Post by moviePigPost by BTR1701Post by moviePigPost by Adam H. KermanPost by BTR1701Post by Adam H. KermanI... voted. I'd been sitting on my mail-in ballot for a week. The
candidates weren't improving any.
I went through the bedsheet ballot for judicial retention and looked
everyone up. That took a very long time.
Now you're just burdened by what will be.
I couldn't bring myself to vote for her. I don't trust her on Israel and
I really have no idea what she stands for 'cuz she never says anything.
Hint: She doesn't stand for fascism.
What's the definition of fascism?
You're right that I'm not sure what's properly fascism. Suffice to say
that Trump 1) tried to overturn an election, 2) refuses to accept
elections he loses, and 3) wants to use our military against "enemies
from within" (e.g., Pelosi and Schiff). If that's not fascism, please
correct my vocabulary.
First, the "enemies from within" to which Trump was referring are the tens of
thousands of vicious criminals that Kammie has allowed to waltz into the
country over the last three years. They are psychopathic thugs and are pretty
much universally heavily armed, which is why Trump suggested using the
military if the local police are overwhelmed.
This is just like when Trump said there'd be a (metaphorical) bloodbath in the
auto industry if Kammie wins-- meaning what's left of our auto manufacturing
will crater-- and the biased legacy corporate media went running to the
airwaves with their hair on fire saying, "Trump declares there will be a
bloodbath in the streets when he wins!"
It's the very lying, dishonest, propagandistic disinformation in which those
same media snakes claim Trump engages.
Fascism is an ultranationalist political ideology that promotes an
intertwining of government and private business, with the
government using the private sector to promote its policies
and economic and social goals, especially policies it doesn't
have the legal authority to pursue directly.
What does that sound like? Sounds a lot like how Biden and Kammie quietly used
Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms to promote its narrative
during Wuhan Flu and to silence dissenting voices.
Fascism elevates the state above all else and requires
subordination of the individual and individual rights in
service to the good of the state.
What does that sound like? Sounds like it came right out of Mao's little red
book. Fascism and communism are kissing cousins and the vast majority of
today's 'progressive' Democrats are anti-capitalist fans of collectivism.
Fascism promotes the concept of innate inequality and
inescapable social hierarchies between groups. Underlying
this hierarchy is the idea that a person's rank in society is
determined by aspects of identity that are beyond their
control, such as race, ethnicity and/or gender.
What does that sound like? Sounds more like 'progressive' Democrat DEI
ideology than anything Trump has ever espoused.
Point for point, the modern Democrat Party comes closer to meeting the
definition of 'fascist' than anything Trump puts out there. The only box Trump
ticks is his 'America first' philosophy, which his opponents call
'ultranationalist'. I'm not sure what the difference is between 'nationalist'
and 'ultranationalist' other than the latter is described as an element of
fascism, so Trump's rhetoric is automatically called 'ultranationalist' so
they can fit him into that box.