[OT] Is Islam going to fade away on its own?
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2024-12-20 00:53:44 UTC
The YouTube algorithm threw this video my way just now and I decided to
listen to the first few minutes. I ended up staying to the end because
the presenter made an intriguing case for why Islam might reform itself
into a much more moderate faith on its own primarily because of the

[18 minutes]

The presenter indicates that he was born into Islam but left the faith -
as many others have - as a result of contact with other ideas on the

I'm not completely sold on this notion yet by any means but I can't deny
that it is attractive. I'd rather that Islamists came to see that their
culture is in need of massive reform on their own rather than having to
have that dawn on them as a result of losing more and more violent
confrontations with non-Muslims.
Ed Stasiak
2024-12-20 18:46:03 UTC
Post by Rhino
The presenter indicates that he was born into Islam but left the faith -
as many others have - as a result of contact with other ideas on the
Humans developed religion as a way to understand the world around
them, it was "science" back in oldy timey days for primitive people
who didn't have science.

CAVEBOY: "Uncle Grog, what is thunder?"
CAVEMAN: "Well... umm... it's the gods battling each other in the sky!"

As humans become more knowledgable about the world we live in,
they inevitably turn away from mystical mumbo-jumbo. You can't
keep 'em down on the farm.

2024-12-20 21:52:41 UTC
Post by Ed Stasiak
Post by Rhino
The presenter indicates that he was born into Islam but left the faith -
as many others have - as a result of contact with other ideas on the
Humans developed religion as a way to understand the world around
them, it was "science" back in oldy timey days for primitive people
who didn't have science.
CAVEBOY: "Uncle Grog, what is thunder?"
CAVEMAN: "Well... umm... it's the gods battling each other in the sky!"
As humans become more knowledgable about the world we live in,
they inevitably turn away from mystical mumbo-jumbo. You can't
keep 'em down on the farm.
That picture really summarizes the gist of the video :-)

I have trouble believing its real though. Trudeau, the self-proclaimed
feminist, got into trouble years back for visiting a mosque during
services because the service was segregated by gender. I'm having
trouble believing a girl in Western clothes was even in the same section
as the men, let alone lying down at the front and doing something on her
phone during prayers.

But even if this is fake, it shows the right attitude: get with the
times and live your life accordingly.
Ed Stasiak
2024-12-21 07:30:19 UTC
Post by Rhino
Ed Stasiak
But even if this is fake, it shows the right attitude: get with the
times and live your life accordingly.