Post by moviePigPost by BTR1701Post by moviePigPost by BTR1701Post by moviePigPost by BTR1701Since we currently have control of Congress, they should pass a federal
law either requiring state and local cops to honor ICE detainers or
defining it as obstruction not to. No more of these local cities
deciding whether they
will or will not honor valid detainers. Make it a federal crime to
refuse to do
it, then lock up a few blue mayors or police chiefs and see how they
like the
inside of the jailhouse.
Might be hard to legislate away a natural reluctance to administer harm.
Yes, because dumping illegal alien criminal shitbags back into their own
country is 'harm'.
Fwiw, it does appear they're going after the 'bad actors' first, but
even that has an ominous ring to it.
("First they came for...")
So we should keep other countries' murderers and rapists, and allow them to
potentially victimize American citizens in the future when we're in a position
to prevent it, because of some old poem that gives you the goosebumps?
Post by moviePigWe have laws that address crime. Deportation seems like an end-run.
For fuck's sake...
What I object to is an attempt to synonymize 'illegal alien' with
'murderer' and 'rapist'.
No, you were objecting to deporting illegal alien criminals, even violent
ones, because it sounded (to you) too much like an old scary poem.
Apparently American taxpayers are required to either endure their predations
out in society or pay to fund their stay in our jails and prisons in order to
protect the feelz of swooning leftists who get the vapors over the imagined
connection between legitimate, constitutional immigration enforcement and old
hackneyed poetry.
This is strikingly similar to the leftists who seem to believe an old poem
inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty forms the basis for American
immigration law and policy and not only has the force of law but trumps any
statute to the contrary passed by Congress.
Post by moviePig"The offending rates of undocumented immigrants were consistently
lower than both U.S.-born citizens and documented immigrants for
assault, sexual assault, robbery, burglary, theft, and arson."
Yes, that was before Biden threw open the border to all comers and countries
like Venezuela took advantage by emptying out their prisons and sending them
Post by moviePigAs we throw out more and more of these people, let's not pretend our
protectionism is about "making America safe".
I'm always amazed by the bald-faced incoherence of the Left's position on
illegal immigration. On the one hand, they insist that America is systemically
racist, illegitimately founded, built on stolen land, and rotten to its core
(and now it's being run by a fascist dictator), but on the other hand they
expect us to see it as a great tragedy that illegal aliens aren't allowed to
come here.
I mean, aren't we doing them a favor by barring them entry and sending them
back when we find them? Aren't they better off in their own countries?
Shouldn't it be leftists on the border shouting at the illegals, "No, don't
come here, it's horrible! We have capitalism, for the love of god. Save
If what the Left is constantly saying about America is true, it would be our
moral duty to try and save the illegals from our racist, xenophobic, fascist
Nazi hellscape of a country.