United States. They
will make police less competent everywhere in the name of defending against
injustices that only exist in the heads of the country's most neurotic
Two of the targeted cities folded instantly and accepted federal oversight of
their emergency services departments. South Bend, Indiana, did not and filed a
notice that they will go to court over this.
I hope they win. I hope that attacks on meritocracy in the name of DEI and
"equity" come to an end and America can start to prioritize excellence in its
public services again, instead of kowtowing to anti-meritocratic
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
in weaponized federal agencies.
Yep, when local hiring-thresholds run amok, impeach a Vice President...
So you apparently agree with the DOJ that this test is too hard for black
people and that asking a woman to run a 19-minute mile-and-a-half (which is
just barely above walking speed) is too much to ask. That these are "amok"
19 minutes? Just looked up what the military wants. It lists a 2 mile
run for females in 20:36. So about a 10 minute mile is what our
military desires.
Three decades ago, the standard was 2 miles in 14 minutes., no women-only
standards I was a patheticic athete in high school but I ran a 6 minute
mile and with training I got it down a half minute. I assume I could have
made 14 minutes for two miles although that wasn[t a distance I ran.
i knew a guy trying to enlist who didn't qualify, but he smoked. If he'd
given up smoking, he'd have made it easily.
This was a not a standard designed to allow merely the athletic elite to
Two miles in 20 minutes is a brisk walk. We assume walking pace is 15
minutes a mile.
"The average walking speed for adults is 2.5–4 miles per hour." -Google
Four miles per hour is a 15-minute mile. Exactly what Adam said. I'm
beginning to see why you're siding with the DOJ's claim that 4th-grade math
is too much to expect from adult police applicants. Except you're not
black. The DOJ's claim is that only blacks are so stupid that this test is
unfair to them.
2024-10-12 21:25:56 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by BTR1701
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
The Justice Department filed a lawsuit today against the City of
South Bend,
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Indiana, alleging that the hiring process for entry-level police
officers at
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
the South Bend Police Department violates Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act.
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Specifically, the department alleges that South Bend uses a written
examination that discriminates against black applicants and a physical fitness
test that discriminates against female applicants.
This test is simple enough that a 4th-grader should be able to easily complete
it. If you cannot pass this test, you aren't competent to be a cop. You'll
clearly be more likely to cause an incident than a smarter officer.
There's a second aspect of the DOJ's complaint. They're also upset that women
do poorly on the physical exam, because the female recruits are basically
physically incompetent to perform the job duties of a police officer.
Jump at least 13.5 inches
Do 24 sit-ups in a minute
Run 300 meters in 82 seconds
Do 21 push-ups with no time limit
Run 1.5 miles in at least 18 minutes 56 seconds
Squeeze a pistol trigger 6 times in 10 seconds or less.
If you cannot pass that physical test, like 53% of women and 17% of men, then
you frankly should not be a cop. Period.
But the Harris Administration does not care about excellence in policing,
firefighting, or apparently anything else. Three times in this past week, her
DOJ has attacked emergency services in three separate cities for having hiring
standards that are so low the bar is buried in the ground, yet apparently
still don't result in enough bipocs and women getting hired. The DOJ is
prepping to attack every police and fire department in the United States. They
will make police less competent everywhere in the name of defending against
injustices that only exist in the heads of the country's most neurotic
Two of the targeted cities folded instantly and accepted federal oversight of
their emergency services departments. South Bend, Indiana, did not and filed a
notice that they will go to court over this.
I hope they win. I hope that attacks on meritocracy in the name of DEI and
"equity" come to an end and America can start to prioritize excellence in its
public services again, instead of kowtowing to anti-meritocratic
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
in weaponized federal agencies.
Yep, when local hiring-thresholds run amok, impeach a Vice President...
So you apparently agree with the DOJ that this test is too hard for black
people and that asking a woman to run a 19-minute mile-and-a-half (which is
just barely above walking speed) is too much to ask. That these are "amok"
19 minutes? Just looked up what the military wants. It lists a 2 mile
run for females in 20:36. So about a 10 minute mile is what our
military desires.
Three decades ago, the standard was 2 miles in 14 minutes., no women-only
standards I was a patheticic athete in high school but I ran a 6 minute
mile and with training I got it down a half minute. I assume I could have
made 14 minutes for two miles although that wasn[t a distance I ran.
i knew a guy trying to enlist who didn't qualify, but he smoked. If he'd
given up smoking, he'd have made it easily.
This was a not a standard designed to allow merely the athletic elite to
Two miles in 20 minutes is a brisk walk. We assume walking pace is 15
minutes a mile.
"The average walking speed for adults is 2.5–4 miles per hour." -Google
Four miles per hour is a 15-minute mile. Exactly what Adam said. I'm
beginning to see why you're siding with the DOJ's claim that 4th-grade math
is too much to expect from adult police applicants. Except you're not
black. The DOJ's claim is that only blacks are so stupid that this test is
unfair to them.
I didn't dispute what Adam said, I merely quoted Google. The only
"dispute", afaics, might be whether 6 mph is a "brisk walk" or a slow
jog (...oh, and laying unconscionable local hiring criteria on Harris).
2024-10-12 21:56:13 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
The Justice Department filed a lawsuit today against the City of South Bend,
Indiana, alleging that the hiring process for entry-level police officers at
the South Bend Police Department violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Specifically, the department alleges that South Bend uses a written
examination that discriminates against black applicants and a physical
fitness test that discriminates against female applicants.
This test is simple enough that a 4th-grader should be able to easily
complete it. If you cannot pass this test, you aren't competent to be
a cop. You'll
clearly be more likely to cause an incident than a smarter officer.
There's a second aspect of the DOJ's complaint. They're also upset that
women do poorly on the physical exam, because the female recruits are
physically incompetent to perform the job duties of a police officer.
Jump at least 13.5 inches
Do 24 sit-ups in a minute
Run 300 meters in 82 seconds
Do 21 push-ups with no time limit
Run 1.5 miles in at least 18 minutes 56 seconds
Squeeze a pistol trigger 6 times in 10 seconds or less.
If you cannot pass that physical test, like 53% of women and 17% of men,
then you frankly should not be a cop. Period.
But the Harris Administration does not care about excellence in policing,
firefighting, or apparently anything else. Three times in this past week,
her DOJ has attacked emergency services in three separate cities for having
hiring tandards that are so low the bar is buried in the ground, yet
still don't result in enough bipocs and women getting hired. The DOJ is
prepping to attack every police and fire department in the United States.
They will make police less competent everywhere in the name of
defending against
injustices that only exist in the heads of the country's most neurotic
Two of the targeted cities folded instantly and accepted federal oversight
of their emergency services departments. South Bend, Indiana, did not and
filed a notice that they will go to court over this.
I hope they win. I hope that attacks on meritocracy in the name of DEI and
"equity" come to an end and America can start to prioritize excellence in
its public services again, instead of kowtowing to anti-meritocratic
in weaponized federal agencies.
Yep, when local hiring-thresholds run amok, impeach a Vice President...
So you apparently agree with the DOJ that this test is too hard for black
people and that asking a woman to run a 19-minute mile-and-a-half (which is
just barely above walking speed) is too much to ask. That these are "amok"
19 minutes? Just looked up what the military wants. It lists a 2 mile
run for females in 20:36. So about a 10 minute mile is what our
military desires.
Three decades ago, the standard was 2 miles in 14 minutes., no women-only
standards I was a pathetic athlete in high school but I ran a 6 minute
mile and with training I got it down a half minute. I assume I could have
made 14 minutes for two miles although that wasn't a distance I ran.
i knew a guy trying to enlist who didn't qualify, but he smoked. If he'd
given up smoking, he'd have made it easily.
This was a not a standard designed to allow merely the athletic elite to
Two miles in 20 minutes is a brisk walk. We assume walking pace is 15
minutes a mile.
"The average walking speed for adults is 2.5–4 miles per hour." -Google
Four miles per hour is a 15-minute mile. Exactly what Adam said. I'm
beginning to see why you're siding with the DOJ's claim that 4th-grade math
is too much to expect from adult police applicants. Except you're not
black. The DOJ's claim is that only blacks are so stupid that this test is
unfair to them.
I didn't dispute what Adam said, I merely quoted Google. The only
"dispute", afaics, might be whether 6 mph is a "brisk walk" or a slow
Well, that and whether asking someone to do either a brisk walk or slow jog is
unreasonable to ask of someone who wants to be a police officer or
firefighter. You seem to think it's not only unreasonable but
(...oh, and laying unconscionable local hiring criteria on Harris).
Once again, it's stunning to me that you find these hiring criteria
unconscionable in the first place. But regardless, I didn't lay the hiring
requirements off on Harris. I held her responsible for her DOJ's ridiculous
lawsuits *against* them, claiming blacks are too stupid to do basic math and
reading and women are such complete physical slugs that asking them to jump a
foot in the air or walk a mile-and-a-half is illegal discrimination.
2024-10-13 16:51:43 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by shawn
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
The Justice Department filed a lawsuit today against the City of South Bend,
Indiana, alleging that the hiring process for entry-level police officers at
the South Bend Police Department violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
Specifically, the department alleges that South Bend uses a written
examination that discriminates against black applicants and a physical
fitness test that discriminates against female applicants.
This test is simple enough that a 4th-grader should be able to easily
complete it. If you cannot pass this test, you aren't competent to be
a cop. You'll
clearly be more likely to cause an incident than a smarter officer.
There's a second aspect of the DOJ's complaint. They're also upset that
women do poorly on the physical exam, because the female recruits are
physically incompetent to perform the job duties of a police officer.
Jump at least 13.5 inches
Do 24 sit-ups in a minute
Run 300 meters in 82 seconds
Do 21 push-ups with no time limit
Run 1.5 miles in at least 18 minutes 56 seconds
Squeeze a pistol trigger 6 times in 10 seconds or less.
If you cannot pass that physical test, like 53% of women and 17% of men,
then you frankly should not be a cop. Period.
But the Harris Administration does not care about excellence in policing,
firefighting, or apparently anything else. Three times in this past week,
her DOJ has attacked emergency services in three separate cities for having
hiring tandards that are so low the bar is buried in the ground, yet
still don't result in enough bipocs and women getting hired. The DOJ is
prepping to attack every police and fire department in the United States.
They will make police less competent everywhere in the name of
defending against
injustices that only exist in the heads of the country's most neurotic
Two of the targeted cities folded instantly and accepted federal oversight
of their emergency services departments. South Bend, Indiana, did not and
filed a notice that they will go to court over this.
I hope they win. I hope that attacks on meritocracy in the name of DEI and
"equity" come to an end and America can start to prioritize excellence in
its public services again, instead of kowtowing to anti-meritocratic
in weaponized federal agencies.
Yep, when local hiring-thresholds run amok, impeach a Vice President...
So you apparently agree with the DOJ that this test is too hard for black
people and that asking a woman to run a 19-minute mile-and-a-half (which is
just barely above walking speed) is too much to ask. That these are "amok"
19 minutes? Just looked up what the military wants. It lists a 2 mile
run for females in 20:36. So about a 10 minute mile is what our
military desires.
Three decades ago, the standard was 2 miles in 14 minutes., no women-only
standards I was a pathetic athlete in high school but I ran a 6 minute
mile and with training I got it down a half minute. I assume I could have
made 14 minutes for two miles although that wasn't a distance I ran.
i knew a guy trying to enlist who didn't qualify, but he smoked. If he'd
given up smoking, he'd have made it easily.
This was a not a standard designed to allow merely the athletic elite to
Two miles in 20 minutes is a brisk walk. We assume walking pace is 15
minutes a mile.
"The average walking speed for adults is 2.5–4 miles per hour." -Google
Four miles per hour is a 15-minute mile. Exactly what Adam said. I'm
beginning to see why you're siding with the DOJ's claim that 4th-grade math
is too much to expect from adult police applicants. Except you're not
black. The DOJ's claim is that only blacks are so stupid that this test is
unfair to them.
I didn't dispute what Adam said, I merely quoted Google. The only
"dispute", afaics, might be whether 6 mph is a "brisk walk" or a slow
Well, that and whether asking someone to do either a brisk walk or slow jog is
unreasonable to ask of someone who wants to be a police officer or
firefighter. You seem to think it's not only unreasonable but
(...oh, and laying unconscionable local hiring criteria on Harris).
Once again, it's stunning to me that you find these hiring criteria
unconscionable in the first place. But regardless, I didn't lay the hiring
requirements off on Harris. I held her responsible for her DOJ's ridiculous
lawsuits *against* them, claiming blacks are too stupid to do basic math and
reading and women are such complete physical slugs that asking them to jump a
foot in the air or walk a mile-and-a-half is illegal discrimination.
The criteria can be 'unconscionable' for many reasons, including laxity.
The Horny Goat
2024-10-15 04:10:33 UTC
Post by BTR1701
Once again, it's stunning to me that you find these hiring criteria
unconscionable in the first place. But regardless, I didn't lay the hiring
requirements off on Harris. I held her responsible for her DOJ's ridiculous
lawsuits *against* them, claiming blacks are too stupid to do basic math and
reading and women are such complete physical slugs that asking them to jump a
foot in the air or walk a mile-and-a-half is illegal discrimination.
I'm going to have to go back and re-read the running/walking
requirement - I thought it was less time than that.
viktor tandofsky
2024-10-12 22:55:55 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by BTR1701
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
The Justice Department filed a lawsuit today against the City of
South Bend,
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Indiana, alleging that the hiring process for entry-level police
officers at
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
the South Bend Police Department violates Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act.
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
Specifically, the department alleges that South Bend uses a written
examination that discriminates against black applicants and a
test that discriminates against female applicants.
This test is simple enough that a 4th-grader should be able to
it. If you cannot pass this test, you aren't competent to be a cop.
You'll clearly be more likely to cause an incident than a smarter
There's a second aspect of the DOJ's complaint. They're also upset
do poorly on the physical exam, because the female recruits are
basically physically incompetent to perform the job duties of a
police officer.
Jump at least 13.5 inches
Do 24 sit-ups in a minute
Run 300 meters in 82 seconds
Do 21 push-ups with no time limit
Run 1.5 miles in at least 18 minutes 56 seconds
Squeeze a pistol trigger 6 times in 10 seconds or less.
If you cannot pass that physical test, like 53% of women and 17% of
you frankly should not be a cop. Period.
But the Harris Administration does not care about excellence in
policing, firefighting, or apparently anything else. Three times in
this past week,
DOJ has attacked emergency services in three separate cities for
standards that are so low the bar is buried in the ground, yet
apparently still don't result in enough bipocs and women getting
hired. The DOJ is prepping to attack every police and fire
department in the United States.
will make police less competent everywhere in the name of defending
against injustices that only exist in the heads of the country's
most neurotic bureaucrats.
Two of the targeted cities folded instantly and accepted federal
their emergency services departments. South Bend, Indiana, did not
filed a
notice that they will go to court over this.
I hope they win. I hope that attacks on meritocracy in the name of
DEI and "equity" come to an end and America can start to prioritize
excellence in
public services again, instead of kowtowing to anti-meritocratic
Post by BTR1701
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
in weaponized federal agencies.
Yep, when local hiring-thresholds run amok, impeach a Vice
So you apparently agree with the DOJ that this test is too hard for
black people and that asking a woman to run a 19-minute mile-and-a-half
(which is just barely above walking speed) is too much to ask. That
these are "amok" standards?
19 minutes? Just looked up what the military wants. It lists a 2 mile
run for females in 20:36. So about a 10 minute mile is what our
military desires.
Three decades ago, the standard was 2 miles in 14 minutes., no women-only
standards I was a patheticic athete in high school but I ran a 6 minute
mile and with training I got it down a half minute. I assume I could have
made 14 minutes for two miles although that wasn[t a distance I ran.
i knew a guy trying to enlist who didn't qualify, but he smoked. If he'd
given up smoking, he'd have made it easily.
This was a not a standard designed to allow merely the athletic elite to
Two miles in 20 minutes is a brisk walk. We assume walking pace is 15
minutes a mile.
Gays are a big problem in Florida.
The Horny Goat
2024-10-15 04:07:31 UTC
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
I hope they win. I hope that attacks on meritocracy in the name of DEI and
"equity" come to an end and America can start to prioritize excellence in its
public services again, instead of kowtowing to anti-meritocratic bureaucrats
in weaponized federal agencies.
Yep, when local hiring-thresholds run amok, impeach a Vice President...
Seems fair - not so long go her supporters were trying to jail her
2024-10-15 16:01:23 UTC
Post by The Horny Goat
Post by moviePig
Post by BTR1701
I hope they win. I hope that attacks on meritocracy in the name of DEI and
"equity" come to an end and America can start to prioritize excellence in its
public services again, instead of kowtowing to anti-meritocratic bureaucrats
in weaponized federal agencies.
Yep, when local hiring-thresholds run amok, impeach a Vice President...
Seems fair - not so long go her supporters were trying to jail her
...and not so long before that, her opponent was trying to jail his.
2024-10-15 08:30:43 UTC
Post by moviePig
Yep, when local hiring-thresholds run amok, impeach a Vice President...
Nonsequitur noted. Get back to us when you have a real argument to make.
"The sky was low and heavy, like the brow of a retarded child."
The Horny Goat
2024-10-15 04:06:32 UTC
Post by BTR1701
I hope they win. I hope that attacks on meritocracy in the name of DEI and
"equity" come to an end and America can start to prioritize excellence in its
public services again, instead of kowtowing to anti-meritocratic bureaucrats
in weaponized federal agencies.
At my age I am doubtful I could pass the physical test but did the
mental test without notes and am certain I would have scored 80+%.

I had to go back and forth between the questions about the various
amendments but did not find them that hard.
Adam H. Kerman
2024-10-15 17:22:04 UTC
Post by The Horny Goat
Post by BTR1701
I hope they win. I hope that attacks on meritocracy in the name of DEI and
"equity" come to an end and America can start to prioritize excellence in its
public services again, instead of kowtowing to anti-meritocratic bureaucrats
in weaponized federal agencies.
At my age I am doubtful I could pass the physical test but did the
mental test without notes and am certain I would have scored 80+%.
I had to go back and forth between the questions about the various
amendments but did not find them that hard.
Ukraine isn't making anybody pass a physical agility test. If you can
carry a rifle, you're in.
